kʷ‿1   [kʷ] Morph: . second person singular of the kn paradigm. Category: particle. lnxbdga 339 kʷ sqilxʷ. [Who are you?] chipdd 012 kʷ xʷuy. [You are an Indian.] dict [You went.]

kʷ‿2   [kʷ] Morph: kʷ‿. second person singular of the kʷu paradigm in double possessive constructions. kʷ istkʷəsəscínəm. I'm just joking you. [lnxbdga 339] kʷ isɬəɬw̓ílt. You are my little nephew. [chipdd 012] kʷ inx̌ást. I like you. kʷ x̌asts. He/she likes you. [feb94 100]

kʷ3   [kʷ] Morph: kʷ. Variant: itkʷ; atkʷ; tkʷ; ítaʔkʷ; aʕtkʷ. water, liquid.

lxAfx. ncurkʷ. Fluid thickens. [dict] səxʷnk̓ʷín̓kʷəm. Wine taster, liquid taster. [misc 022] ksunkʷ. Island. [mychildr 097] siwɬkʷ. Water. [Hrvst 011] nt̓áxkʷəm. To sweeten a drink. [mychildr 047] ṇx̌ʷúskʷ. Beer. [dict]

-kʷ4   [kʷ] Morph: -. Etym: -kʷ. imperative singular of strong, stem-stressed +st stems. Category: Inflectional affix. cxʷuyskʷ iʔ k̓ isnɬq̓ʷútn. Bring it to my bedroom! [newles 250]

kʷa   [kʷa] Morph: kʷa. Variant: kʷaʔ. unclear semantic import.

kʷalt   [kʷalt] Morph: kʷal+t. Variant: kʷal̕t. Etym: √kʷl. to be warm.

kʷal̕st   [kʷal̕st] Morph: kʷal̕+st. Etym: √kʷl̕. to keep oneself warm. kən kʷal̕st. I keep warm. [nb1978] See: kʷal̕t.

kʷal̕t   [kʷal̕t] Morph: kʷal̕+t. Variant: kʷalt. Etym: √kʷl̕. 1 • to be warm. uɬ lut t̓ə cɬáʕt̓əlx, uɬ kʷal̕t. And they don't get wet, and it's warm. [BJSeym 026] ha t̓i kʷ kʷalt. Are you warm enough? [newles 174] way̓ kʷalt axáʔ sx̌əlx̌áʕlt. It's warm today. [nb1875.1] taʔlíʔ kʷal̕t axáʔ iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm, pútiʔ cəcʔíx. The deer is quite warm, still warm. [dict]

2 • to sweat. way̓ uɬ kən kskʷal̕t. aláʔ t̓əxʷ p kʷliwt uɬ kən caʕlx. I'm going to sweat. You folks sit here, and I'll bathe. [nb2562.8] Cm kʷaʔl, kʷəlt be warm; Cr kʷel̕ hot, sunny, warm; Sh c-kʷel warmed up (food, body); Th √kʷél lukewarm, √kʷéy warm; Li s.kʷəl̕ sunshine.

kʷáɬnxix   [kʷáɬənxix] Morph: kʷáɬn+xix ? Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend s.t. out. lut ikskʷáɬənxix. Not to lend it out. [Nams 140] See: kʷɬnxixm.

kʷanx̌ɬt   Morph: kʷanx̌+ɬt. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.o. (singular) prisoner, slave; to kidnap s.o. (singular). Category: +ɬt stem. kʷánx̌əɬtsən. I kidnapped your... [nb08 275] Sp kʷánx̌n-t-m he was kidnapped; Cr s+kʷánax̌n bondage, captive, hostage, prisoner. See: kʷi(n).

kʷanx̌n   [kʷánx̌ən] Morph: kʷanx̌n. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.o. (singular) prisoner, slave; to kidnap s.o. (singular). Category: Istem. way̓, way̓ ɬəx̌ʷpnún isckʷánx̌ən. Heck, I am going to lose what I kidnapped. [Whal 380] way̓ taɬ mat ixíʔ iʔ sckʷánx̌ən, axáʔ iʔ st̓aʔk̓míx təl sənyál̕mən. I bet that is the kidnapped one, the virgin from Montana. [dict] Sp kʷánx̌n-t-m he was kidnapped; Cr s+kʷánax̌n bondage, captive, hostage, prisoner. See: kʷi(n).

kʷanx̌nm   Morph: kʷanx̌n+m. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.o. (singular) prisoner, slave; to kidnap s.o. (singular). Category: Mstem. kʷánx̌ənməlx. They kidnap. [dict] Sp kʷánx̌n-t-m he was kidnapped; Cr s+kʷánax̌n bondage, captive, hostage, prisoner. See: kʷi(n).

kʷanx̌nt   Morph: kʷanx̌+nt. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.o. (singular) prisoner, slave; to kidnap s.o. (singular). Category: +nt stem. kən xíxuʔtəm ki kʷu skʷánx̌əns ixíʔ t spapáʕɬaʔ. When I was a little girl Ape kidnapped me. [grlsdd 227] kʷu kʷánx̌əntəm. They kidnapped me. [nb1885.15] itlíʔ ki kʷu ckʷanx̌s axáʔ iʔ ta nx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. It's from there that this here whale kidnapped me. [Whal 324] itlíʔ ki kʷu ckʷanx̌s axáʔ iʔ ta nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən, axáʔ iʔ ta nx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. That's where he kidnapped me, this here cannibal, the whale. [Whal 330] Sp kʷánx̌n-t-m he was kidnapped; Cr s+kʷánax̌n bondage, captive, hostage, prisoner. See: kʷi(n).

kʷára   [kʷára] Morph: kʷára. Etym: √kʷr. kʷára sound made by a frog. Category: Onomatopoeic form. uɬ ixíʔ scuts kʷára kʷára kʷára k̓a np̓ƛ̓mqsíɬxʷ mi kən t̓ql̕imx. He said "kʷára kʷára kʷára" I'm going to the head of the circle and stay there. [frogdd 036]

kʷatá   [kʷatá] Morph: kʷatá. From: English God damn. Etym: √kʷt. goddam. kʷa iscúnəm kʷaʕtá sanəpəpíc uɬ kʷa ʕimt uɬ iʔ kʷu pulsts. I said "goddam sonofabitch" and he got mad and he licked me. [nb08 607]

kʷawtúlaʔxʷ   [kʷawtúlaʔxʷ] Morph: kʷaw+túlaʔxʷ. Etym: √kʷw ?. kʷawtúlaʔxʷ. Category: Man's name. kʷawtúlaʔxʷ. Man's name. [nb20.90a] Lit: glide on the ground (?) See: ʔukʷt.

kʷawʔíkʷ   [kʷawʔíkʷ] Morph: kʷawʔíkʷ. Etym: √kʷwʔkʷ ?. barn owl; a small owl. kʷawʔíkʷ. Barn owl. [misc 292] Sp n-ččw̓éʔ burrowing owl.

kʷaʕct   [kʷaʕct] Morph: kʷaʕc+t. Etym: √kʷc. to get up in the early morning; early morning reaches s.o. Category: Istem. kən kskʷáʕctaʔx. I’m going to get up real early. [nb1893.10] kʷu kɬəɬxʷúyaʔx mi kʷu pulx, aɬíʔ x̌lap kʷu kskʷáʕctaʔx. We are going back home to sleep because tomorrow we are getting up early. [newles 324]

kʷaʕctm   Morph: kʷaʕc+t+m. Etym: √kʷc. to get up in the early morning; early morning reaches s.o. Category: Mstem. kʷáʕctəm. To get up early. [nb10a 088]

kʷaʕp   [kʷaʕp] Morph: kʷaʕ+p. Etym: √kʷʕ. to slide. kʷu kʷʕap. We're sliding. [nb23 192] Sp √q̓ʷaʕ(á) to slide, to glide čn q̓ʷʕ-áp I slipped, I slid slowly.; Cm cqəʕʷp, c-qʕʷ‑p slide; Cr k̓ʷaʕ skid, slide, slip; q̓ʷeʕ+p he slid involuntarily; Sh kʷw-ep-m to slide down (of person); Th √kʷiw skid; Li kʷíw:kʷw-ət slippery. See: qʷaqʷaʕílp.

kʷaʕtá   [kʷaʕtá] Morph: kʷaʕtá. From: English quarter. Variant: kʷáʕta. Etym: √kʷʕt. a quarter; twenty five cents. Category: Pharyngeal intrusion. uɬ axáʔ iʔ patáq kiʔ ɬ tumístmən uɬ kmix kaʔɬís kʷaʕtá iʔ sənʔíysc iʔ k̓əɬnáqs And when I sold the potatoes the price was just six bits a sack; [AutPS 323] uɬ axáʔ iʔ liplí kʷaʕtá iʔ k̓əɬnáqs. And corn twenty five cents a sack. [AutPS 324] uɬ kʷáʕta i l naqs sx̌əlx̌ʕált isqláw ixíʔ mat ʔupənkst x̌əx̌y̓áɬnəxʷ. I got paid two bits a day, maybe ten hours. [Hrvst 231] uɬ axáʔ pnicíʔ iʔ l kʷáʕta kən ɬaʔ ck̓ʷúl̕əm. At that time, when I was working for a quarter. [Hrvst 243] iʔ l kʷáʕta, kʷáʕta səxʷmʔúlaʔxʷtən. In the quarter mile. [RHorse 131]

kʷaʔ   [kʷaʔ] Morph: kʷaʔ. semantic import "heck, Ok". ixíʔ cawts kʷaʔ sənk̓líp. That's the way Coyote does it. [su7q̓im 054] uɬ kʷaʔ iʔ taɬt mat iʔ k̓im. And it must be completely dark. [su7q̓im 126] uɬ kʷaʔ lut stim̓. Heck, there was nothing. [su7q̓im 136] kʷaʔ t̓i ayʕát ƛ̓ut, taɬt ʔ nixʷúts. It's all rock and very deep. [su7q̓im 142] kʷaʔ pnicíʔ lut t̓ akɬp̓úlaʔxʷtn. Because at that time there was no boundary. [su7q̓im 145] kʷaʔ t̓i nkxam. He goes on foot. [su7q̓im 192] kʷaʔ kʷu c̓əx̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷntís inƛ̓əx̌x̌ƛ̓x̌áp. My folks told me. [su7q̓im 228] kʷaʔ səc̓íntx. OK, what did he say? [su7q̓im 277] xʷuyx kʷaʔ. OK, go! [nb21.55] way̓ kʷaʔ uɬ min̓á k̓ast ha ɬə ʕ̓ác̓əntəm. Heck, I don't think it'll be bad if we look. [lnx2 021] kʷaʔ ʕ̓ác̓ənt kiʔ ƛ̓əxʷnwíxʷ iʔ sqilxʷ. See, that̓s when the Indians killed one another. [FrGov.27] maʔ ilíʔxəx kʷaʔ axáʔ iswiʔsʕác̓əm iʔ q̓əy̓mín. Wait a minute until I'm done reading the letter. [dict]

kʷaʔkʷaʔlxán   [kʷaʔkʷaʔlxán] Morph: kʷaʔ•kʷaʔlxán. Etym: √kʷl. to warm one's feet. caʔkʷ cíx̌cəx̌t iʔ sur̓ísəl̕p̓ mi kən kʷaʔkʷaʔlxán yaʕt kmúsxən. If I had a hot fire, I'd warm all four feet. [NU] See: kʷal̕t.

kʷaʔkʷʔál̕   [kʷaʔkʷʔál̕] Morph: kʷaʔ•kʷʔál̕. Etym: √kʷl̕. to warm up. ixíʔ kwr̓íc̓aʔs axáʔ iʔ pəpʕáspəs, iʔ qaʔɬməlqnúps, ilíʔ uɬ kʷaʔkʷʔál̕. He started building a fire for the baby chicks, the eagle babies, and they warmed up. [dict] See: kʷal̕t.

kʷaʔkʷʔál̕x   [kʷaʔkʷʔál̕x] Morph: kʷaʔ•kʷ[ʔ]ál̕+x. Etym: √kʷl̕. to get warm. way̓ kʷaʔkʷʔálxəlx uɬ ʔatxílxəlx. They got warm and went to sleep. [nb1875.16] See: kʷaʔkʷʔál̕.

kʷaʔɬús   [kʷaʔɬús] Morph: kʷaʔɬús. Etym: √kʷɬ. to blush; to have a red face. kʷaʔɬús. He blushed. [nb23 129] Sp kʷeʔls-cút he blushed. See: kʷiɬ.

kʷc   [kʷc] Morph: kʷc. Etym: √kʷc. root with meaning "dark, late" on which several stems are based. Category: Root. See: nkʷkʷʔac; ɬnkʷkʷʔac; nkʷaʔcínaʔ; nkʷaʔcnúxʷ; snkʷaʔcnúxʷ; snkʷkʷʔac; tkʷaʔcínaʔ.

