m̓am̓áy̓aʔ   [m̓am̓áy̓aʔ] Morph: m̓a•m̓áyaʔ. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to teach.

Istem. Sp qʷu m̓em̓éy̓eʔ-i-s she taught me. m̓am̓áy̓aʔ. Teach. [dict] See: m̓áyaʔ.

m̓am̓qʷcn   [m̓ám̓qʷcən] Morph: m̓a•m̓qʷcn. Etym: √mqʷ. swallow (bird).

Isten. Category: Faun. mám̓qʷcən. Swallow (bird). [nb08 763]

m̓am̓scút   [m̓am̓scút] Morph: m̓a•m̓s+cút. Variant: mamscútn. Etym: √ms (?). to play cards.

Istem. Sp m̓em̓-s-cú-tn a deck of playing cards; Cm m̓am̓scútn̓ playing cards. Category: +cut. kən m̓am̓scút. I played cards. [nb21.116a] kʷ scm̓am̓scútaʔx. You are playing cards. [nb18191.1]

m̓am̓scútn   [m̓am̓scútən] Morph: m̓a•m̓s+cút+n. Variant: m̓am̓scút. Etym: √ms. playing cards.

Istem. Category: +tn. m̓am̓scútən. Playing cards. [nb18191.5]

m̓am̓úsm   Morph: m̓a•m̓ús+m. Etym: √ms. to feel and feel s.t.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. kən k̓aw uɬ tan̓mús kʷ m̓aʔm̓úsəm. I was gone (e.g. had left the bed) and you felt for nothing. [nb18190.6] See: m̓sm̓us.

m̓am̓úsnt   Morph: m̓a•m̓ús+nt. Etym: √ms. to feel and feel s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. m̓aʔm̓úsəntsən. I felt you. [nb18190.5] kʷu m̓aʔm̓úsiʔs. He felt me. [nb18190.4] See: m̓sm̓us.

m̓ar̓wy̓nt   Morph: m̓ar̓wy̓+nt. Etym: √mr̓wy̓. to mix.

Tstem. Category: +nt. nʔax̌líkstməntxʷ uɬ x̌ʷúsəs, m̓ár̓wiʔntxʷ iʔ t t̓axt, uɬ nixʷ nʔax̌líkstməntxʷ put taʔlí c̓k̓ʷap mi sic ʔíɬəntxʷ. Stir until if foams, add sugar, mix more until it's thick, and eat it. [rdgs 133]

m̓áyaʔ   [m̓áyaʔ] Morph: m̓áyaʔ. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. Variant: m̓áy̓aʔ. tell.

Istem. to tell s.t.

m̓ay̓   [m̓ay̓] Morph: m̓ay̓. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell (a story); to recount (a story).

Istem. way’ kən ksm̓ay̓míxaʔx axáʔ inƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp kʷu ɬaʔ cm̓ay̓xítsəlx tla q̓sápiʔ iʔ cəwcáwts tlaʔ q̓sápiʔ sqilxʷ. Alright, I am going to tell a story my elders told me from a long time ago, the ways of the people long ago. [lpb1] níkxənaʔ uɬ yaʕyáʕt iʔ səcm̓ay̓míxaʔx. Goodness, everyone was telling the story. [EJEp.25]

m̓áy̓aʔ   [m̓áy̓aʔ] Morph: m̓áy̓aʔ. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to tell or teach s.t.; to show s.t. to s.o.

Istem. Sp meyeʔ to show, to teach, to preach, to tell; Cm may̓aʔ‑ɬt‑xʷ you speak for s.o.; you teach, explain to s.o. scm̓áyaʔx. He was telling what happened. [nb18211.9] See: m̓ay̓.

m̓áy̓aʔɬt   Morph: m̓áy̓aʔ+ɬt. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to tell or teach s.t.; to show s.t. to s.o.

