q̓ac̓   [q̓ac̓] Morph: q̓ac̓. Etym: √qc̓. to braid.

Istem. Sp √q̓ic̓ braided, woven, tangled; Cr q̓ec̓ ... braid, intertwine, knit, weave; Sh qec̓ to weave; Th √q̓əc̓ weave; Li q̓ə́c̓-ən to weave s.t. (e.g. snowshoes). cq̓ac̓. It's braided. [nb26-43 005] See: q̓c̓.

q̓alíw̓aʔs   [q̓alíw̓aʔs] Morph: q̓alíw̓aʔs. Etym: √q̓l. a swing (as found in a playground).

Istem. Category: Dim. q̓alíw̓aʔs. A swing. [E92.9] Category: Conf, Dim.

q̓amúpaʔ   [q̓amúpaʔ] Morph: q̓amúpaʔ. Etym: √q̓m. q̓amúpaʔ (a Lakes man).

Istem. Category: mName. q̓amúpaʔ. Man's name. [OkB]

q̓aq̓aʔíw̓s   [q̓aq̓aʔíw̓s] Morph: q̓aʔ•q̓aʔíw̓s. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to stick s.t. in the middle.

Istem. q̓aq̓aʔíw̓s. Stuck in the middle. [nb5.1a] See: q̓aʔíw̓s.

q̓aq̓ít̓aʔ   [q̓aq̓ít̓aʔ] Morph: q̓a•q̓ít̓aʔ. Etym: √q̓t̓. a fishing line.

Istem. Lit: His fishing line was long. Cm q̓aq̓ít̓aʔ fish hook. wíˑˑˑsxən iʔ q̓aq̓ít̓aʔs. He had a long fishing line. [NU] See: q̓it̓m.

q̓aq̓ít̓aʔm   [q̓aq̓ít̓aʔm] Morph: q̓a•q̓ít̓aʔ+m. Etym: √q̓t̓. to fish (with a hook).

Mstem. Category: Mstem. k̓əl saʔtítkʷ kiʔ kən cq̓aq̓ít̓aʔm. I hook fish at the river. [rdgs 125] See: q̓aq̓ít̓aʔ.

q̓aq̓lt   [q̓áq̓əlt] Morph: q̓a•q̓l+t. Etym: √q̓l. to be sick.

Istem. Category: +t. kən q̓aq̓əlt tə spisc̓íɬt I felt a little sick yesterday. [newles 037]

q̓asspilsmnt   Morph: q̓as•s•p+ils+m+nt. Etym: √q̓sp. to take a long time with s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ ixíʔ ilíʔ k̓əɬʔímnəlx axáʔ isl̕əx̌l̕áx̌t, iˑˑ uɬ q̓asəspílsmən. I waited for my partners, and I thought they were taking long. [HnTrp 134] cúntəm "way̓ uɬ q̓asəspílsməntsən." She said, "You are taking too long on me." [Whal 386]

q̓at̓awásaʔ   [q̓at̓awásaʔ] Morph: q̓at̓awásaʔ. Variant: q̓at̓aʔwísaʔ. Etym: √q̓t̓. teeter-totter.

Istem. q̓at̓awásaʔ Teeter-totter. [E92.10] Category: Conf.

q̓at̓aʔwísaʔ   [q̓at̓aʔwísaʔ] Morph: q̓at̓aʔwísaʔ ? Variant: q̓at̓awásaʔ. Etym: √q̓t̓. teeter-totter.

Istem. Category: Conf.

q̓ax̌   [q̓ax̌] Morph: q̓ax̌. Etym: √q̓x̌. it is clear, clean; there is a path, a clearing.

Istem. Sp q̓ax̌ cleared, marked. uɬ ta ck̓líʔ ki ksxʷúytən ya cq̓ax̌. Where there is a road clear [of obstructions]. [GDd2 151] itlíʔ way̓ kən cəháqs ilíʔ kən cənt̓k̓ʷák̓ʷ iʔ t xwiɬ, uɬ ta ck̓liʔ iksxʷúytṇ ixíʔ əcq̓áx̌. Whatever direction I face I take that road, and that's where I go, on that clearing. [dict]

q̓ay̓   [q̓ay̓] Morph: q̓ay̓. Etym: √q̓y̓. s.t. is written.