kʷckʷcámya   [kʷckʷcámya] Morph: kʷc•kʷcámya ? Etym: √kʷcmy ?. kʷckʷcámya. Category: Man's name. kʷckʷcámya. Man's name. [dict]

kʷctaʕmn   [kʷəctʕámən] Morph: kʷct+aʕmn. Etym: √kʷʕc. to rise early often; to like to rise early. uɬ aɬíʔ ixiʔ a nc̓x̌ʷíltəns q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ kʷəctʕámən, uɬ iʔ caʕʷlxímən. That's how long ago the Indians trained their children to be early risers and bathers. [AutPS 039] way̓ ksx̌əlpínaʔlx, uɬ aɬíʔ kʷáʕctməlx. It got daylight, they got up early, they are early risers. [CoGrSy 197] See: kʷaʕct.

kʷíkʷi   [kʷíkʷi] Morph: kʷí•kʷi. Etym: √kʷy ?. kʷíkʷi: the creek now anglicized as Qui-Qui. Category: Place name. kʷíkʷi. Place name. [BK8]

kʷikʷitás   [kʷikʷitás] Morph: kʷi•kʷitás ? Etym: √kʷts ?. kʷikʷitás (Pete Seymour). Category: Man's name. kʷikʷitás. The name given to Pete Seymour by his parents. [Nb 6, p. 101] See: kʷykʷytas.

kʷil   [kʷil] Morph: kʷil. Etym: √kʷl. (dark) red; bay color; a bay horse. kʷil. A bay horse. [nb9a 036] Category: Istem. ixíʔ iʔ l səncaʔx̌úlaʔxʷ yaʔ ɬ ṇk̓ʷúl̕cnəm, uɬ ixíʔ kʷil. The sky painted a red hot weather, and that's red. [dict] kʷil iʔ skʷriʔs. Orange. [dict] qʷaʕy iʔ skʷil̕s. Purple. [dict] Cm kʷil dark red; kʷa‑kʷil‑aʔ bay horse; Cr kʷil red; Sh c-kʷl-eʔ sorrel horse.

kʷil t̓ix̌   [kʷil t̓ix̌] Morph: kʷil t̓ix̌. Etym: √kʷl, √t̓x̌. the ace of diamonds. kʷil t̓ix̌. Ace of diamonds. [nb1835.3] See: kʷil; t̓ix̌.

kʷill1   [kʷilˑ] Morph: kʷil•l. Etym: √kʷl. several sit, are seated. kʷílˑwi. You folks sit down! [nb26-19 006] kʷu kskʷílˑaʔx. Let's all sit down! [nb25-23 002] way̓ ilíʔ kʷill iʔ sənqsílxʷs. His relatives sat there. [dc83] huhúy put kʷu ckʷíllx, ixíʔ sic kʷu m̓ayʔxtwíxʷ. Now we are settled down, now we can talk things over. [dict] cənq̓əlq̓əlxʷáx̌nəmsts, uɬ kʷílḷx. He hooked her arm, and they sat down. [dict] kəlkʷákʷəlx iʔ təl siwɬkʷ, way̓ ixíʔ skʷílˑsəlx. They went a little ways from the water, they sat down. [dict] See: kʷliwt.

kʷill2   [kʷilˑ] Morph: kʷil•l. Etym: √kʷl. s.t. turns red. Category: C2 Inchoative. uɬ t̓iʔ kʷilˑ iʔ stx̌aláʕsxəns. It turned red, its brightness. [Brth 049] See: kʷil.

kʷillxʷ   [kʷilḷxʷ] Morph: kʷillxʷ. Etym: √kʷl. a body is or turns red; a surface or cover is red. t̓iʔ kʷillˑˑxʷ aɬíʔ ilíʔ x̌íləm axáʔ ululím ɬ kcaʔxísxəns. It turned red, acted like the iron when it glows. [Brth 048] iʔ naqs qʷaʕy, uɬ axáʔ iʔ naqs kʷr̓ilxʷ, uɬ axáʔ iʔ naqs kʷilḷxʷ, uɬ axáʔ iʔ naqs t̓əxʷ q̓ʷaʕy. One blue, and one yellow, and one red, and one black. [dict] uɬ ixíʔ k̓im iʔ kʷilḷxʷ iʔ sq̓lip. And that̓s what̓s left, the red handkerchief. [dict] See: kʷil.

kʷilnt   Morph: kʷil+nt. Etym: √kʷl. color s.t. red. Category: +nt stem. kʷílən. I painted it red. [E74.21] Cm kʷil dark red; kʷa‑kʷil‑aʔ bay horse; Cr kʷil red; Sh c-kʷl-eʔ sorrel horse.

kʷils   [kʷils] Morph: kʷils. Etym: √kʷl. red face; to paint one's face red. Category: Istem. kʷils A red face. [E74.1] See: kʷil.

kʷilsnt   Morph: kʷils+nt. Etym: √kʷl. red face; to paint one's face red. Category: +nt stem. kʷilsəntsən. I painted your face red. [E74.22] See: kʷil.

kʷilstn   [kʷílstən, kʷil̕stn] Morph: kʷils+tn. Variant: kʷil̕stn. Etym: √kʷls. sweat house. ixíʔ sxʷuys ixíʔ iʔ caʔsl̕áqs uɬ nʔuɬxʷ iʔ l kʷílstən ilíʔ. So Mosquito went and went into the sweat house there. [msqdd 022] lut akscwíl̕cnəm iʔ kʷílstən, nak̓ʷáʔ t̓ul iʔ sx̌aʔx̌áʔ. Don't ever joke about the Sweat House, you don't know how powerful it is. [nb26-66 014] uɬ k̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ t kʷílstən uɬ kʷílstnəm. He made a sweathouse and sweated. [fatboy 148]

kʷilstnm   [kʷílstnəm] Morph: kʷils+tn+m. Etym: √kʷls. to sweat bathe. kən kʷílstnəm məɬ kən yáyam. I sweat bathed and chanted. [nb23 041] ɬkʷkʷʕast uɬ way̓ ilíʔ əckʷílstnəməlx. They sweat bathed early in the morning. [Green.29] See: kʷilstn.

kʷil̕kʷl̕stnm   [kʷíl̕kʷəl̕stnəm] Morph: kʷil̕•kʷl̕s+tn+m. Etym: √kʷl̕. to sweat bathe more than once. n̓uʔ k̓laxʷ mi kʷu ɬcyaʕp, məɬ n̓uʔ kʷu kʷíl̕kʷəl̕stnəm. In the evening we'll get back and we will sweat a few times. [nb2586.11] See: kʷilstnm.

kʷiɬ   [kʷiɬ] Morph: kʷiɬ. Etym: √kʷɬ. reddish; orange-red. t̓i kʷiɬ iʔ q̓əymin. The (cover of this) notebook is reddish. [nb22.75a]

kʷiɬt   Morph: kʷi+ɬt. Etym: √kʷn. to take, hold, grab, accept. Category: +ɬt stem. t̓i lut kʷu kʷíɬtəm axáʔ iʔ latáptət. I'm hoping they won't take our table. [nb27-38 004] kʷu ckʷiɬt inkp̓əlp̓lk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. Give me my cigarettes! [newles 112] nak̓ʷá uɬ ha kʷu sənstílsx x̌əl tanm̓ús kʷiɬtst ast̓əmkʔílt. We didn't think we'd take your daughter for nothing. [2gts 134] way̓ kʷíɬtsən asck̓əɬpáʔx̌. I'll take your advice. [BJSeym 306] Cm c‑kʷn‑am to get s.t.; Cr kʷin grasp (a small object), hold (a small object); Sh √kʷen to go and get, take (hold of), take (bring) a thing or person; Th √kʷén grasp; Li kʷan to take, catch, grab s.t.

kʷimcxn   [kʷímcxən] Morph: kʷimcxn ? Etym: √kʷm. kʷimcxn. Category: Man's name. kʷímcxən. Man's name. [dict] Category: Confirm.

kʷincxn   [kʷíncxən] Morph: kʷinc꞊xn. Etym: √kʷnc. kʷincxn. Category: Man's name. kʷincxn. Man's name. [dict]

kʷinksnt   Morph: kʷinks+nt. Etym: √kʷn. to shake hands. Category: +nt stem. way̓ kʷínksəs ia lʔíws uɬ iʔ sk̓ʷuys. He shook hands with his father and his mother. [GDd1 038] way̓ uɬ axáʔ iʔ t tkəɬmílxʷ nixʷ x̌ílstəm, kʷínksəntəm. The woman did the same, she shook hands with him. [GDd2 590] ṇt̓aʔ ixíʔ sic txʷtəpmísəlx, kʷínkssəlx axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. Gee, they rushed to her, they shook hands with the woman. [dict] See: kʷi(n).

kʷint   Morph: kʷi+nt. Etym: √kʷn. to take, hold, grab, accept. Category: +nt stem. kʷint. Take it! [pd] ixíʔ kʷíntəm k̓əl tk̓əmkn̓íɬxʷ {iʔ} kʷis iʔ xəlmín. He took her outside, he took an axe. [grlhd 024] ckʷint iʔ q̓ay̓mín. Pick up the chalk! [misc 224] way̓, kʷíɬtsən ask̓əɬpáʔx̌. I'll take your advice. [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ iʔ k̓əl tətwít itíʔ iʔ kʷíntəm, ixíʔ ik̓líʔ yaʔ kspuʔús. Her heart is to (her desires are with) the boy who captured her. [dict] way̓ mat asənq̓əmscínəm, way̓ t̓əxʷ iwá inx̌mínk, uɬ way̓ kʷintxʷ. I guess you're stuck on it, even though I like it, you can have it, take it! [dict] kʷint asp̓íc̓ən, mi kylúsəntxʷ. Take your rope and coil it! [nb26-77 002] way̓ kskʷíntəm iʔ sk̓ʷk̓ʷíməlt. We want to hold the child. [lnx2 317] n̓in̓w̓íʔs ixíʔ cxʷuy səm̓x̌ikən n̓in̓w̓iʔs kʷintp. When the Grizzly comes by, you grab him! [CSCo41] axáʔ iʔ knaqs kʷis iʔ siyúps, uɬ ixíʔ cniɬc iʔ kskʷiʔs One will take the tails, and that will be his share. [Dvl 052] uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ axáʔ k̓əm iʔ sʕ̓ʷx̌ʷip, ixíʔ iʔ knaqs iʔ kskʷiʔs. And then just the roots, that will be the other one's share. [Dvl 053] Cm c‑kʷn‑am to get s.t.; Cr kʷin grasp (a small object), hold (a small object); Sh √kʷen to go and get, take (hold of), take (bring) a thing or person; Th √kʷén grasp; Li kʷan to take, catch, grab s.t.

kʷistmnt   Morph: kʷist+m+nt. Etym: √kʷst. to give a name to s.o. Category: +nt stem. kʷístməntsən. I got you a name. [nb1891.3] See: skʷist.

kʷitt   [kʷítət] Morph: kʷit•t. Etym: √kʷt. go over a pass. kʷítət. Go over a pass. [nb22.5a] Category: Confirm.

kʷiw   [kʷiw] Morph: kʷiw. Etym: √kʷw. spherical. kʷiw. Spherical. [dict] See ? Sh səkʷew̓ rosebud.

kʷixʷ1   [kʷixʷ] Morph: kʷixʷ. Etym: √kʷxʷ. the Rocky Mountains. Lit: points extend Category: Place name. iʔ kʷixʷ iʔ sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált. The Rocky Mountains. [nb20.107a]

kʷixʷ2   [kʷixʷ] Morph: kʷixʷ. Etym: √kʷxʷ ?. many, lots. nt̓a iwá sɬaʔq̓ʷmíxəlx, nt̓a tuʔ iʔ sqilxʷ, kʷixʷ iʔ sxʷulɬxʷ. Ah, they were a sight, lots of people, lots of tipis. [lpb404] Category: Confirm.

kʷiʔkʷáy̓t   [kʷiʔkʷáy̓t] Morph: kʷy̓•kʷay̓t. Etym: √kʷy̓. kʷiʔkʷáy̓t: Lynx Creek, which enters Hall Creek about three and one half miles northwest from the present-day town of Inchelium. Category: Place name. kʷiʔkʷáy̓t. [BK204]

kʷkscut   [kʷukscút] Morph: kʷk+scut. Etym: √kʷk. to be lucky, happy, thankful. kway̓ uɬ kʷu kʷukscút kʷu ksənqʷn̓án. We're lucky to get pitied. [GDd1 307] uc kʷ kʷukʷscút. Are you happy / thankful? [nb1869.12] See: kʷukst.

kʷkʷaʕst   [kʷkʷaʕst] Morph: kʷ•kʷaʕst. Variant: ɬkʷkʷaʕst. Etym: √kʷʕst. early morning. way̓ ilíʔ púlxəlx uɬ kʷəkʷáʕst uɬ itlíʔ xʷuylx. They camped there and in the morning they went on. [lpb395] See: ɬkʷkʷaʕst; kʷaʕct.