Tstem. Sp meyeʔ to show, to teach, to preach, to tell; Cm may̓aʔ‑ɬt‑xʷ you speak for s.o.; you teach, explain to s.o. ixíʔ əcm̓áyaʔɬts iʔ cawts. He's telling what he did. [dict] ixíʔ m̓áy̓aʔɬtəm c̓kin, uɬ ixíʔ x̌aq̓s. He told him how much, and he paid him. [GDd2 105] aláʔ sc̓x̌ilx ki ixíʔ cúntsən, m̓áyaʔɬtsən. That's why I told you, I taught you. [RHorse 065] uɬ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ m̓áyaʔɬtsən aksənɬq̓ʷútən. I’m going to show you your bed. [nb1270.11] ḷʔíw, kʷ ylmíxʷəm, uɬ ksm̓áyaʔɬtst iʔ sck̓əɬpáʔx̌tət. Father, you are the chief, and we are going to tell you what we are thinking. [dict] kʷu m̓ayaʔɬtp. Tell me! [dict] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ x̌áq̓ən, k̓əɬc̓kəntíxʷ, kʷu m̓áyaʔɬtp iʔ ksx̌q̓əncútəmp. I'll pay for it, name the price, tell me the whole price. [dict] way̓ n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kən mypnwíɬən, t swit kʷ m̓ayaʔɬts, uɬ way̓ mat n̓ín̓w̓iʔ mypnún. I will learn, anybody shows me, and I'll learn. [dict] m̓áyaʔɬtməlx iʔ kɬccítxʷsəlx. They'll tell you where to find bunks. [dict] uɬ nixʷ lut kʷu t̓ə cm̓aʔm̓áyaʔɬtəm stim̓ iʔ l sk̓ʷúl̕əm. They don't teach us anything about work. [dict] See: m̓ay̓.

m̓áy̓aʔɬtm   Morph: m̓áy̓aʔ+ɬt+m. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to tell or teach s.t.; to show s.t. to s.o.

nTstem. Sp meyeʔ to show, to teach, to preach, to tell; Cm may̓aʔ‑ɬt‑xʷ you speak for s.o.; you teach, explain to s.o. way̓ kʷa p ism̓áyaʔɬtəm iʔ ksnilíʔtnəmp. Now I am going to show you where you are going to stay. [GDd1 357] lut kʷu t̓ iksm̓áyáʔɬtəm ancáwt. I’m not going to tell your story. [nb1295.3] way̓ ixíʔ kʷ iksm̓áy̓aʔɬtəm y aksənɬq̓ʷútən. I’m going to show you where you’ll sleep. [nb1240.1] səcm̓ay̓aʔɬtəmsəlx yaʕyáʕt iʔ stim̓ iʔ sqilxʷ. They tell him all kinds of things about Indians. See: m̓ay̓.

m̓áy̓aʔm   Morph: m̓áy̓aʔ+m. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to tell or teach s.t.; to show s.t. to s.o.

Mstem. Sp meyeʔ to show, to teach, to preach, to tell; Cm may̓aʔ‑ɬt‑xʷ you speak for s.o.; you teach, explain to s.o. kən c̓ayx̌ʷt kən ɬaʔ maʔyám. I get tired when I tell stories. [newles 195] Category: nMstem. iksm̓áyaʔm. I am going to tell them. [nb26-65 009] way̓ iksm̓ay̓ám Tony. I’m going to tell about Tony. [nb18211.11] See: m̓ay̓.

m̓áy̓aʔnt   Morph: m̓áy̓aʔ+nt. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to tell or teach s.t.; to show s.t. to s.o.

Tstem. Sp meyeʔ to show, to teach, to preach, to tell; Cm may̓aʔ‑ɬt‑xʷ you speak for s.o.; you teach, explain to s.o. Category: +nt. kʷu m̓áy̓aʔs. He taught me. [nb26-51 019] kʷu m̓áy̓aʔntəm. He taught us. [nb26-51 020] t̓əxʷ m̓áyaʔnt stim̓. Tell me what! [dict] huy kʷu cm̓áyaʔnt akɬənƛ̓ləltán. Tell me what's going to kill you! [dict] mi itlíʔ ɬ m̓áyaʔɬmən iʔ kɬcáwtəmp. And from then on, I’ll tell you what else to do. [nb1276.7] See: m̓ay̓.

m̓áy̓aʔst   Morph: m̓áy̓aʔ+st. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to tell or teach s.t.; to show s.t. to s.o.

Tstem. Sp meyeʔ to show, to teach, to preach, to tell; Cm may̓aʔ‑ɬt‑xʷ you speak for s.o.; you teach, explain to s.o. Category: +st. t incá cm̓áy̓aʔstən uɬ t anwí cq̓əy̓stíxʷ. I tell you, and then you write it down! [nb18210.14] cmáyaʔstəm. He would tell us. [nb18210.13] See: m̓ay̓.

m̓ay̓ɬt   Morph: m̓ay̓+ɬt. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell (a story); to recount (a story).