Istem. Sp hec-q̓éy̓ it's written, it's marked, it's striped, it's printed; Cm q̓iy̓‑m to write; Cr q̓ey̓ design, graphics, writing ... spotted; Sh √q̓ey̓ to write, draw; kʷaʔ aɬíʔ cq̓ay̓ put pənʔkín iʔ x̌əx̌yáɬnəx̌ʷ iʔ l sx̌lap mi aláʔ kʷu yaʕ̓. It's written down just at what time of the morning we would gather here. [dict] uɬ haʔ wnixʷ haʔ ixíʔ ascqʷəlqʷílt iʔ l ascq̓áy̓. Is what you said in your letter true? [nb26-65 002] lut t̓ə miysts iʔ sk̓ʷíƛ̓təms ɬaʔ kscq̓áy̓əlx. He wasn't sure his brothers had written that. [feb94 011] uɬ axáʔ iʔ kscq̓áy̓tət k̓əl mnímɬəmp. This is what we are going to write [have written] to you. [EnLet.3] nák̓ʷəm cniɬc ɬaʔ kscq̓áy̓ uɬ c̓ukʷsts. It's he that writes them and brings them. [dict]

q̓ay̓mín   [q̓ay̓mín] Morph: q̓ay̓+mín. Etym: √q̓y̓. chalk; pencil; mail; paper.

Istem. Category: +min. ckʷint iʔ q̓ay̓mín. Pick up the chalk. [nb26-56 07] q̓ay̓mín. pencil. [nb26-36 006] See: q̓y̓min.

q̓aʕp   [q̓aʕp] Morph: q̓aʕ+p. Etym: √q̓ʕ. to move.

Istem. Sh q̓ʕeʕ to move, keep going. Category: +p. q̓ʕap. Something moves. lut t̓ə q̓aʕp. It didn't move, it was stuck. [dict] lut t̓ə sq̓aʕps t ṇxaʔcín. It didn't move forward. [dict]

q̓aʕy̓   [q̓aʕy̓] Morph: q̓aʕy̓. Etym: √q̓ʕy̓. multicolored; spotted.


q̓aʔáʕp   [q̓aʔáʕp] Morph: q̓aʔáʕ+p. Etym: √q̓ʔʕ. theater; show.

Istem. Category: +p. iʔ q̓aʔáʕp. A show. [nb18146.2] Category: Conf.

q̓aʔaʔxán   [q̓aʔaʔxán] Morph: q̓aʔ•aʔxán. Etym: √q̓ʔ. shoes. Category: plural.

Istem. q̓aʔaʔxán. Shoes. [nb26-08 003] See: q̓aʔxán.

q̓aʔíls   [q̓aʔíls] Morph: q̓aʔ+íls. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to have important business.

Istem. Category: +ils. taʔlíʔ kən q̓aʔíls, ixíʔ q̓əy̓mín iʔ əcwíkʷstsəlx. I have very important business: this paper that theyʼre hiding. [gl63]

q̓aʔílsmnt   Morph: q̓aʔíls+m+nt. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to pay attention.

Tstem. Cm n‑q̓aʔ–lwas be concerned. way̓ lut swit tə q̓aʔílsəmsəlx. No one paid him attention. [lpb152] lut t̓ q̓aʔílsməntəm. He doesn't pay any attention. [lnx2 207] See: q̓aʔíls.

q̓aʔípsaʔ   [q̓aʔípsaʔ] Morph: q̓aʔípsaʔ. Etym: √q̓ʔ. s.t. stuck in the throat (e.g. a fish bone).

Istem. Sp q̓eʔep-s he choked on food; Sh q̓ʔ-épse to choke; Th n/q̓ʔépse choke, get s.t. stuck in windpipe or throat; Li ka.n.q̓ip̓‿a to have food stuck in one's throat...

q̓aʔíw̓s   [q̓aʔíw̓s] Morph: q̓aʔíw̓s. Etym: √q̓ʔ. the middle one (e.g. sibling).

Istem. Sp hec-n-q̓ʔéw̓s it's squeezed in between; Cm q̓aʔ‑aw̓s middle; middle child. way̓ wiʔwiʔcínəlx, uɬ ixíʔ cúntəm axáʔ iʔ t q̓aʔíws... They got done breakfasting, and the middle one said to him... [CoGrSy 198] ixíʔ uɬ itlíʔ kxsəx̌x̌ám iʔ tk̓ík̓aʔt, way̓ itlíʔ nixʷ ixíʔ k̓əɬt̓əɬt̓ássəlx, t̓əxʷ kʷínkssəlx, uɬ itlíʔ iʔ q̓aʔíw̓s, way̓ ixíʔ nixʷ ʔx̌ílstsəlx, kʷínkssəlx uɬ k̓əɬt̓əɬt̓ássəlx. And then past to the next one, also they kissed him, they shook hands with him and then the in between one, also the same thing, they shook hands with him and kissed him. [dict]

q̓aʔlílt   [q̓aʔlílt] Morph: q̓aʔlílt. Etym: √q̓l. sick.