kʷkʷil̕   [kʷkʷil̕] Morph: kʷ•kʷil̕. Etym: √kʷl. s.t. red and small; little red horse. Category: Diminutive. inkʷkʷíl̕. My little red horse. [nb1814.15] kʷu yrmiɬts iʔ kʷkʷil̕ inl̕w̓aʔkín̓. He pushed my little red wagon. [Oct92 086] See: kʷil.

kʷkʷimn   [kʷkʷímən] Morph: kʷ•kʷim+n. Etym: √kʷm. to be resistant, durable. mat kʷkʷímən ka nk̓sils. He's very resistant, mean. [lpb79]

kʷkʷinnst   [kʷukʷínnst] Morph: kʷ•kʷin•n+st. Etym: √kʷn. to catch a disease; disease. skskʷukʷínnst. To catch a disease. [dict] Category: Confirm.

kʷkʷl̕al̕   [kʷəkʷl̕ál̕] Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕•al̕. Etym: √kʷl̕. Category: Diminutive, C2 Inchoative. way̓ kʷəkʷl̕ál̕. The sun came out of the clouds, it's warm. [nb25-20 001] k̓aʔkín ʕác̓əm, uɬ way̓ t̓i ik̓líʔ kʷəkʷl̕ál̕ t̓i c̓x̌iɬ. Wherever he looks, there it's bright like. [Dvl 279] See: kʷal̕t.

kʷkʷl̕íwaʔt   [kʷəkʷl̕íwaʔt] Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕íwaʔt. Etym: √kʷl. to be sitting around. Category: Diminutive. kʷu kʷəkʷl̕íwaʔt. We two are sitting around alone. [nb1872.10] maʕn ixíʔ mat aláʔ laʔɬ iɬkíkxaʔ kʷu kʷəkʷl̕íwaʔt. Like the time my sister and I were sitting around. [dict] See: kʷliwt.

kʷkʷl̕kʷl̕álaʔxʷ   [kʷkʷəl̕kʷl̕álaʔxʷ] Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷl̕álaʔxʷ. Etym: √kʷl̕. calves. Category: Diminutive, Animal name. kʷm̓iɬ ck̓əɬk̓ʷíɬpt, a kʷkʷəl̕kʷl̕álaʔxʷ. All at once little calves came back in sight. [Whal 437] See: kʷkʷl̕kʷl̕alxʷ.

kʷkʷl̕kʷl̕alxʷ   [kʷkʷəl̕kʷl̕álxʷ] Morph: kʷ•kʷl̕•kʷl̕alxʷ. Etym: √kʷl̕. a calf; calves. Lit: red-coated Category: Diminutive, Animal name. kʷm̓iɬ wiksts ck̓əɬk̓ʷíƛ̓əpt, kʷkʷəl̕kʷl̕álxʷ, ixíʔ t̓i ʔasíl. At once he saw them come in sight, little calves, two of them. [dict] See: kʷl̕alxʷ.

kʷkʷr̓iʔt   [kʷəkʷr̓íʔt] Morph: kʷ•kʷr̓iʔ+t. Etym: √kʷr. Variant: kʷkʷr̓it. yellow; gold. aɬíʔ axáʔ iʔ kʷkʷr̓íʔt iʔ k̓ənp̓qínkstəns. Her ring is gold. [GDd2 377] sámaʔ iʔ k̓ʷl̕əncútəns iʔ kʷəkʷrít. Gold is the white people's god. [nb23 056] way̓ put c̓x̌iɬ t kʷəkʷr̓ít iʔ spʔáxʷs. It shines just like gold. [nb1264.7] nak̓ʷaʔ t̓ul ixíʔ iʔ kʷəkʷr̓íʔt iʔ tkɬmilxʷ iʔ t sysyúsc. The Golden Woman is not beatable because she’s smart. [dict] uɬ xʷʔit axáʔ iʔ c̓asʔasəlʔúpənkst iʔ kʷəkʷr̓ít, taʔlíʔ uɬ cx̌ʷáp. There were lots of twenty dollar gold pieces, quite a lot. [dict] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷkʷr̓kʷriʔ k̓l sk̓ʷlk̓ʷalt   [kʷəkʷər̓kʷəríʔ k̓l sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált] Morph: kʷ•kʷr̓•kʷriʔ k̓l s+k̓ʷl•k̓ʷal+t. Etym: √kʷrʔ; √k̓ʷl. yellow violet (viola glabella and viola spp.) Category: Plant name. kʷəkʷər̓kʷəríʔ k̓l sk̓ʷəlk̓ʷált. Yellow violet. [TBK143]

kʷkʷr̓kʷr̓isxn   [kʷəkʷər̓kʷr̓ísxən] Morph: kʷ•kʷr̓•kʷr̓꞊isxn. Etym: √kʷr̓. golden coins; small round objects; pennies. ixíʔ utxítəm t ksqlaw̓s, t̓i mat kʷəkʷər̓kʷr̓ísxən, níkxnaʔ limt axáʔ iʔ tətw̓ít. He gave him some money, maybe pennies, gee the little boy was tickled. [dict]

kʷkʷuykʷy   [kʷkʷúykʷi] Morph: kʷ•kʷuy•kʷy. Etym: √kʷy. Curlew. Category: Place name. kʷkʷúykʷi. Curlew. [nb1893.8]

kʷkʷuykʷy sƛ̓k̓ʷpaqst   [kʷkʷúykʷi sƛ̓ək̓ʷpáqst] Morph: kʷ•kʷuy•kʷy s+ƛ̓k̓ʷ+paqst. Etym: √kʷy; √ƛ̓k̓ʷ. shooting star (dodecatheon pauciflorum). Category: Plant name. kʷkʷúykʷi sƛ̓ək̓ʷpáqst. Shooting star. [TBK117]

kʷkʷxusm   [kʷkʷxúsəm] Morph: kʷ•kʷxus+m. Etym: √kʷx. to be awake; to keep oneself awake. ixíʔ uɬ skʷkʷxúsəms. So he kept himself awake. [CoBrk5]

kʷl   [kʷəl] Morph: kʷl. Etym: √kʷl. root with meaning "ride, be perched on, sit" on which several stems are formed. Category: Root. See: tkʷllíw̓s; tkʷllínaʔ; tkʷlkʷaʔlliw̓s; tkʷllalqʷ; tkʷlwtalqʷ; tkʷlwtisxn.

kʷlíc̓aʔ   [kʷlíc̓aʔ] Morph: kʷlíc̓aʔ. Etym: √kʷl. to be dressed warm. kʷ kʷlíc̓aʔ. You are dressed warm. [dict] See: kʷal̕t.

kʷliwt   [kʷliwt] Morph: kʷliwt. Etym: √kʷl. 1 • to live, dwell; to be at home. kʷliwt yaʔ nək̓ʷcwíxtn. One tribe of people lived there. [dict] ha kʷlíwtəlx. Are they home? [newles 226] nt̓a way̓ uɬ x̌ast iʔ sckʷlíwtsəlx axáʔ. They were getting along well. [GDd2 564] ilíʔ kʷlíwtəlx la nsq̓ʷut. They live at the edge of the woods. [nb20.3]

2 • to meet; to sit together. caʔkʷ kʷu kʷliwt uɬ k̓əɬpaʔx̌əntím. We should sit together and figure it out. [RnLet.25] aláʔ p kʷliwt, mi kən ɬckicx. Wait here til I get back. [E38.18] See Sp √q̓ʷléwt seated; q̓ʷléwt they're all sitting around. See: kʷill1.

kʷliwtn   [kʷlíwtṇ] Morph: kʷlíwt+n. Etym: √kʷl. a place to set things down. aɬíʔ ksənilíʔtṇs kskʷlíwtṇəlx. There will be a place to set them down. [dict] See: kʷliwt.

kʷlkʷaʕqn   [kʷlkʷaʕqn] Morph: kʷl+kʷaʕ꞊qn ? Etym: √kʷl, √kʷʕ ?. flicker; small woodpecker. kʷlkʷaʕqn. Woodpecker. [dict] Sp kʷlkʷléčeʔ flicker (bird). Category: Confirm.

kʷlkʷil   [kʷəlkʷíl] Morph: kʷl•kʷil. Etym: √kʷl. 1 • red. uɬ itlíʔ t̓i kʷəlkʷíl iʔ stk̓ʷəƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓ústəns. And that's why his eyes are red. [coyeyes 038]

2 • beets (beta vulgaris). Category: Plant name.

3 • red Indian paintbrush (castilleja hispida). Category: Plant name. kʷəlkʷíl. [TBK96, 138]

kʷlkʷlaʕkn̓   [kʷəlkʷlaʕákən̓] Morph: kʷl•kʷlaʕkn̓. Etym: √kʷl. a flicker's tail feathers (a bad omen is associated with a sighting of this bird). iʔ st̓əm̓úps iʔ kʷəlkʷlaʕákən̓. Flicker’s tail feathers. [E89.5] Sp kʷlkʷléčeʔ flicker (bird); Cm kʷəl̕kʷl̕qn̓ kʷəl̕-kʷl̕-qn flicker {bird}. See: kʷlkʷlaʕqn.

kʷlkʷlaʕqn   [kʷəlkʷəlaʕqn] Morph: kʷl•kʷlaʕ꞊qn. Etym: √kʷlʕ ?. red Indian paintbrush (castilleja miniata). Lit: red headed (pileated) woodpecker (applied to a specimen of C. miniata). Category: Plant name. kʷəlkʷəlaʕqn. Paintbrush. [TBK138]

kʷlkʷliwt   [kʷəlkʷlíwt] Morph: kʷl•kʷliwt. Etym: √kʷl. several live. c̓x̌iɬt ksəsk̓ʷútəm kiʔ kʷəlkʷlíwtəlx ixíʔ ctəqtqíɬaʔxʷəlx aɬíʔ skm̓áx̌ənəlx. They lived on the side, they had mat houses, because they were the kidnapped. [lpb242] See: kʷliwt.

kʷlkʷllaqn   [kʷəlkʷlláqən] Morph: kʷl•kʷl•laqn. Variant: kʷəlkʷláʕqən. Etym: √kʷl. woodpecker. Category: Animal name. kʷəlkʷlláqən. Woodpecker. [nb21.99a]

kʷllax̌n   [kʷllax̌n] Morph: kʷl•l꞊ax̌n. Etym: √kʷl. kʷllax̌n. Category: Man's name. kʷllax̌n. Man's name. [dict]

kʷllqsiw̓s   [kʷəlˑqsíw̓s] Morph: kʷl•lqsiw̓s. Etym: √kʷl. to sit facing one another. kʷu kʷlutqsíw̓s. ʕ̓ant t̓i təl two o'clock kiʔ kʷu kʷəlˑqsíw̓s. kʷu kʷlutqsíw̓s til seven o'clock. We sat facing one another. Look, from two o'clock we sat across from each other. We sat across from one another til seven o'clock. [nb2581.11-12] See: kʷlwtqsiw̓s; kʷill1.

kʷlstiɬn   [kʷəlstíɬən] Morph: kʷlstiɬn. Etym: √kʷlst. to send s.o. on an errand. uc kʷ kʷəlstíɬən. Did you send somebody? [nb1870.5] kʷ kʷəlstíɬən yaʔ sx̌əlttsqílxʷ. You sent someone to invite them. [dict] way̓ uɬ iwá kʷəlstíɬən yaʔ ylmíxʷəm, ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔntísəlx iʔ stʔəwtílts. To no avail the chief had sent people to search for his youngest child. [dict] See: kʷlst; kʷul.

kʷlstnimn   [kʷəlstnímən] Morph: kʷls+tn+imn. Etym: √kʷls. to sweat bathe often; to like to sweat bathe. kən kʷəlst[n]ímən I like to sweat, I sweat often. [nb08 322] kʷəlstnímən. He sweats often, likes to. [nb08 323] way̓ ksx̌əlpínaʔ, uɬ aɬíʔ axáʔ kʷəlstnímən axáʔ saʔʕ̓níxʷ. Daylight came, and Muskrat likes to sweat bathe. [CoGrSy 337] See: kʷilstn.

kʷlstuɬt   Morph: kʷl+s+tuɬt. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. on an errand. Category: +tuɬt stem. taʔlíʔ x̌əstmín iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ kʷu ckʷəlstúɬtxʷ. I really like the worker you sent me. [feb94 085] kskʷəlstúɬtsən I send you for something; [nb08 461] uɬ way̓ kʷ iksyaʔyaʕ̓ncút[x]təm a[xáʔ] iʔ anx̌mínk kʷu kskʷəlstúɬtxʷ I'm going to rustle for you what you want, you send me for it. [CoGrSy 287] axáʔ iʔ kʷu kskʷəlstúɬtxʷ axáʔ akɬənqəqpáqstxən. This is what you sent me for, this for you to put under your hip. [CoGrSy 544] kʷəlstúɬtsən. I sent you (after something). [nb1870.8] Cr s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand. See: kʷul. Category: Confirm.