Tstem. kʷu m̓ay̓ɬtíkʷ. Tell me about it! [E91.8] náx̌əmɬ t̓i ixíʔ kʷu cm̓ay̓ɬtísəlx. They've told me about it. [su7q̓im 062] ha kʷu aksɬuníkstəm ɬə m̓ay̓ɬtsín. Will you let go of me if I tell you? [FP] way̓ incá kən ɬaʔ kɬcawt, iʔ kʷu cm̓ay̓ɬtís. I have done that, what he's been telling about me. [dict]

m̓ay̓ɬtím   Morph: m̓ay̓+ɬt+ím. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell (a story); to recount (a story).

nTstem. kʷ ikɬm̓ay̓ɬtím ʕapnáʔ. Now I'll tell you again. [su7q̓im 280]

m̓ay̓ncút   [m̓ay̓ncút] Morph: m̓ay̓+ncút. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell a story (one has experienced).

Istem. ixíʔ uɬ ɬxʷuy, ɬxʷuy iʔ k̓əl təmxʷúlaʔxʷs, uɬ ɬkicx, uɬ m̓ay̓ncút. He went back, went back to his country, got back and he told about it. [su7q̓im 115] way̓ lut kspúlstəm, way̓ n̓us ɬkicx uɬ way̓ m̓ay̓ncút. We won't kill him. When he gets back he'll tell. [su7q̓im 156] anwí mi kʷ qʷəlqʷílt, m̓ay̓ncútx. You do the talking, tell your story! [dict] huhuy, m̓ay̓ncútwi iʔ cáwtəmp. Now tell the story about yourselves! [dict] way̓ ixíʔ ism̓ay̓ncút ʕapnáʔ sənkʷkʷʔác. I will tell all tonight. [lpb361] axáʔ scm̓ay̓ncútaʔx iʔ likúk iʔ naʔɬ lipúl. The rooster with the hen were telling their story. [dict] aláʔ p ksk̓ək̓níyaʔx, ksm̓ay̓ncútaʔxəlx. You will listen, they're going to tell a story. [dict] See: m̓ay̓.

m̓ay̓ncútmnt   Morph: m̓ay̓+ncút+m+nt. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell confidentially.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ t̓i incá iʔ kʷu m̓ayncútmis And he told me secretely. [AutPS 155] See: m̓ay̓ncút.

m̓ay̓nt   Morph: m̓ay̓+nt. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell (a story); to recount (a story).

Tstem. Category: +nt. m̓ay̓ám iʔ knaqs məɬ m̓ay̓ntís sənk̓líp. One tells a story, he tells about Coyote. [nb2585.4]

m̓ay̓st   Morph: m̓ay̓+st. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell (a story); to recount (a story).

Tstem. Category: +st. iʔ sqilxʷ əcm̓ay̓stísəlx təl q̓sápiʔ. The Indians know from long ago. [gregory 066] ixíʔ iʔ q̓ʷaʕylqs ɬə cm̓ay̓stís iʔ kcutíkxtsəlx iʔ sqilxʷ. That's the priest who told the Indians what to do. [gl47] uɬ axáʔ iʔ likúk cm̓ay̓ncút, axáʔ iʔ k̓əl xʷʔit iʔ k̓əl sqilxʷ, uɬ nák̓ʷəm ixíʔ iʔ tətw̓it iʔ cawts, ixíʔ əcm̓ay̓stís. And the rooster is telling a story, to all the people, and indeed that's what the boy did, that's what he's telling. [dict] x̌minks kscm̓ay̓stís. He likes to tell that story over and over. [nb18210.9] stim̓ cm̓ay̓stíxʷ. What is it you always tell? [nb18210.11]

m̓ay̓xíkstm   Morph: m̓ay̓+xíkst+m. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell s.o. how to do s.t.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. m̓ay̓xíkstm. Tell how to do something. [jan93nb 028]

m̓ay̓xít   Morph: m̓ay̓+xít. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell (a story); to recount (a story).

Tstem. Lit: What I have told you I know. Category: +xit. ixíʔ t̓əxʷ way̓ cmistín iʔ m̓ay̓xíɬmən. This is what I know, I have told it to you. [Green.108]

m̓ay̓xítm   Morph: m̓ay̓+xít+m. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell (a story); to recount (a story).

nTstem. Category: +xit+m. kən k̓ʷək̓ʷínaʔcn iʔ kʷ iksm̓ay̓xítəm iʔ l sk̓aʕm. I am going to tell you a story in a few words about praying. [su7q̓im 2108] iscm̓ay̓ʔxítməlx. I'm telling them a fact. [dict]

m̓ay̓xítmiʔst   [m̓ay̓xítmiʔst] Morph: m̓ay̓+xít+miʔst. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell stories.

Istem. uɬ lut t̓əxʷ cm̓ay̓xítmiʔstəlx məɬ itíʔ lut. And they didn't tell stories and not. [grlsdd 305]

m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ   [m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ] Morph: m̓ay̓+xt+wíxʷ. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell each other stories; to have a meeting; to (visit and) talk.