kʷlstuɬt   Morph: kʷl+stuɬt. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. on an errand. Gram: +stuɬt transitive taʔlíʔ x̌əstmín iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əm iʔ kʷu ckʷəlstúɬtxʷ. I really like the worker you sent me. [feb94 085] kskʷəlstúɬtsən I send you for something; [nb08 461] uɬ way̓ kʷ iksyaʔyaʕ̓ncút[x]təm a[xáʔ] iʔ anx̌mínk kʷu kskʷəlstúɬtxʷ I'm going to rustle for you what you want, you send me for it. [CoGrSy 287] axáʔ iʔ kʷu kskʷəlstúɬtxʷ axáʔ akɬənqəqpáqstxən. This is what you sent me for, this for you to put under your hip. [CoGrSy 544] kʷəlstúɬtsən. I sent you (after something). [nb1870.8] Cr s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand. See: kʷul. Category: Confirm.

kʷlstuɬt   Morph: kʷl+stuɬt. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. some place; to send s.o. on an errand; to send s.o. off for s.t. Gram: +stuɬt transitive ixíʔ iʔ kʷu kskʷəlstúɬtxʷ. This is what you sent me for. [dict] Sp kʷ y-eʔc-kʷúl-s-t-m I'm sending you, I'm asking a favor of you; Cm kʷuls‑(s)t‑xʷ you send s.t.; Cr kʷlsét-s help (ask for...), ask me for or seek assistance; s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand; hi-s+kʷúlset H/S is one I asked to do an errand for me; Sh (c-)k̓ʷlm-et-n-s to send a person.

kʷlstuɬtm   Morph: kʷl+s+tuɬt+m. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. on an errand. lut kʷu akskʷúlstəm ik̓líʔ. Don’t send me there after it! [nb1870.7] lut akskʷəlstúɬtəm. Don’t send him after it! [nb1870.11] Cr s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand. See: kʷul. Category: Confirm.

kʷlstuɬtm   Morph: kʷl+stuɬt+m. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. on an errand. lut akskʷəlstúɬtəm. Don’t send him after it! [nb1870.11] See: kʷul. Category: Confirm.

kʷltasq̓t   [kʷltasq̓t] Morph: kʷlt꞊asq̓t. Etym: √kʷlt. kʷltasq̓t. Category: Man's name. kʷltasq̓t Man's name. [dict]

kʷltpis   [kʷəltpís] Morph: kʷl+tpis. Etym: √kʷl. strawberry roan horse. Category: Animal name. kʷəltpís. Roan. [nb21.115a] Category: Confirm.

kʷlwtlwis   [kʷlutlwís] Morph: kʷlwt+lwis. Etym: √kʷl. to sit around. way̓ ilíʔ kʷlutlwíˑˑsəlx, way̓ axáʔ ɬkicx ɬʔácəcqaʔlx They sat around, they went back out. [GDd1 574] See: kʷliwt.

kʷlwtɬcitxʷ   [kʷlutɬcítxʷ] Morph: kʷlwt+ɬ+citxʷ. Etym: √kʷl, √ctxʷ. to house sit. səkʷlutɬcítxʷəlx iʔ l incítxʷ. They house sat my house. [nb1872.14] Category: Compound. See: kʷliwt; citxʷ.

kʷlwtqsiw̓s   [kʷlutqsíw̓s] Morph: kʷlwtqsiw̓s. Etym: √kʷl. to sit facing one another. kʷu kʷlutqsíw̓s. ʕ̓ant t̓i təl two o'clock kiʔ kʷu kʷəlˑqsíw̓s. kʷu kʷlutqsíw̓s til seven o'clock. We sat facing one another. Look, from two o'clock we sat across from each other. We sat across from one another til seven o'clock. [nb2581.11-12] See: kʷllqsiw̓s; kʷliwt.

kʷlx   [kʷlxʷ] Morph: kʷlx. Etym: √kʷlx. root with meaning "leave" on which several stems are formed. Category: Root. See: nkʷlxúlaʔxʷ; tkʷilx.

kʷlxúlaʔxʷ   [kʷəlxʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: kʷlxúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √kʷlx. to leave the country. way̓ t̓iʔ x̌ast kʷ ɬaʔ nk̓ətpmíst mi atláʔ kʷ ɬ kʷəlxʷúlaʔxʷ. It's better that before it's too late you get away from here. [AutPS 312]

kʷlx̌ínaʔm   [kʷəlx̌ínaʔm] Morph: kʷlx̌ínaʔ+m. Etym: √kʷlx̌. to drop s.t. on top of s.o. or s.t. Category: Mstem. way̓ axáʔ kʷ ikskʷəlx̌ínaʔm iʔ tə xƛ̓ut. I’m going to drop this rock on you. [CSCo14] Category: Confirm.

kʷl̕alqsm   [kʷl̕álqsəm] Morph: kʷl̕alqs+m. Etym: √kʷl̕. (to wear) a warm dress. Category: Mstem. way̓ kən kʷl̕álqsəm. I put a warm dress on. [nb1875.11] kʷu kʷl̕álqsəm. We put warm clothes on. [nb1875.13] ha kʷ kʷl̕alqsəm. Is your dress warm? [nb1875.12] See: kʷal̕t; skʷl̕al̕qs.

kʷl̕alxʷ   [kʷl̕alxʷ] Morph: kʷl̕꞊alxʷ. Etym: √kʷl̕. calf. Lit: red-coated Category: Animal name. kʷl̕alxʷ. Calf. [dict] See: kʷil.

kʷl̕al̕   [kʷl̕al̕] Morph: kʷl̕•al̕. Etym: √kʷl̕. to be lighted; to have sunshine; to have warmth. Category: C2 Inchoative. way̓ ɬə nkʷkʷʔac, uɬ way̓ t̓i kʷ kʷl̕al̕ aksxʷúy. Even at night your way will be lighted. [mychildr 250] kʷl̕al̕. Sunshine. [nb26-26 028] See: kʷal̕t.

kʷl̕kʷil̕s   [kʷəl̕kʷíl̕s] Morph: kʷl̕•kʷil̕s. Etym: √kʷl. red berries; red small round objects. Category: Diminutive. uɬ xʷʔúsəm iʔ ɬəx̌ʷɬáx̌ʷ iʔ t kʷəl̕kʷíl̕s ak̓láʔ k̓aɬʔíp uɬ iʔ t q̓ʷəyq̓ʷáʕys. And a variety of cherry trees, red ones on this side, and black ones. [Green.10-11] See: kʷils.

kʷl̕kʷl̕alxʷ   [kʷəl̕kʷl̕álxʷ] Morph: kʷl̕•kʷl̕alxʷ. Etym: √kʷl̕. a calf; calves; young cow or moose. Category: Animal name. sənk̓ʷənk̓ʷəspínaʔtk iʔ kʷəl̕kʷl̕álxʷ. Yearling calves. [dict] uɬ kɬkʷəl̕kʷl̕álxʷ, uɬ axáʔ nk̓amtíw̓stən kaʔɬís iʔ kəw̓wápsəlx. They each had a calf, and they had three saddle horses. [AutPS 021] Cr t+kʷl̕+kʷl̕íl̕xʷ calf lit. red red hide. See: kʷl̕alxʷ.

kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ   [kʷəl̕úlaʔxʷ] Morph: kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ. Etym: √kʷl. 1 • a (normally) warm place. məɬ k̓aʔkín iʔ k̓əl kʷəl̕úlaʔxʷ t̓əqəl̕ímxəlx iʔ sqilxʷ məɬ ilíʔ ʔístkməlx. Wherever it was warm the people moved there, they spent the winter there. [WA1-31] way̓ kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ k̓a nspíləm. Nespelem is hot. [nb1875.8] axáʔ kʷəl̕úlaʔxʷ aksnilíʔtṇ. Your place is nice and comfortable (warm). [dict]

2 • kʷl̕úlaʔxʷ: area that is still above water on the west side of the Columbia opposite the mouth of the Spokane that extends for a distance of about one mile from Lamb Draw north to Louie Creek. Lit: warm land Category: Place name. kʷəl̕úlaʔxʷ Place name. [BK139s]

kʷɬnink   [kʷɬnink] Morph: kʷɬnink. Etym: √kʷɬn. a borrowed gun. scutx aɬíʔ isckʷɬnínk uɬ axáʔ iʔ kʷu cus iʔ t a ksululmínk He said, I borrowed the gun, and that's what the owner of the gun told me. [HnTrp 171] See: kʷɬn.

kʷɬntuɬt   Morph: kʷɬn+tuɬt. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend; to borrow. Category: +tuɬt stem. kʷɬəntúɬtxʷ. You loaned it to somebody. [nb26-20 014] kʷu kʷɬəntúɬt anulqíntən. Lend me your lighter! [newles 114] kʷɬəntúɬtsəlx. They borrowed it from somebody else. [nb21.183a] uɬ caʔkʷ way̓ anpúkʷ way̓ t̓i kʷu kʷɬəntúɬtxʷ. Can you lend me your book? [nb2578.7] kʷu kʷɬəntúɬts. He lent it to me. [nb1877.7] See: kʷuɬn.

kʷɬntuɬtm   Etym: √kʷɬ+ntuɬt+m. to lend; to borrow. lut akskʷɬəntúɬtəm. Don’t lend it to him! [nb1877.8] See: kʷuɬn.

kʷɬnúlaʔxʷ   [kʷəɬnúlaʔxʷ] Morph: kʷɬnúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √kʷɬn. to rent a place. ilíʔ kən kʷəɬnúlaʔxʷ təl̕ swaʔwílaʔxʷ. I rented a place from Antoine. [AutPS 251] See: kʷɬn.

kʷɬnxixm   [kʷɬənxíxəm] Morph: kʷɬn+xix+m. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend or rent s.t. out to s.o. Gram: nMstem lut ikskʷɬənxíxəm. I don’t want to lend it out. [nb1877.16] See: kʷuɬn.

kʷɬnxixmst   Morph: kʷɬn+xix+m+st. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend or rent s.t. out to s.o. Category: +st stem. kʷɬənxíxmstxʷ. You lent it out to her. [nb26-20 005] ixíʔ uɬ aɬíʔ mat xʷaʔspíntk way̓ ɬaʔ ckʷɬənxíxəmsts axáʔ inqíck i təmxʷúlaʔxʷs. And it's a good many years that my brother has been renting out his place. [AutPS 351] lut kʷu t̓ cus n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ckʷɬnxíxəmstxʷ. He didn't tell me to lend it out. [Nams 131] See: kʷuɬn.

kʷƛ̓up   [kʷƛ̓up] Morph: kʷƛ̓up. Etym: kʷƛ̓p. kʷƛ̓up. Category: Onomatopoeic form. uɬ ixíʔ cut sənk̓l̕íp p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up. Coyote said p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up p̓əs p̓əs kʷƛ̓up (when summoning his powers). [cogrzd 064]

kʷmkʷum   [kʷəmkʷúm] Morph: kʷm•kʷum. Etym: √kʷm. to be stored (of food). ilíʔ uɬ ckʷəmkʷúm. It's all stored there. [fatboy 088] See: kʷum.

kʷmlscut   [kʷməlscút] Morph: kʷmlscut. Etym: √kʷm. to store clothes; to put away clothes. kʷməlscút. He put his clothes away. [nb26-09 008] uɬ mat t̓i ilíʔ a ckʷəməlscútəlx That's where they store things. [CoGrSy 155] See: kʷum.

kʷmxixm   [kʷəmxíxəm] Morph: kʷm+xix+m. Etym: √kʷm. to have s.o. store s.t. Category: Mstem. ilíʔ kʷúmən iskʷəmxíxəm. I put it there for somebody to put away. [nb1880.4] See: kʷum.

kʷmxixmnt   Morph: kʷm+xix+m+nt. Etym: √kʷm. to have s.o. store s.t. Category: +nt stem. kʷəmxíxmən. I took it there for somebody to take care of it. [nb1880.1] See: kʷum.

kʷm̓aɬ   [kʷm̓aɬ] Morph: kʷm̓aɬ. Variant: kʷm̓iɬ. Etym: √kʷm̓ɬ. then, suddenly, at once, right away, unexpectedly. Category: particle. way̓ ixíʔ st̓ək̓ʷəncúts way̓ kʷm̓aɬ ʔitx. He lay down, and he fell asleep. [Nams 048]

kʷm̓iɬ   [kʷm̓iɬ] Morph: kʷm̓iɬ. Variant: kʷm̓aɬ. Etym: k̓ʷm̓ɬ. then, suddenly, at once, right away, unexpectedly. Category: particle. caʔkʷ ixíʔ t̓i km̓iɬ kʷ ʔitx, uɬ lut ilíʔ kscʔx̌iɬts. If you had gone to sleep at once, you wouldn't be in this shape. [dict] aɬíʔ cəm̓ kʷm̓iɬ atláʔ p k̓əɬk̓láxʷ mi p taʔxʷsck̓ʷúl̕. I doubt that right away after you get out of sight (of here) you will get jobs. [dict] way̓ t̓i kʷm̓iɬ aláʔ kɬt̓k̓ʷák̓ʷ, stim̓. All at once something fell down, what is it? [dict]

kʷm̓iwt   [kʷm̓iwt] Morph: kʷm̓iwt. Etym: √kʷm. a long time. kʷm̓iwt ck̓ʷúl̕əm, ixíʔ wiʔstís. He worked a long time, then finished it. [E41.24]

kʷni   [kʷni] Morph: kʷni. Etym: √kʷn. to take or buy s.t. Category: Istem. way̓, way̓ inx̌mínk axáʔ iʔ təl̕ smamʔím kən kskʷníxaʔx t ikɬtəkɬmílxʷ. Yes, I want one of the women, I'll take one for my wife. [bjmd 070] See: kʷin.

kʷnikstm   [kʷníkstəm] Morph: kʷnikst+m. Etym: √kʷn. to abuse s.t. Category: c+^+st stem. cúntəm way̓ ciʔskʷ ckʷníkstəmstxʷ a [unfinished]. He told him, leave her alone, you're abusing your... [cnebdd 056] See: kʷni.

kʷniɬt   Morph: kʷni+ɬt. Etym: √kʷn. to take or buy s.t. Category: +ɬt stem. kʷu kʷníɬtəm. They got it for us. [nb1887.11] See: kʷin.

kʷnim   [kʷnim] Morph: kʷni+m. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.t.; to buy s.t. Category: Mstem. ixíʔ uɬ nak̓ʷəm skʷnims. He took her. [frogdd 039] t̓əxʷ ikskʷním iksqəl̕tmíxʷ. I'm going to take him for my man. [bjmd 089] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ iwá kʷ ɬ ƛ̓lal uɬ lut kʷ t̓ ikskʷním. If even you die I'm not going to take you. [dict] kʷ kʷnim iʔ t aksqəltmíxʷ. Take him for your husband. [dict] ixíʔ skʷníms iʔ t sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ, ksp̓íc̓aʔs iʔ kəwáps, laʔɬ ksəp̓qís. He took a stick, he hit his horse on the body, even on the head. [dict] See: kʷni.

kʷnimɬt   Morph: kʷni+m+ɬt. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.t.; to buy s.t. Category: +ɬt stem. kʷu kʷnímɬtəm. They took it away from us. [nb1887.12] Lit: They took our X. See: kʷni.

kʷnimxt   Morph: kʷni+m+xt. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.t.; to buy s.t. Category: +xt stem. kʷu kʷnímxəts. He took it for me. [nb1887.14] See: kʷni.

kʷniútyaʔst   Morph: kʷniútyaʔ+st. Variant: kʷniʔútyaʔ. Etym: √kʷn. to grab hold of s.t. or s.o. Category: +st stem. ṇwísəlx, kʷniútyaʔsts axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ, way̓ kʷənnús. He jumped up, he grabbed the woman, he held her. [dict] See: kʷni.

kʷnixt   Morph: kʷni+xt. Etym: √kʷn. to take or buy s.t. Category: +xt stem. uc caʔkʷ kʷu kʷnixtxʷ t iksmán̓xʷ. Could you buy me some smokes? [newles 110] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu ʔal̕usíkstəm mi líq̓əntəm, kʷníxtəm iʔ t kɬənt̓ək̓ʷmíns. We will get up a collection and we’ll bury him, we’ll get him a coffin. [dict] stim̓ iʔ kʷ ikskʷníxtəm. Buy you what? [newles 111] kʷnixts iʔ t kɬkəwáps. He got him / bought him a horse. [E50.14] See: kʷin.

kʷniʔst   [kʷniʔst] Morph: kʷn+iʔst. Etym: √kʷn. to manage to take s.t. kən kʷənníʔst. I managed to get it. [nb1888.6] lut t̓ iskʷníʔst. I didn’t get any. [nb1888.3] lut kən t̓ kʷənníʔst. I didn’t get any. [nb1888.5] ixíʔ kən kʷənkʷəntwíxʷ, way̓ uɬ lut t̓ iskʷənˑíʔst. I grabbed her, but I wasn't able to hold her. [dict] See: kʷni.

kʷniʔútyaʔst   Morph: kʷniʔútyaʔ+st. Variant: kʷniútyaʔ. Etym: √kʷn. to grab s.o. or s.t. Category: +st stem. nwísəlx axáʔ iʔ stʔiwtx kʷniʔútyaʔsts axáʔ iʔ tkəɬmílxʷ. The little one jumped up, he grabbed the woman. [GDd2 446] atláʔ kən xʷuy ki kʷu kʷniútyaʔstsəlx kiʔ kʷu kc̓ík̓naʔsəlx. From here I went and they grabbed me then they burned me. [lpb407] ilíʔ cqilt mi kʷniʔútyaʔstəm, mi kʷu tyaqʷt. When he climbs there we will grab him, we will fight. [dc17] lut kspulstp, t̓i kʷnyútyaʔstp. Do not kill him. Just grab him! [lpb447] See: kʷni.

kʷnksnwixʷ   [kʷənksnwíxʷ] Morph: kʷnks+nwixʷ. Etym: √kʷn. to shake hands; to be holding hands. kʷənksnwíxʷəlx, məɬ ixíʔ uɬ sic kʷu ṇxƛ̓íksəntəm iʔ t sənɬsípnaʔ, kəm̓ axáʔ kʷu síwstəmstəm. They'll all shake hands, and then they'll give us all cigars, or else they'll give us liquor. [dict] See: kʷinks.

kʷnkʷankst   Morph: kʷn•kʷank+st. Etym: √kʷn. to hold s.t. Category: c+^+st stem. uɬ axáʔ iʔ t knaqs iʔ t inqíck ckskʷənkʷánksts. And my other brother would be holding it. [RHorse 015] See: kʷinks.

kʷnkʷinksnt   Morph: kʷn•kʷinks+nt. Etym: √kʷn. to shake hands with s.o.; to hold hands. Category: +nt stem. way̓ ixíʔ kʷənkʷínksəs iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps. He shook hands with his elders. [GDd2 044] kʷu kʷənkʷínksəntəm. He shook our hands. [nb1886.4] kʷənkʷínksəs iʔ sk̓ʷuys ya lʔiws. He shook hands with his mother and his father. [nb1258.4] See: kʷinks.

kʷnkʷinkst   Morph: kʷn•kʷink+st. Etym: √kʷn. to shake hands with s.o.; to hold hands. Category: c+^+st stem. náx̌əmɬ aɬíʔ wəypáyəm, uɬ ckʷənkʷínksts axáʔ iʔ tkɬmilxʷ. Then he played white man, and he was holding hands with the woman. [dict] See: kʷinks.

kʷnkʷnksnwixʷ   [kʷənkʷənksənwíxʷ] Morph: kʷn•kʷnks+nwixʷ. Etym: √kʷn. to hold hands; to join hands; to hold s.o. on both sides. kʷənkʷənksənwíxʷəlx. They joined hands. [nb1885.12] See: kʷinks.

kʷnkʷnksnwixʷmnt   Morph: kʷn•kʷnks+nwixʷ+m+nt. Etym: √kʷn. to hold s.t. with both arms; to shake hands about s.t. Category: +nt stem. way̓ uɬ kʷənkʷənksnwíxʷmsəlx. They picked him up on both sides. [GDd1 133] tkʷənkʷənksənwíxʷmsəlx iʔ p̓úyxən. They shook hands on the car. [nb1885.13] See: kʷnksnwixʷ.

kʷnkʷntwixʷ   [kʷənkʷəntwíxʷ] Morph: kʷn•kʷn+twixʷ. Etym: √kʷn. to grab one another; to grapple with s.o. Category: Istem. way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kənɬúxʷtmən ik̓líʔ mi kʷu kʷənkʷəntwíxʷ. I'll go in the brush after him, and then we'll catch hold of one another. [AutPS 102] kən ṇwísəlx uɬ ixíʔ kən kʷənkʷəntwíxʷ. I jumped up and I grabbed her. [dict] miystxʷ way̓ kəlkʷákʷ təl siwɬkʷ mi kʷ kʷənkʷəntwíxʷ. Just make sure that she’s away from the water before you grab her. [dict] See: kʷi(n).

kʷnkʷntwixʷst   Morph: kʷn•kʷn+twixʷ+st. Etym: √kʷn. to grab one another; to grapple with s.o. Category: +st stem. iʔ l sayxáxaʔ mi kən kʷənkʷəntwíxʷ. kʷənkʷəntwíxʷstən. After a while I will grapple with him. I will grab him. [lpb194-195] kʷənkʷəntwíxʷsts iʔ sqəl̕tmixʷs. She grabbed her man. [lpb207] See: kʷi(n).

kʷnɬc̓ik̓ʷsxn   [kʷənɬc̓ík̓ʷsxən] Morph: kʷn+ɬ+c̓ik̓ʷsxn. Etym: √kʷn, √c̓k̓ʷ. to hold a lamp. Category: Compound. way̓ əckʷənɬc̓ík̓ʷsxən ixíʔ iʔ pəptwínaʔxʷ. The old lady was holding a lamp. [nb1244.12] ckʷənɬc̓ík̓ʷəsxən uɬ ya nsp̓ústən. She was holding a light in one hand, and a sword. [nb1248.4] See: kʷin.

kʷnɬƛ̓áqnaʔm   [kʷənɬƛ̓áqnaʔm] Morph: kʷn+ɬ+ƛ̓áqnaʔ+m. Etym: √kʷn, √ƛ̓q. to grab or take a sack. Category: Mstem, Compound. way̓ kʷ kʷənɬƛ̓áqnaʔm, iʔ l ƛ̓áqnaʔ ṇqmíntxʷəlx. Take a sack, and put them in the sack. [dict] See: kʷin.

kʷnɬnq̓aʔiw̓s   [kʷənɬənq̓ʔíw̓s] Morph: kʷn+ɬ+n+q̓aʔiw̓s. Etym: √kʷn, √q̓ʔ. to hold a fork. Category: Compound. way̓ kɬənk̓ahk̓ʷípɬtəm, ckʷənɬənq̓əʔíw̓s. He (the devil) opened the door (of hell), he had a fork in his hand. [dict] See: kʷin.

kʷnɬq̓y̓minm   [kʷənɬq̓əy̓mínm] Morph: kʷn+ɬ+q̓y̓+min+m. Etym: √kʷn, √q̓y̓. to take papers. Category: Compound. uɬ nak̓ʷáʔ ckʷənɬq̓əy̓mínməlx a kaʔ cmríməlx, lut. They don't take papers when they get married, no. [MarryPS 007] uɬ ʕapnáʔ way̓ put kʷu ckʷənɬq̓əy̓mínəm mi kʷu cmrim. And now we take papers when we marry. [MarryPS 080]

kʷnmin   [kʷənmínəm] Morph: kʷni+min. Etym: √kʷn. to grab s.t. or s.o. lut kʷu akskʷənmínəm. Don’t grab me! [nb22.16] See: kʷin.

kʷnmist   [kʷənmíst] Morph: kʷn+mist. Etym: √kʷn. to make a sound; to make noise; to sing. uɬ axáʔ ckʷənmíst səmx̌íkən, cxəƛ̓cənmíst. She got right to the door, and Grizzly was singing about his power. [CoGrSy 639] way̓ axáʔ ckʷənmíst, uɬ way̓ ck̓əɬk̓ʷƛ̓áp səmx̌íkən. He was making noise singing, and Grizzly came in sight. [CoGrSy 719] staʔ, ixíʔ aʔ ckʷənmíst, lut t̓ x̌ast. Listen, the creature that is making noise, that doesn't sound good. [EJEp.5] kən c̓kʷənmíst. I was making noise. [nb08 494] aláʔ kən sc̓kʷənmíst. I’m here singing. [nb1884.17] ilíʔ kʷ c̓kʷənmíst. Go holler somewhere else! [nb1885.3] Sp n-kʷn-ém he took it out, he sang; n-kʷé-y-s he sang that song; qʷu s-n-kʷé-ɬ-c he sang the song for me; č̕ɬ-n-kʷn-cút suddenly she broke into a medicine song. See: nkʷincn. Category: Confirm. Ques: forms with c̓ are wrong

kʷnmútyaʔst   Morph: kʷn+mútyaʔ+st. Etym: √kʷn. to try to grab s.t. or s.o. Category: +st stem. kʷənmútyaʔsts axáʔ ya nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən axáʔ iʔ t stʔiwtx. The young fellow grabbed the man-eater. [GDd2 453] See: kʷin.

kʷnnuɬt   Morph: kʷn+nu+ɬt. Etym: √kʷn. to be able to take or catch s.t.; to manage to take s.t. Category: +ɬt stem. way̓ axáʔ kʷənnún iʔ laklí, kʷənnúɬtən. I got the key, I took it away from her. [dict] See: kʷin.

kʷnnunm   Morph: kʷn+nun+m. Etym: √kʷn. to be able to take or catch s.t.; to manage to take s.t. Category: Mstem. caʔkʷ iwá iʔ stawnqínaʔxəns kəm̓ stim̓ kiʔ ɬəɬáʕt̓ iʔ l siwɬkʷ, uɬ lut t̓ə kskʷənnúnəm. If even her little toe or anything is a little wet in the water, one can't catch her. [dict] See: kʷin.