Istem. way̓ tkʷənksnwáxʷəlx naʔɬ tətw̓ít, sm̓ay̓xtwíxʷsəlx. They joined hands, he and the little boy, and they started telling stories. [GDd1 256] ɬ spuʔúsəmp t̓i ɬ ksqmínəmp aláʔ p ʔatxílx ixíʔ p m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ. You can lay around, sleep, or talk. [GDd1 564] yaʕyáʕt x̌lítɬəms ksm̓ay̓xtwíxʷaʔx. All he is asking you is to have a meeting. [LynxS 106] lut kʷu t̓a cm̓ay̓xtwíxʷ t sqilxʷ. We don’t talk enough in Indian. [nb1809.7] ɬ aʔc̓úlˑuʔsəlx, ac̓úluʔsəlx iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp, m̓ay̓xtwíxʷəlx, ʔaɬʔíɬnəlx. When they get together, the elders gather, they tell stories to one another, they feast. [su7q̓im 213] kʷaʔ ixíʔ iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp əcm̓ay̓xtwíxʷəlx. This is what the elders have been saying. [cre16] aláʔ t̓i kmix ixíʔ kən cm̓ay̓xtwíxʷaʔx, úɬiʔ kʷu ṇsʕáycəntxʷ. We are just telling each other stories, and now you interrupt us. kʷaʔ lut pənʔkin iʔ skəkʕáka t̓ə cm̓ay̓xtwíxʷəlx, t̓ə cqʷaʔqʷʔálx. Birds have never talked to one another, or just talked. way̓ kʷ ckicx, way̓ kʷ ṇƛ̓əmpcín iʔ l sm̓ay̓xtwíxʷaʔx. You got here too late at the meeting. huhúy put kʷu ckʷílḷx, ixíʔ sic kʷu m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ. Now we are settled down, now we can talk things over.

m̓ay̓xtwíxʷmint   Morph: m̓ay̓+xtwíxʷ+mi+nt. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell each other stories about s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. axáʔ uɬ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp uɬ may̓xtwíxʷmiʔsəlx ixíʔ. The elders told each other stories about it. [EJEp.28] See: m̓ay̓xtwíxʷ.

m̓aʔkʷálaʔ   [m̓aʔkʷálaʔ] Morph: m̓aʔkʷálaʔ. Etym: √m̓ʔkʷlʔ. hunting knife (made of horn, not steel).

Istem. m̓aʔkʷálaʔ. Hunting knife. [nb23 176; nb23 222]

m̓aʔm̓áslqsm   [m̓aʔm̓áslqsəm] Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áslqs+m ? Etym: √ms. to feel a dress.

nMsten. Category: nMstem. ixíʔ sm̓aʔm̓ásəlqsəms. She felt her dress. [cogrzd 107]

m̓aʔm̓áyaʔ   [m̓aʔm̓áyaʔ, m̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔ] Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ. Etym: √m̓yʔ. to teach; to learn; to study; schooling; (group of) students.

Istem. səcmaʔmáyaʔ. Student. [dict] aláʔ iʔ sxʔitx aláʔ səcm̓am̓áy̓aʔx ɬaʔ cx̌əstwílx. The oldest one goes to school here when he feels well. [dict] kən scm̓aʔm̓áyaʔx, úɬiʔ x̌minks ikscaptíkʷəlxtəm. I was teaching him, and then he wanted me to tell him fairy tale stories. [dict] ṇpƛ̓mus iʔ scm̓aʔm̓áyaʔsəlx. They finished their school. [dict] uɬ ṇpƛ̓mus iʔ scm̓aʔm̓ayaʔ, way̓ t̓əxʷ sqípc, way̓ taʔmúlaʔxʷ. School was over, it's early spring, the snow is all gone. [dict] way̓ cxárkstəmstmən axáʔ iscm̓aʔm̓áyaʔ. I'm wasting your time, (you whom) I'm teaching. [dict] ɬat̓pməncútaʔx iʔ l səcm̓aʔm̓áyaʔx. Jump around the (group of) students! [nb26-35 009] way̓ naɬccám kən səcm̓aʔm̓áʔyaʔx. I just now realized I am teaching. [CoGrSy 815] kcílcəlkst iʔ scəcm̓álaʔ səcmaʔmáyaʔxəlx. Five children are learning. [misc 237]

m̓aʔm̓áyaʔɬt   Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+ɬt. Etym: √m̓yʔ. to teach; to learn; to study; schooling; (group of) students.