kʷnnunt   Morph: kʷn+nu+nt. Etym: √kʷn. to be able to take or catch s.t.; to manage to take s.t. Category: +nt stem. taʔlíʔ ḷkʷut iscxʷylwís, kiʔ ckʷənnún. I've travelled very far to get what I got. [dict] put, put kʷənnúntxʷ məɬ lk̓íw̓səntxʷ axáʔ iʔ sxʷaʔxʷʔankíɬp. Just as much as you can hold, tie these thornbushes. [GDd2 351] way̓ kʷənnúntxʷ a cƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔstíxʷ. Now you got what you were looking for. [GDd2 538] nixʷ incá talíʔ x̌ast ispuʔús ɬa kʷn•un iʔ q̓y̓mínəmp. I too was very glad to receive your letter. [Victor.2] uɬ aɬíʔ kʷənnús iʔ kʷəkʷr̓ít iʔ təkɬmílxʷ. And he got the Golden Woman. [nb1216.3] nʔúcxsəlx, ntílsəlx nkəcníkiʔsəlx mi t̓əxʷ cmay kʷənˑúsəlx. They followed the tracks, they thought if they can catch up to it, maybe they can catch it. [nb2538.8] See: kʷin.

kʷnnust   Morph: kʷn+nu+st. Etym: √kʷn. to be able to take or catch s.t.; to manage to take s.t. Category: c+^+st stem. yayʕát ixíʔ aláʔ əckʷnˑústsəlx. Everything that they take in is here. [su7q̓im 030] təl sck̓ʷul̕s iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, lut iʔ t sqilxʷ kəm̓ t stim̓ kʷu t̓ə ckʷənnústs. Since the world was made, there is no person or anything that can catch me. [dict] See: kʷin.

kʷnsqilxʷ   [kʷənsqílxʷ] Morph: kʷn+s+qilxʷ. Etym: √kʷn, √qlxʷ. to grab a body. iwá kʷ kʷənsqílxʷ uɬ t̓i kʷ ṇkʷənksəncút yaʔ ʔx̌iʔ uɬ nis. You tried to grab her and you grabbed your own hands, and she’s gone. [dict] See: kʷin.

kʷnswíkɬc̓a   [kʷənswíkɬc̓a] Morph: kʷnswík꞊ɬc̓a. Etym: √kʷnswk ?. kʷnswíkɬc̓a. Category: Man's name. kʷənswíkɬc̓a. Man's name. [dict]

kʷnxix   [kʷənxíx] Morph: kʷn+xix. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.t. for s.o. q̓sápiʔ ya cəlk̓ák̓ ya ckʷənxíx iʔ t siwɬkʷ, pnicí. A very long time ago they jailed those who provide the liquor, at that time. [gl30] kʷaʔ cúsəlx təmlaʔáʔ ɬaʔ cənmyísts iʔ kʷənxíx itíʔ əckʷníxtəm, cut, nmyípəntxʷ məɬ kʷ ʔácqaʔ anwí. They told təmlaʔáʔ, if he tells on the one who provided [the liquor], the one that buys it for them, they said, “Tell on them, and you'll get off.” [gl31] See: kʷin.

kʷnxtwixʷmnt   Morph: kʷn+x+twixʷ+m+nt. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.t. from one another; to pass s.t. back and forth. Category: +nt stem. kʷənxtwíxʷməntəm. We took it away from each other back and forth. [nb1889.11] See: kʷin.

kʷnxtwixʷmst   Morph: kʷn+x+twixʷ+m+st. Etym: √kʷn. to take s.t. from one another; to pass s.t. back and forth. Category: +st stem. stim̓ a ctər̓qstísəlx a ckʷənxtwíxʷmstsəlx ixíʔ. What are they kicking and taking away from each other? [GDd2 059] təmtəmníʔ axáʔ ia ckʷənxtwíxʷmstsəlx. What they're grabbing from one another is a corpse. [GDd2 066] See: kʷin.

kʷp   [kʷp] Morph: kʷp. fire.

lxAfx. Cr kʷp fire, fuel. xʷulkʷp. Lighter; fire drill. [newles 113]

kʷrayʔ   [kʷrayʔ] Morph: kʷrayʔ. Variant: kʷriʔ. Etym: √kʷrʔ. yellow. iʔ smúkʷaʔxən ɬaʔ cc̓ʔák̓ʷəm t̓i kʷraˑˑyʔ. When the sunflowers bloom they are yellow. [rdgs 035]

kʷrikʷ   [kʷəríkʷ] Morph: kʷrikʷ. Variant: kʷərníkʷ. Etym: √kʷrkʷ ?. wolf lichen, or wolf "moss" (letharia vulpina). Category: Plant name. kʷəríkʷ. [TBK15]

kʷriʔ   [kʷriʔ] Morph: kʷriʔ. Variant: kʷray. Etym: √kʷrʔ. yellow; sorrel; gold; yellow horse. kʷr̓iʔ ṇpáwlaʔxʷtṇ. Yellow powder. [dict] kʷil iʔ skʷriʔs. Orange. [dict] Sp √kʷriʔ (kʷalíʔ) yellow, brass, rusty, golden; Cm kʷ‑kʷr̓iʔ ‑t gold, copper, kʷarn I apply yellow paint; Cr kʷar yellow; qʷ+qʷár̓eʔ+t gold; Sh kʷal-t yellow, green; Th √kʷəḷ yellow / green; Li √kʷə̣ḷ : kʷḷ-iʔ green, yellow.

kʷriʔxn   [kʷríʔxən] Morph: kʷriʔxn. Etym: √kʷrʔ. yellow pages. uc ʕ̓ác̓əntxʷ iʔ l kʷríʔxən. Did you look in the yellow pages? [newles 103] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷrkʷáru   [kʷərkʷárw̓s] Morph: kʷr•kʷaru. Variant: kʷrkʷaru. Etym: √kʷr. kʷrkʷáru: the distinctive steep banks that encircle nkwekwʔípm. Lit: yellowish-colored a little bit Category: Place name. kʷərkʷáru. Place name. [BK345]

kʷrkʷarw̓s   [kʷərkʷáruʔs] Morph: kʷr•kʷarw̓s. Variant: kʷərkʷáru. Etym: √kʷr. kʷrkʷarw̓s: the distinctive steep banks that encircle nkwekwʔípm. Lit: yellowish-colored a little bit on face Category: Place name. kʷərkʷáruʔs. Place name. [BK345]

kʷrkʷríc̓aʔ   [kʷərkʷəríc̓aʔ] Morph: kʷr•kʷríc̓aʔ. Etym: √kʷr. pumpkin (cucurbita pepo). Category: Plant name. kʷərkʷəríc̓aʔ. Pumpkin. [TBK98] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷrkʷr̓aʔtíɬaʔp   [kʷərkʷər̓aʔtíɬaʔp] Morph: kʷr•kʷr̓aʔ+tíɬaʔp. Variant: kʷr̓kʷr̓aʔtíɬp. Etym: √kʷr. Sitka willow (salix sitchensis). Category: Plant name, Diminutive. kʷərkʷər̓aʔtíɬaʔp. Sitka willow. [TBK98]

kʷrnikʷ   [kʷərníkʷ] Morph: kʷrníkʷ ? Variant: kʷəríkʷ. Etym: √kʷrnkʷ ?. wolf lichen, or wolf "moss" (letharia vulpina). Category: Plant name. kʷəríkʷ. Wolf lichen. [TBK15]

kʷrriʔ   [kʷrriʔ] Morph: kʷr•r•iʔ. Variant: kʷr̓r̓iʔ. Etym: √kʷr. s.t. turns yellow. Category: C2 Inchoative. mʕan iʔ qəpqíntəms uɬ laʔcxʔítiʔ t̓iʔ paˑˑyq, i t spqmúsc hoy uɬ c̓x̌iɬ t skʷrriʔx kiʔ ƛ̓lal. His hair was white at first, gray hair, then it turned yellow when he died. [AutPS 160] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷrxan   [kʷərxán] Morph: kʷrxan. Etym: √kʷr. Crane; crane. Category: Animal name. ixíʔ scuts kʷərxán, qiɬt uɬ c̓ácqaʔ. So Crane told her. He woke up and came out. [frogdd 033] Sp s-kʷéršn (s-kʷálšn) sandhill crane; long-necked, blue crane; gray water birds with long legs; Cm s‑kʷər‑xn blue heron; Cr s+kʷaršn yellow foot, crane. See: kʷriʔ.

kʷr̓íc̓aʔ   [kʷr̓íc̓aʔ] Morph: kʷr̓íc̓aʔ. Variant: kʷríc̓aʔ. Etym: √kʷr̓. a yellow blanket. ixíʔ inkʷr̓íc̓aʔ. That's my yellow blanket. [nb18158.12] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷr̓ilxʷ   [kʷr̓ilxʷ] Morph: kʷr̓ilxʷ. Variant: kʷrilxʷ. Etym: √kʷr̓. golden surface; yellow coat. axáʔ iʔ naqs qʷaʕy, uɬ axáʔ iʔ naqs kʷr̓ilxʷ, uɬ axáʔ iʔ naqs kʷilḷxʷ, uɬ axáʔ iʔ naqs t̓əxʷ q̓ʷaʕy. One blue, and one yellow, and one red, and one black. [dict] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷr̓iʔ   [kʷr̓iʔ] Morph: kʷr̓iʔ. Variant: kʷriʔ. Etym: √kʷrʔ. yellow.

kʷr̓iʔs   [kʷr̓iʔs] Morph: kʷr̓iʔs. Variant: kʷriʔs. Etym: √kʷrʔ. to be yellow in the face; yellow face. way̓ ɬx̌əstwílx iʔ tkɬmilxʷ, náx̌əmɬ t t̓i kʷr̓iˑˑʔs. Well, the woman got well again, but she was yellow. [HnLk30] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷr̓kʷaʔr̓ús   [kʷər̓kʷaʔr̓ús] Morph: kʷr̓•kʷaʔr̓ús. Etym: √kʷr. kʷr̓kʷaʔr̓ús: Little Gold. Category: Place name. x̌íƛ̓əm uɬ qáqəlt, k̓əl kʷər̓kʷaʔr̓ús. He climbed it and got to its top, to Little Gold. [CoBrk17] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷr̓kʷr̓aqstxn   [kʷər̓kʷər̓áqstxən] Morph: kʷr̓•kʷr̓aqstxn. Etym: √kʷr̓. kʷr̓kʷr̓aqstxn: the name of one of Coyote's sons. Lit: yellow legs Category: Man's name. kʷər̓kʷər̓áqstxən. Coyote's son Yellow Legs. [nb24-05 016]

kʷr̓kʷr̓aʔtíɬaʔp   [kʷərkʷər̓aʔtíɬaʔp] Morph: kʷr•kʷr̓aʔ+tíɬaʔp. Variant: kʷr̓kʷr̓aʔtíɬp. Etym: √kʷr. Sitka willow (salix sitchensis). Category: Plant name, Diminutive. kʷər̓kʷər̓aʔtíɬaʔp. Sitka willow. [TBK136]

kʷr̓kʷr̓aʔtíɬp   [kʷərkʷər̓aʔtíɬp] Morph: kʷr•kʷr̓aʔ+tíɬp. Variant: kʷr̓kʷr̓aʔtíɬaʔp. Etym: √kʷr. Sitka willow (salix sitchensis). Category: Plant name. kʷər̓kʷər̓aʔtíɬaʔp. Sitka willow. [TBK136]

kʷr̓kʷr̓iʔɬml̕x   [kʷər̓kʷər̓íʔɬml̕x] Morph: kʷr̓•kʷr̓íʔ꞊ɬml̕x. Etym: √kʷr̓. stonecrop (sedum lanceolatum). Lit: B’s etym: little yellow/green plant Category: Plant name. kʷər̓kʷər̓íʔɬml̕x. Stonecrop. [TBK98]

kʷr̓r̓iʔ   [kʷər̓r̓íʔ] Morph: kʷr̓•r̓•iʔ. Variant: kʷrriʔ. Etym: √kʷrʔ. to turn yellow. Category: C2 Inchoative. kʷər̓r̓íʔ iʔ cíqʷəlx iʔ k̓ámaʔs, ixíʔ uɬ tixʷs iʔ sqilxʷ. The needles of the tamarack turn yellow, that's when the people gather it. [mychildr 212] See: kʷriʔ.

kʷsimt   [kʷsimt] Morph: kʷs+imt ? Etym: √kʷs. to be curled. cəm̓ kʷsimt. It might burn and pucker up (said of hides being tanned, e.g.). [nb1879.13] See: kʷskʷus.