Tstem. kʷu m̓aʔm̓áyaʔɬtxʷ ya nqílxʷcən. You taught me the Indian language. [nb6.13a] uɬ axáʔ iʔ təl sənm̓aʔm̓áyaʔtən uɬ nixʷ lut kʷu t̓a cmaʔm̓áy̓aʔɬtəm iʔ stim̓ iʔ l sk̓ʷúləm. And from school, there they don’t teach us anyting about work. [nb1252.11]

m̓aʔm̓áyaʔm   [m̓aʔm̓áyaʔm] Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+m. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to find out; to teach; to learn.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. mam̓áyaʔm̓. Teach (as language). [OkB] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ x̌lítən isl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t, way̓ iksm̓aʔm̓ayaʔṃ. I will call my partners, I'm going to find out. [dict] aksxʷíc̓əɬtəm t ksk̓ʷúl̕s, aksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔṃ. Give him a job, teach him. [dict] ikswíkəm iʔ səxʷk̓ʷínmaʔm ɬaʔ cm̓aʔm̓áyaʔm. I'm going to see the counsellor when he's teaching. [newles 286] ʕapnáʔ iʔ k̓əl tawn məɬ k̓ɬxʷíc̓xməntəm iʔ sqʷsqʷsíʔtət məɬ m̓aʔm̓áyaʔm. Now we send our children to town to be taught. [mychildr 114] kʷu səcmaʔm̓áy̓aʔm ɬi ksq̓əy̓ntím ya nqílxʷcən. He's teaching us to write the Indian language. [misc 025] kʷ iksm̓am̓áyaʔm iʔ t suyápix. I’m going to teach you English. [nb1809.14] See: m̓aʔm̓áyaʔ.

m̓aʔm̓áyaʔmnt   Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+m+nt. Etym: √m̓y̓ʔ. to find out; to teach; to learn.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ x̌ast ksm̓aʔm̓áʔyaʔməntxʷ anqíck. It's good that you find out about your brother. [CoGrSy 130] See: m̓aʔm̓áyaʔ.

m̓aʔm̓áyaʔnt   Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+nt. Etym: √m̓yʔ. to teach; to learn; to study; schooling; (group of) students.

Tstem. Category: +nt. haʔ m̓aʔm̓áyaʔntxʷ ansocial studies Did you study your social sciences? [newles 290] t səwít kʷu m̓aʔm̓áy̓aʔs uɬ iksmiʔpnúnəm. Anybody teaches me, I’ll learn. [E15] ʔasəlspíntk ksm̓aʔm̓áyaʔɬəms He'll teach you two years. [nb26-72 0005]

m̓aʔm̓áyaʔst   Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áyaʔ+st. Etym: √m̓yʔ. to teach; to learn; to study; schooling; (group of) students.

Tstem. Category: +st. way̓ límləmt kʷu ɬa cm̓aʔm̓áyaʔstxʷ. Thank you for teaching us. [nb26-39 006]

m̓aʔm̓áy̓   [m̓aʔm̓áy̓] Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áy̓. Etym: √m̓y̓. to talk about s.t.; to tell a story.

Istem. stim̓ ascm̓aʔm̓áy̓. What is it that you were talking about? [nb18210.12] way̓ ixíʔ asm̓aʔm̓áy. This is your story. [cre76] See: m̓ay̓.

m̓aʔm̓áy̓m   [m̓aʔm̓áy̓m] Morph: m̓aʔ•m̓áy̓+m. Etym: √m̓y̓. to find out s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. sta way̓ iksksm̓aʔm̓áyəm. I'm going to have to find out. [Whal 152]

m̓aʔm̓ínt   Morph: m̓aʔ+m̓í+nt. Etym: √mʔ. to discourage.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uʔw̓im̓ m̓aʔm̓ís uɬ. He tried to discourage him. [GDd1 228]

m̓aʔr̓í   [m̓aʔr̓í] Morph: m̓aʔr̓í. Etym: √mr. From: French Marie. Marie.

Istem. Category: wName, Borr, Dim.

m̓ilsmnt   Morph: m̓ils+m+nt. Etym: √mls. to ponder over s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. m̓ílsmən. I think over something. [nb08 153] m̓ílsməntxʷ. How you thought of it. [nb08 154]

m̓il̕tímn   [m̓il̕tímən] Morph: m̓il̕t+imn ? Etym: √m̓yl̕t. to visit often; to like to visit.

Istem. Category: +imn. m̓il̕tímən. He likes to visit people. [dict] See: mil̕t.

+m̓in̓   [m̓in̓] Morph: +m̓in̓. Variant: +min 1; +min̓; +mn 1. instrumental suffix. Category: DvAfx, Dim. ncəckʷm̓ín̓. Buggy. [nb24-05 002]

+m̓ist   [m̓ist] Morph: +m̓ist. Variant: +mist; +miʔst. reflexive suffix. Category: DvAfx. paʔpútm̓ist. To match oneself to someone else. [nb23 171] nƛ̓lílm̓ist. To stay still. [dc86]

m̓istm   [m̓ístəm] Morph: m̓istm. Variant: m̓istm̓. Etym: √m̓st. woman's father.

Istem. Sp m̓éstm̓; Cm maʔástm. Category: Kin. iʔ xíxuʔtəm, uɬ iʔ m̓ístəm̓s kʷlíˑˑwtəlx. A girl and her father lived there. [grlhd 002] cus iʔ m̓ístəms. She told her father. [bjmd 124] axáʔ ixíʔ inmístəm, ixíʔ yaʔ ylmíxʷəm. This is my father, he's the boss. [dict] aɬíʔ inm̓ístəm yaʔ nkʷən̓cántṇs yaʔ cənkʷəncáˑnəmɬtən. I was singing my father's song for them. [dict]

m̓iyl̕t   [m̓iyl̕t] Morph: m̓iyl̕t ? Etym: √m̓yl̕t ?. to go visit s.o.


m̓iyw̓s   [m̓iyw̓s] Morph: m̓iyw̓s. Etym: √my. to be midway.

Istem. c̓kin iʔ sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps. put m̓iyw̓s iʔ sƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áps. "How old is he?" "He's just middle aged." [dict] See: myw̓s.

m̓kʷal̕   [m̓kʷal̕] Morph: m̓kʷal̕. Etym: √mkʷl. Hawks Nest Hill, east from F.D.R. Lake and east from the present National Park Service's Kettle Falls Ranger Station. Lit: little hill

Istem. m̓kʷal̕. Place name. [BK318]

m̓kʷíwaʔt   [m̓kʷíwaʔt] Morph: m̓kʷíwaʔt. Etym: √mkʷ. a little mountain in the middle of a flat.

Istem. Category: Dim. m̓kʷíwaʔt. Little mountain. [nb18187.13]

m̓lal   [m̓lal] Morph: m̓l+al. Etym: √ml. bloody.

Istem. mi ití ksxan iʔ ksək̓sk̓ák̓s iʔ ksm̓lál̕s. Before she gets through, she'll be all torn up, bloody. [CoGrSy 706]

m̓l̕m̓l̕síltm   [m̓əl̕m̓əl̕síltəm] Morph: m̓l̕•m̓l̕sílt+m. Etym: √mls. to pacify a child.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. m̓l̕m̓l̕síltm. Pacify a child. [OkB]

m̓l̕m̓l̕tiɬp   [məl̕məl̕tíɬp, m̓əl̕m̓əl̕tíɬp] Morph: m̓l̕•m̓l̕tiɬp. Etym: √ml. trembling aspen (populus tremuloides). Category: Bot.

Istem. Sp m̓lm̓l-téɬp. məl̕məl̕tíɬp, m̓əl̕m̓əl̕tíɬp. Trembling aspen. [TBK134]

m̓maʔmaʔcín   [m̓maʔmaʔcín] Morph: m̓•maʔ•maʔcín. Etym: √mʔ. birds chirping.

Istem. m̓maʔmaʔcín. Birds chirping. [14.89a]

m̓m̓aq̓ʷ   [m̓m̓aq̓ʷ] Morph: m̓•m̓aq̓ʷ. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a knoll; a little mound (e.g. a gopher hole).

Istem. Category: Dim. cəm̓m̓áq̓ʷ. It's a knoll. [WOD19]

m̓m̓kʷíw̓aʔt   [m̓m̓kʷíw̓waʔt] Morph: m̓•m̓kʷíw̓•aʔt. Etym: √mkʷ. a little mountain, a mound.

Istem. Category: Dim. itíʔ ixíʔ ilíʔ aʔ m̓m̓kʷíw̓waʔt k̓awtímtk səckcháms. It's that little mountain towards the south. [mychildr 065] ixíʔ scústsəlx ta m̓kʷál aʔ mkʷiwt. They called that little mountain m̓kʷal. [mychildr 063] See: m̓m̓kʷíw̓aʔt.

m̓m̓q̓ʷúlaʔxʷ   [m̓əm̓əq̓ʷúlaʔxʷ] Morph: m̓•mq̓ʷúlaʔxʷ. Etym: √mq̓ʷ. a small mound.