kʷsiw̓   [kʷsiw̓] Morph: kʷsiw̓ ? Etym: √kʷsw̓ ?. kʷsiw̓. Category: Man's name. kʷsiw̓. Man's name. [dict]

kʷskscut   [kʷəskscút] Morph: kʷsks+cut. Etym: √kʷs. to be satisfied. kən kʷəskscút. I'm fully satisfied. [nb27-38 005] Category: Confirm.

kʷskʷscut   [kʷəskʷəscút] Morph: kʷs•kʷs+cut. Etym: √kʷs. to act silly, playful. kʷəskʷəscút. He acts silly. [nb21.146] See: kʷuskʷst. Category: Confirm.

kʷskʷus   [kʷəskʷús] Morph: kʷs•kʷus. Etym: √kʷs. puckered up. ckʷəskʷús. It's puckered up (e.g. sewn badly). [nb18105.11] Sp hi kʷús it's curly. See: kʷsimt.

kʷsscin   [kʷsəscín] Morph: kʷs•scin. Etym: √kʷs. to joke. Category: Istem. uɬ t̓iʔ kʷu nstils mat skʷsəscínx. We just thought he was joking. [HnTrp 230] Cm kʷs‑s–cin‑m to joke, tease.

kʷsscinm   Morph: kʷs•scin+m. Etym: √kʷs. to joke. Category: nMstem. kʷ ikskʷəsəscínəm. I’m going to joke with you. [nb1890.15] Cm kʷs‑s–cin‑m to joke, tease.

kʷtxʷlíʔpustxn   [kʷtxʷlíʔpustxən] Morph: kʷtxʷlíʔpustxn. Etym: √kʷtxʷl. an irregular stride. kʷtxʷlíʔpustxn. Irregular stride. [dict] See: nkʷtxʷlíʔpustxn.

kʷu‿1   [kʷu] Morph: kʷu. first person plural subject marker "we" of the kn intransitive paradigm. Category: particle, person marking, inflectional particle. kʷaʔ ixíʔ iʔ xmín̓tət axáʔ iʔ kʷu suknaqínx. They are our enemy, [the enemy of] us the Okanagans. [su7q̓im 084] way̓ ik̓líʔ kʷu sx̌ʷtilx. We'll go down there. [su7q̓im 129] caʔkʷ uɬ c̓x̌iɬ kʷu nmaʔɬíls. We'll feel better inside. [nb26-49 015] huhúy kʷu ksqʷaʔqʷʔál. Let's meet! [nb25-22 001] kʷu qəlwítəm. We are on our way. [nb25-30 005] lut, t̓i kʷu kmúsəms. No, just four of us. [newles 017] cyʕap uɬ kʷu tkʷənksənwíxʷ. They arrived and we all shook hands with each other. [newles 047] Category: inflectional particle, person marking.

kʷu‿2   [kʷu] Morph: kʷu. first person plural subject marker in double intransitive forms (conjugated with the set of i(n)- person markers). Category: particle, inflectional particle, person marking. Whal 218 kʷu anƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. [We are going to be your help.] lnx2 363 lut kʷu ksʔaɬʔíɬns. [We are your parents.] nb22-34a It's not our eating / food; it's not for us to eat. [We mustn’t eat.] Lit: lut kʷu ksnʔúɬxʷs. nb22-34a It's not our going in; It's not for us to go in. [We shouldn’t go in.] See: 02/Oct/2020.

kʷu‿3   [kʷu] Morph: kʷu. first person singular subject marker "I" of the possessive paradigm (double intransitives). Category: particle, inflectional particle, person marking. kʷu anlʔíw. I am your father. axáʔ kʷu səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əms iʔ ta ilmíxʷəm. I am just the chief’s working boy. [nb1221.5] kʷu x̌asts. He/she likes me. [feb94 097] kʷu anx̌mínk. You like me. [dict] kʷu səc̓amnáms. He's feeding me. [nb26-51 001] Lit: I am the object of his feeding.

kʷu‿4   [kʷu] Morph: kʷu. first person object marker "me" in transitive paradigms. Category: particle, person marking, inflectional particle.

1 • with +nt. uɬ kʷu kc̓x̌ʷíplaʔs taʔlíʔ t q̓sápiʔ. And he sentenced me to a long term. [su7q̓im 233] kʷu kənxítənti, incá naʔɬ Amy. Help us, me and Amy! [nb26-61 005] kʷu nkaʔkaʔsmílsmntxʷ. You make me feel bad. [jan93nb 022]

2 • with +ɬt. cəm̓ kʷu q̓ilɬtxʷ ispuʔús. You might sadden my heart. [su7q̓im 183] kʷu cxʷic̓ɬtxʷ inq̓aʔxán. You brought me my shoes. [newles 123] kʷu cc̓q̓miɬt isəp̓síp̓iʔxn. Throw me my moccasins! [newles 126] kʷu ʔumɬts iskʷíst. He asked me my name. [su7q̓im 256] kʷu ʔiɬts istík̓əl. He ate up my food. [Oct92 084] kʷu qʷim̓m̓ɬtxʷ inkwáp uɬ c̓q̓mist. You startled my horse and it had a start. [jan93nb 103] kʷu c̓x̌ʷc̓x̌ʷɬtikʷ isqʷsqʷsíʔ. Discipline my child! [Oct92 071]

3 • with +(t)uɬt. kʷu nq̓əy̓úɬt askʷíst. Copy your name for me! [nb26-71 016] kʷu c̓əq̓ʷstúɬt iʔ sútən. Point the thing out for me! [nb26-72 007]

4 • with +x(í)t. kʷu nʔíysxt iʔ t t̓axt. Buy some sugar for me! [newles 141] kʷu xʷic̓xt t ikspəx̌páx̌t, mi lut iksənɬípt. Give me knowledge so that I won't forget. [feb94 043]

kʷu‿^5   [kʷu] Morph: kʷu. with -m suffixed to the transitive verb stem, this person marker encodes the combination "he / they did X to us". Category: particle.

1 • with +nt. cəm̓ aláʔ kʷu nkcníkəntəm mi kʷu ƛ̓xʷəntím. They might overtake us here and kill us. [su7q̓im 093] kʷu tkʷínksəntəm. They shook hands with us. [newles 046] kʷu pulstm. He / they beat us. [nb26-51 014] kʷu ksíwntəm. He will ask us. [nb26-71 006] kʷu tumístməntəm. They sold us out. [Oct92 093] kʷu ʔamtím. He /they fed us. [nb26-51 021]

2 • with +st. kʷu lkʷilxstəm iʔ təl̕ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áptət. They took us away from our parents. [nb26-49 005]

3 • with +ɬt. t̓i lut kʷu kʷíɬtəm axáʔ iʔ latáptət. I'm hoping they won't take our table. [nb27-38 004] uɬ kʷu lək̓ɬtím ya nqʷəlqʷíltəntət iʔ k̓əl residential school. At the residential schools they forbade us to talk [in] our language. [nb26-49 006] ixíʔ kʷu nɬp̓íw̓ɬtəm ixíʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷtət. They made [drew] a big [long] line through our land. [su7q̓im 068] iʔ k̓ʷəl̕əncútən ixíʔ iʔ kʷu t̓ək̓ʷɬtím axáʔ iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ kstxt̓at̓tət. The Creator put down the land for us to take care of. [su7q̓im 071]

4 • with +tuɬt. kʷu cunmaʔtúɬtəm. He explained it to us. [nb26-72 014] kʷu k̓əsk̓ʷəlkn̓íɬxʷəntəm they threw us out of the house. [nb24-03 013] iʔ t̓uxʷt way̓ kʷu txʷyínaʔntəm. The plane went over us. [nb27-41 004] See: ^-m12.

kʷukʷ1   [kʷukʷ, kʷuk] Morph: kʷukʷ. Etym: √kʷkʷ. to do service; to please; to be thankful. kʷu kʷukʷstxʷ. Thank you! [newles 026] way̓ ixíʔ kʷu kʷukʷstxʷ ɬ qʷəlqʷílstmən. I'm thankful that I got to talk to you. [dict] sxʷuˑˑys uɬ níkna way̓ kʷu kʷukʷsts itíʔ iʔ t int̓aq̓əltáʕn. He went and, goodness, that woman sure pleased me. [grlsdd 197] way̓ kʷu kʷukʷsts. He has done a great deal for me. [nb1869.8] kʷu akskʷúkʷstəm. You make me happy; you do a great deal for me. [nb18170.7] Sh kʷəkʷ-st-es to save sb.

kʷukʷ2   [kukʷ] Morph: kʷukʷ. semantic import "reportedly; it is said that..." t̓iʔ p̓ɬiwt kʷukʷ iʔ sámaʔ. The white people are lying all over [sick]. [EJEp.36] kʷuk aɬíʔ cánmən ɬaʔ ksttəm̓tím̓. They say those are Chinaman’s clothes. [Green.61]

kʷúkʷaʔ   [kʷúkʷaʔ] Morph: kʷú•kʷaʔ. Etym: √kʷʔ. s.o. different; an outsider; a stranger. uɬ ʕapnáʔ ʕác̓ənt, iʔ sckʷlíwtət way̓ ct̓íxʷləm ʕapnáʔ, aɬíʔ iʔ x̌əcnúmtəntət way̓ kʷúkʷaʔ. Now look, the way we live now is different, our clothes are different. [gregory 014] lut swit kʷúkʷaʔ axáʔ iʔ l təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, yayʕát iʔ kʷu sqilxʷ. Nobody is a stranger in this land, we are all Indians. [mychildr 074] kən kʷúkʷaʔ aɬíʔ kən suyápix. I am an outsider, a white man. [nb1869.6] ilíʔ ist̓əmkʔílt iʔ l kʷúkʷaʔ uɬ ɬwin. I left my daughter with somebody. [nb1869.5] lut t̓ ikswíklaʔxʷəm iʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, kəm̓ nixʷ lut t̓ ikukuksqílxʷ, iʔ t kʷúkʷaʔ. I'll never get to see the world, neither will I see other people, strangers. [dict]

kʷukʷscút   [kʷukʷscút] Morph: kʷukʷ+scút. Etym: √kʷkʷ. to be lucky; to be grateful. caʔkʷ t̓əxʷ ɬə ksənsúlmnəlx, way̓ uníxʷ kiʔ ckʷukscútəlx. If they had freezers for sure they would be lucky. [Green.80] kʷu kʷəkʷscút kʷu cənqʷn̓án̓. We are sure lucky to be pitied. [dict] Sh kʷəkʷ-s[t]-cut to be well off, in easy circumstances. See: kʷukʷst.

kʷukʷús   [kʷukʷús] Morph: kʷu•kʷús. From: French cochon. Etym: √kʷs. pig.

kʷulst   Morph: kʷul+st. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. some place; to send s.o. on an errand; to send s.o. off for s.t. Category: +st stem. atláʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp məɬ kʷúlstsəlx iʔ ttw̓it. From here the elders would send a boy. [su7q̓im 191] ixíʔ kʷulsts iʔ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕əms. So he sent his working man. [dict] incá iʔ kʷu ckʷúlsts iʔ t anƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp. Your parents sent me here. [dict] way̓ mypnús t incá kʷúlstmən. He’ll know I sent you. [dict] Sp kʷ y-eʔc-kʷúl-s-t-m I'm sending you, I'm asking a favor of you; Cm kʷuls‑(s)t‑xʷ you send s.t.; Cr kʷlsét-s help (ask for...), ask me for or seek assistance; s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand; hi-s+kʷúlset H/S is one I asked to do an errand for me; Sh (c-)k̓ʷlm-et-n-s to send a person.

kʷulstm   Morph: kʷul+st+m. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. some place; to send s.o. on an errand; to send s.o. off for s.t. way̓ aɬíʔ i ta ilmíxʷəm kʷu səckʷúlstəms, ixíʔ isənk̓ʷúl̕mən. The king sent me after you, I work for him [that's where I work]. [nb1216.6] ixíʔ kʷu sckʷúlstəms kʷ ikskʷním. He sent me to take you. [nb1216.7] kʷu sckʷúlstəm iʔ t ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áptət. Our elders sent us. [dict] uɬ way̓ mipnús t̓əxʷ kʷ iskʷúlstəm ik̓líʔ. He’ll know that I sent you there. [nb1290.3] sc̓x̌ilx uɬ iʔ kʷ ikskʷúlstəm. That's why I'm going to send you on an errand. [CoGrSy 160] kʷu skʷúlstəms iksm̓ym̓yám iʔ x̌ast iʔ k̓əl sqilxʷ. I was sent to tell good things to the people. [CSCo75] lut p t̓ iskʷúlstəm. I’m not sending you off. [nb1225.4] Sp kʷ y-eʔc-kʷúl-s-t-m I'm sending you, I'm asking a favor of you; Cm kʷuls‑(s)t‑xʷ you send s.t.; Cr kʷlsét-s help (ask for...), ask me for or seek assistance; s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand; hi-s+kʷúlset H/S is one I asked to do an errand for me; Sh (c-)k̓ʷlm-et-n-s to send a person.