Istem. Category: Dim. əcməmq̓ʷúlaʔxʷ. A small mound. [nb22.39a]

m̓m̓ʕan̓   [m̓m̓ʕan̓] Morph: m̓•m̓ʕan̓. Etym: √mʕn. early morning.

Istem. cəm̓m̓ʕán̓. Early morning til 9 or 10. [nb25-49 002]

m̓n̓m̓in̓lx   [m̓ən̓m̓ín̓əlx] Morph: m̓n̓•m̓in̓+lx. Etym: √m̓n̓. to walk with a swaying motion.

Istem. m̓ən̓m̓ín̓əlx. He walks with a swaying motion. [nb21.144]

m̓qʷm̓aqʷ   [m̓əqʷm̓áqʷ] Morph: m̓qʷ•m̓aqʷ. Etym: √mqʷ. From: Chinook Jargon ? s.t. or s.o. insignificant.

Istem. Category: Borr. iʔ t isənk̓ʷɬylylmíxʷəm ikɬkƛ̓aʔncútṇ, smisqílxʷ, nak̓ʷaʔ iʔ p cm̓əqʷm̓áqʷ. I want chiefs to come summon me, important people, not you next-to-nothings. [dict]

m̓sm̓istm̓   [m̓əsm̓ístəm̓] Morph: m̓s•m̓istm̓. Etym: √m̓stm. woman's fathers, their brothers, cousins.

Istem. Category: Kin.

m̓sm̓sáʕy   [m̓əsm̓sáʕy] Morph: m̓s•m̓sáʕy. Variant: m̓sm̓sáʕʷy. Etym: √m̓sʕy. frasera (frasera montana).

Istem. Category: Bot. m̓əsm̓sáʕy. Frasera. [TBK106] See: m̓sm̓sáʕʷy.

m̓sm̓sáʕʷy   [m̓əsm̓sáʕʷy] Morph: m̓s•m̓sáʕʷy. Variant: m̓sm̓sáʕy. Etym: √m̓sʕʷy. frasera (frasera montana).

Istem. Category: Bot. m̓əsm̓sáʕʷy. Frasera. [TBK106] See: m̓sm̓sáʕy.

m̓sm̓usnt   Morph: m̓s•m̓us+nt. Etym: √ms. to feel around.

Tstem. Sp mus to feel (with the hand); Cm m̓s‑m̓us‑m to feel around, grope; Cr mus feel about; Sh mus-m to feel (tactile); Th √mús feel of. Category: +nt. m̓əsm̓úsəntəm. He felt him. [nb25-20 007] m̓əsm̓úsənts. He felt you. [nb25-20 008] m̓əsm̓úsən iʔ ʔaʔúsaʔ. I felt the eggs. [nb18113.9] m̓əsm̓úsiʔs. He felt around. [nb25-20 006]

m̓úm̓aʔt   [múm̓aʔt] Morph: m̓ú•m̓aʔt. Etym: √mt. a little one sits.

Istem. Category: Dim. múm̓aʔt. A little one sits. [nb18191.9] See: mut.

m̓um̓lx   [m̓úm̓əlx] Morph: m̓u•m̓lx. Etym: √mlx. small cottonwood.

Istem. Category: Dim, Bot. m̓úm̓əlx. Small cottonwood. [dict] See: mulx.

m̓um̓slx   [m̓úm̓səlx] Morph: m̓u•m̓s+lx. Etym: √ms. to have a little hope.

Istem. Category: Dim. t̓əxʷ kʷ cm̓úm̓səlx. Have a little hope! [dict] See: musls.

m̓ym̓ay   [m̓im̓áy] Morph: m̓y•m̓ay. Etym: √m̓y. to tell a story.

Istem. Sp m̓em̓éy̓ʔe-n I taught him. cm̓im̓áy. The story was told. [nb23 241]

m̓ym̓ym̓uɬ   [m̓im̓im̓úɬ.] Morph: m̓y•m̓y+m̓+uɬ. Variant: m̓y̓m̓y̓muɬ; m̓y̓m̓y̓uɬ. Etym: √m̓y. tattle tale.

Istem. m̓im̓im̓úɬ. Tattle tale. [nb18197.7] See: m̓ym̓ay.

m̓y̓m̓ay̓   [m̓iʔm̓áy̓] Morph: m̓y̓•m̓ay̓. Etym: √my̓. to tell about s.t.

Istem. scm̓iʔm̓áy̓s iʔ q̓ʷáʕylqs Eve laʔɬ Adam. The priest is telling about Eve and Adam. [nb18211.12] See: m̓ym̓ay.

m̓y̓m̓áy̓m   Morph: m̓y̓•m̓áy̓+m. Etym: √my̓. to get to the truth of s.t.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. way̓ mat kʷu səstqəqnúnəms, way̓ ikskm̓iʔm̓áym. Maybe he is fooling me, I'm going to get to the truth of it. [Nams 192] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓.

m̓y̓m̓áy̓mnt   Morph: m̓y̓•m̓áy̓+m+nt. Etym: √my̓. to get to the truth of s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. kswíkəntəm kscm̓iʔm̓áy̓məntəm ha uníxʷ səcuníxʷəxʷ ha km̓a səcmálˑx̌aʔ. We will see if what he is telling about is true, if he is telling the truth, or if he is lying. [lp377] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓.

m̓y̓m̓ay̓t   [m̓iʔm̓áyt] Morph: m̓y̓•m̓ay̓+t. Etym: √m̓y. to get things right.

Istem. Category: +t. scx̌ilx uɬ ixíʔ iʔ c̓ík̓ʷəsxənsəlx úɬiʔ xʷúsxʷstəlx, úɬiʔ m̓iʔm̓áy̓təlx, lut skpáx̌əmsəlx iʔ t swrisəlp̓ sc̓ík̓ʷəmsəlx. That's why it's bright and they could hurry, and they got things right, they didn't have to light matches to look around. [dict] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓.

m̓y̓m̓y̓am   [m̓iʔm̓y̓ám] Morph: m̓y̓•m̓y̓a+m. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell stories; to tell the news.

Mstem. Category: +am. ʔəxʷ m̓iʔm̓y̓áʔm iʔ sənk̓líp. The coyotes are telling stories again. [RAmisc92 001] iksm̓iʔm̓y̓ám. I’m going to tell. [nb18211.15] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓m.

m̓y̓m̓y̓aʔncút   [miʔmy̓aʔncút] Morph: m̓y̓•m̓y̓aʔ+ncút. Etym: √m̓y̓. to get taught s.t.; to learn s.t.

Istem. Category: +ncut. lut tl isənʔamʔímaʔt, sta suyápix axáʔ iʔ cm̓iʔmy̓aʔncút. The one getting taught is not my grandchild, it's a white man. [CoGrSy 818] way̓ səxʷk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm inx̌mínk iksck̓ʷúl̕. ixíʔ ikscmiʔmy̓aʔncút. Carpenter work, that̓s what I’d like to do. That̓s what I want to go to school for. [nb1253.8] lut t̓a cmistín uɬ kən ksm̓iʔm̓yaʔncútaʔx. I don't know anything, but I would like to teach myself. [dict] kʷu kstəkʷtəkʷʔútaʔx iʔ t təmxʷúlaʔxʷ kʷu ksm̓iʔm̓yaʔncútaʔx iʔ t kscmypnwíɬəntət. We are going to travel the country over, we are going to have our own experience, whatever we learn. [dict] ksqʷaʔmíkstməntəm iʔ scm̓im̓yaʔncútət. We're going to get used to what we're learning, our work. [dict] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓.

m̓y̓m̓y̓iw̓sm   Morph: m̓y̓•m̓y̓iw̓s+m. Etym: √m̓y̓. to tell on s.o.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. m̓im̓iʔíw̓sm. Tell on. [nb22.46a] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓.

m̓y̓m̓y̓muɬ   [m̓iʔm̓iʔmúɬ] Morph: m̓y̓•m̓y̓+m+uɬ. Variant: m̓ym̓ym̓uɬ; m̓y̓m̓y̓uɬ. Etym: √my̓. tattler.

Istem. ckʷint ixíʔ iʔ sq̓l̕ips, lut akskʷním a kʷ m̓iʔm̓iʔmúɬ. Give back that locket, don't you take that, you tattle tale! [chipdd 072] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓.

m̓y̓m̓y̓uɬ   [m̓iʔm̓iʔúɬ] Morph: m̓y̓•m̓y̓+uɬ. Variant: m̓y̓m̓y̓muɬ; m̓ym̓ym̓uɬ. Etym: √my. tattle tale.

Istem. way̓ kʷ m̓iʔm̓iʔúɬ. You are sure a tattle tale. [nb18159.2] See: m̓y̓m̓ay̓.

m̓y̓nuɬt   Morph: m̓y̓+nu+ɬt. Etym: √my. to know the difference; to know how to tell things apart.

Tstem. lut t̓a ksm̓iʔnúɬtsəlx iʔ t nʔaɬnaʔsqílxʷtən. The man eater won't know the difference, she won't be able to tell them apart. [nb1273.1] See: m̓ay̓.