kʷulstm   Morph: kʷul+st+m. Etym: √kʷl. to send s.o. on an errand. Category: +st+m stem. lut kʷu akskʷúlstəm ik̓líʔ. Don’t send me there after it! [nb1870.7] Cr s+kʷúlst asking one to do an errand. See: kʷul. Category: Confirm.

kʷuɬn   Morph: kʷuɬn. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend s.t. to s.o.; to borrow s.t.; to take advantage of s.o. (sexually). Category: Istem. yaʕyáʕt ixíʔ isckʷúɬən. I borrowed everything. [AutPS 296] tl incá kiʔ kʷúɬən pit. Pete borrowed it from me. [nb6.138] way̓ səckʷúɬənx kaʔ ilíʔ. He is borrowing her. [Cona39] lut t̓ə cx̌áq̓əsts iʔ cxʷəlxʷílts, kəm̓ iʔ sckʷúɬəns iʔ sqláw̓. And he didn't pay his debts, or the money he borrowed. [dict] Sp √kʷuɬn borrow, lend; Cm kʷuɬ-nt-xʷ you lend s.t. to s.o.; you borrow s.t. from s.o.; Cr kʷuɬ borrow, lend; Sh kʷəɬen to borrow; Li kʷúɬən to borrow s.t.

kʷuɬnm   Morph: kʷuɬn+m. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend s.t. to s.o.; to borrow s.t.; to take advantage of s.o. (sexually). Category: nMstem. t̓əxʷ kʷu sck̓əɬʔəxʷʔəxʷkʷúnəms ikskʷúɬnəm axáʔ iʔ t incq̓ílən. He’s been coaxing me to lend him my arrow. [dict] way̓ kʷu akskʷúɬnəm. Lend it to me! [nb1877.13] kway̓ nixʷ lut t̓ə qəɬnún kʷ ikskʷúɬnəm I can never make myself lend it to you. [Nams 129] lut kʷ t̓ ikskʷúɬnəm. I am not going to lend it to you. [nb1877.10] Sp √kʷuɬn borrow, lend; Cm kʷuɬ-nt-xʷ you lend s.t. to s.o.; you borrow s.t. from s.o.; Cr kʷuɬ borrow, lend; Sh kʷəɬen to borrow; Li kʷúɬən to borrow s.t.

kʷuɬnt   Morph: kʷuɬ+nt. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend s.t. to s.o.; to borrow s.t.; to take advantage of s.o. (sexually). Category: +nt stem. way̓ t̓i kʷu kʷúɬəntxʷ ixíʔ t ancq̓ílən, n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬxʷíc̓əɬtsən. Just lend me your arrow, I'll give it back to you. [dict] ilíʔ lut t̓ə kskʷúɬənsəlx iʔ t cq̓ílən. They will not lend any arrows. [dict] kʷúɬən pit. I loaned it to Pete. [nb6.138] kʷuɬəntxʷ. You borrowed it. [nb26-20 013] lut t̓ kskʷúɬənsəlx. They will not lend them. [nb08 673] Sp √kʷuɬn borrow, lend; Cm kʷuɬ-nt-xʷ you lend s.t. to s.o.; you borrow s.t. from s.o.; Cr kʷuɬ borrow, lend; Sh kʷəɬen to borrow; Li kʷúɬən to borrow s.t.

kʷuɬntuɬt   Morph: kʷuɬn+tuɬt. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend s.t. to s.o.; to borrow s.t.; to take advantage of s.o. (sexually). Category: +tuɬt stem. itlíʔ kʷu ɬk̓əɬʔaxʷʔaxʷkʷúksts t̓i kʷu kskʷɬəntúɬts. Still he’s coaxing me to lend it to him. [dict] Sp √kʷuɬn borrow, lend; Cm kʷuɬ-nt-xʷ you lend s.t. to s.o.; you borrow s.t. from s.o.; Cr kʷuɬ borrow, lend; Sh kʷəɬen to borrow; Li kʷúɬən to borrow s.t.

kʷuɬst   Morph: kʷuɬ+st. Etym: √kʷɬn. to lend s.t. to s.o.; to borrow s.t.; to take advantage of s.o. (sexually). Category: c+^+st stem. ckʷúɬstən. I lent it to them (used to lend it). [nb1879.14] aɬíʔ ɬaʔ cxʷəlxʷált uɬ taʔlíʔ ckʷúɬstəm iʔ t sqláw̓. When he was alive he borrowed a lot of money. [dict] uɬ talí kʷu ckʷúɬstəm t sqlaw kəm̓ t xʷəlxʷílt. We lent him money or paid his debts. [GDd2 078] Sp √kʷuɬn borrow, lend; Cm kʷuɬ-nt-xʷ you lend s.t. to s.o.; you borrow s.t. from s.o.; Cr kʷuɬ borrow, lend; Sh kʷəɬen to borrow; Li kʷúɬən to borrow s.t.

kʷum   [kʷum] Morph: kʷum. Etym: √kʷm. to store s.t., to put away s.t. Category: Istem. yaʕyáʕt stim̓ cx̌aw̓, yaʕyáʕt stim̓ x̌w̓aw̓ kaʔ ckʷum. Everything is dried, all has to be dried and then put away. [mychildr 218] Sp kʷum save, hide away...; Cm na‑kʷum large bowl; Th n/kʷúm-mn bag, sack; Li kʷm-aɬməx watertight basket...

kʷumcn   [kʷúmcən] Morph: kʷumcn. Etym: √kʷm. to save for food; to put aside food. ikskʷúmcən. I'm saving money for food. [nb27-12 003] kən kskʷúmcnaʔx, kən kɬkʷúmcnaʔx. I'm going to save food, I'm going to save food again. [nb27-12 004] ilíˑˑʔ tx̌ʷəyx̌ʷáyqən, uɬ t̓ít̓im anwí ɬ akskʷúmcən. There I'll pile them, and it'll be easy (for) you to put away your share. [Dvl 082] See: kʷum.

kʷumɬt   Morph: kʷum+ɬt. Etym: √kʷm. to store s.t., to put away s.t. Category: +ɬt stem. uc kʷu kʷumɬt. Did you put it away for me? [nb1880.5] Sp kʷum save, hide away...; Cm na‑kʷum large bowl; Th n/kʷúm-mn bag, sack; Li kʷm-aɬməx watertight basket...

kʷumɬtm   Morph: kʷum+ɬt+m. Etym: √kʷm. to store s.t., to put away s.t. Category: +ɬt+m stem. lut kʷ ikskʷúmɬtəm. I’m not going to keep it for you. [nb1879.16] Sp kʷum save, hide away...; Cm na‑kʷum large bowl; Th n/kʷúm-mn bag, sack; Li kʷm-aɬməx watertight basket...

kʷumm   [kʷum.m] Morph: kʷum•m. Etym: √kʷm. s.t. put aside, saved. stim̓ ixíʔ akskʷúmm. What is that you are going to put away? [nb1880.14] ixíʔ ikskʷúmm. That̓s what I am going to put away. [nb1880.13] See: kʷum.

kʷumnt   Morph: kʷum+nt. Etym: √kʷm. to store s.t., to put away s.t. Category: +nt stem. yaʕyáʕt iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ sʔiɬns, kʷúmsəlx, x̌əw̓ntísəlx. All the people's food, they store it, they dry it. [mychildr 216] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬə ɬckʷíɬtən ilíʔ iʔ kskʷúmiʔs. If I can get it back from where she's going to store it. [GDd2 394] way̓ ixíʔ kʷis, kʷums iʔ l sənqláw̓tṇs, uɬ ṇt̓k̓ʷəntís. So he took it, he put it in his purse, he put it away. [dict] ixíʔ ṇʔúcxnəm, n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬ ikckʷíɬtəm iʔ l kskʷúmiʔs. I'm going to follow her, maybe I can get it from where she puts it away. [dict] Sp kʷum save, hide away...; Cm na‑kʷum large bowl; Th n/kʷúm-mn bag, sack; Li kʷm-aɬməx watertight basket...

kʷup̓p̓   [kʷúp̓əp̓] Morph: kʷup̓•p̓. Etym: √kʷp̓. to be cramped. Category: C2 Inchoative. kʷúp̓əp̓. It's cramped. [nb22.5a]

kʷus   [kʷus] Morph: kʷus. Etym: √kʷs. puckered, gathered. ckʷus. It's puckered, gathered. [nb18105.9] Sp √kʷus curly, bunched up, gathered together; Cr ec+kʷús corrugated, crimped, curled.

kʷuskʷst   [kʷúskʷəst] Morph: kʷus•kʷs+t. Etym: √kʷs. a frisky, wild horse. way̓ kʷúskʷəst. (That horse) is wild. [nb1891.1] Cr kʷus+kʷus+t he is a frisky (scarey) horse. See: kʷskʷscut.

kʷúsmiʔst   [kʷúsmiʔst] Morph: kʷús+miʔst. Etym: √kʷs. to be puckered up. kʷúsmiʔst. Puckered. [nb18105.10] See: kʷus.

kʷusú   [kʷusú] Morph: kʷusú. Etym: √kʷs. pig. From: French cochon. Gram: northern form Category: Animal name, Borrowing. kʷusó. Pig. [nb08 569] Sp lkʷosó pig, pork, bacon, ham, sausage; Cm ḷkʷụsụ́; Cr lokʷo·só pig; Sh kʷúso pig; Th /kʷáṣu live domestic pig; kʷəṣó domestic pig, hog; Li kʷasú, kʷụṣụ́ pig.

kʷusxn   [kʷúsxən] Morph: kʷusxn. Etym: √kʷs. puckered foot. kʷúsxən. A pickered foot. [nb18109.2] See: kʷus.

kʷutwn   [kʷútwən] Morph: kʷut+wn. Etym: √kʷt. eel. Category: Animal name. kʷútwən. Eel. [nb1892.13] Sp kʷútul; Cr kʷútgʷl; Sh kʷutwn, kʷútwe eel; Li kʷútwan eel.

kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ   [kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ] Morph: kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ. Etym: √kʷxʔstm. kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ. Category: Man's name. kʷuxaʔstmínaʔ. Victor Antoine. [dict]

kʷuxstmínaʔ   [kʷuxstmínaʔ] Morph: kʷuxstmínaʔ. Etym: √kʷxstm. kʷuxstmínaʔ. Category: Man's name. kʷuxstmínaʔ. Ed Seymour. [Nb 4, p. 110]

kʷykʷytas   [kʷikʷitás] Morph: kʷy•kʷy+tas. Etym: √kʷy. Pete Seymour. Category: Man's name. kʷikʷitás. [nb21.73a] See: kʷikʷitás.

kʷykʷytasq̓t   [kʷikʷitásq̓ət] Morph: kʷy•kʷy+tasq̓t. Etym: √kʷy. kʷykʷytasq̓t. Category: Man's name. kʷikʷitásq̓ət. [nb21.73a]

kʷykʷyutm   [kʷikʷiyútəm] Morph: kʷy•kʷyut+m. Etym: √kʷy. the mating call of blue grouse. ɬaʔ ckʷikʷiyútəm. When the blue grouse sound their mating call. [pd02]

kʷy̓kʷáy̓t   [kʷiʔkʷáy̓t] Morph: kʷy̓•kʷay̓t. Etym: √kʷy̓. Lynx Creek, which enters Hall Creek about three and one half miles northwest from the present-day town of Inchelium. Category: Place name. kʷiʔkʷáy̓t. Place name. [BK204]

kʷʔal   [kʷʔal] Morph: kʷ[ʔ]al. Variant: kʷʔal̕. Etym: √kʷl. to get warm. Category: Inchoative. See: kʷʔal̕.

kʷʔalx   [kʷʔalx] Morph: kʷʔalx. Etym: √kʷʔ. insomnia. way̓ kən kʷʔalx. I can’t sleep, I have insomnia. [nb1875.15] See: confirm.

kʷʔal̕   [kʷʔal̕] Morph: kʷ[ʔ]al̕. Variant: kʷʔal. Etym: √kʷl. to get warm. Category: Inchoative. way̓ axáʔ nc̓íʔcən axáʔ ixíʔ wiʔskcmínaʔs ixíʔ uɬ kʷʔal̕ axáʔ. After he got snow on top of him, Wolf got warmed up. [BJSeym 310] kən kʷʔal̕ uɬ kən ʔitx. I got warmed up and went to sleep. [nb1876.1] ixíʔ x̌əstmís iʔ skʷʔal̕s. He really liked how he was getting warm. [dict] Cm kʷaʔl be warm, Cr kʷel̕ hot, sunny, warm. See: kʷal̕t.

kʷʔax   [kʷʔax] Morph: kʷʔax ? Etym: √kʷʔx ?. to have eyes wide open; to be wide awake. t̓i niʕ̓íp kən kʷʔax, uɬ x̌lap, uɬ lut kən t̓ ʔatətxíʔst. I was wide awake, and morning came, and I hadn't slept. [misc 116]

kʷʔus   [kʷʔus] Morph: kʷʔ꞊us. Etym: √kʷʔ. to be all smiles. kʷʔus. All smiles. [dict] See: kʷus.