Istem. a ctxət̓stís ya cq̓aʔlílt. Nurse. [nb23 149]

q̓aʔlqʷsíslp̓tn   [q̓aʔlqʷsísəlp̓tən] Morph: q̓aʔlqʷ+síslp̓+tn. Etym: √q̓ʔ. rod used to stir fire.

Istem. Category: +tn. ixíʔ kʷis ixíʔ q̓aʔlqʷsísəlp̓tən. So he took the stick to stir the fire with. [cogrzd 066]

q̓aʔnt   Morph: q̓aʔ+nt. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to stick s.t. in(to) s.t.; to crowd in.

Tstem. Sp √q̓eʔ(é) pinched, squeezed, crowded; Cm q̓aʔ‑aʔ be stuck, na‑q̓aʔ‑nt‑xʷ you put s.t. into a bag or container; na‑q̓aʔ‑aʔ crowded room, house; Cr q̓iʔ clasp, grasp, penetrate; Sh √q̓eʔ put, stick into; add; Th /q̓eʔ- [√q̓əʔ plug]; Li q̓aʔ-c-ám̓ to put s.t. into one's mouth. Category: +nt. q̓aʔntín. I stuck it in. [nb21.144]

q̓aʔnúnt   Morph: q̓aʔ+nú+nt. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to manage to stick s.t. in(to) s.t.; to manage to crowd in.

Tstem. Category: +nt. q̓aʔnúntxʷ. It's too small for you. [nb21.145] See: q̓aʔ.

q̓aʔpákst   [q̓aʔpákst] Morph: q̓aʔpákst. Etym: √q̓p. to snitch.

Istem. sq̓aʔpákstəm. Snitch something away. [nb26-06 005] ixíʔ kʷaʔ isq̓aʔpákst That's what I snitched. [nb26-06 007]

q̓aʔpákstm   [q̓aʔpákstəm] Morph: q̓aʔpakst+m. Etym: √q̓p. to snatch.

Mstem. sq̓aʔpákstəm. To snitch something away. [nb26-06 005]

q̓aʔpákstmn   [q̓aʔpákstmən] Morph: q̓aʔpákst+mn. Etym: √q̓p. easy grabber; fast fingers.

Istem. Category: +mn.

q̓aʔpákstmnt   Morph: q̓aʔpákst+m+nt. snatch, snitch.

Tstem. Category: +nt. q̓aʔpákstməntxʷ. [nb20.102] You snatched it.

q̓aʔqíɬt   Morph: q̓aʔqí+ɬt. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to put a cork into s.t.

Tstem. kʷu q̓aʔqíɬt iʔ t q̓aʔqíntən. Cork my bottle with a cork! [nb18119.6]

q̓aʔqínt   Morph: q̓aʔqí+nt. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to put a cork into s.t.

Tstem. Category: +nt. q̓aʔqínt. Cork it! [nb18119.5]

q̓aʔqíntn   [q̓aʔqíntən] Morph: q̓aʔqín+tn. Etym: √q̓ʔ. a cork.

Istem. Category: +tn. kʷu q̓aʔqíɬt iʔ t q̓aʔqíntən. Cork my bottle with a cork! [nb18119.6] spən̓nmíx iʔ q̓aʔqíntən. The lid is bent. [nb18180.2]

q̓aʔqínxn   [q̓aʔqínxən] Morph: q̓aʔqínxn. Etym: √q̓ʔ. knee.

Istem. Sp q̓aʔqínšn knee. Category: Anat.

q̓aʔqnxít   Morph: q̓aʔqn+xít. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to insert a cork into s.t.

Tstem. Category: +xt. q̓aʔqənxít. Cork my X! [nb18119.10]

q̓aʔqʔáʕp   [q̓aʔqʔáʕp] Morph: q̓aʔ•q̓ʔáʕ+p. Etym: √q̓ʔʕ. theater.

Istem. Category: +p. ixíʔ əctxn̓álqʷ iʔ q̓aʔqʔáʕp. A drive-in theater. [nb18146.3]

q̓aʔq̓aʔxán   [q̓aʔq̓aʔxán] Morph: q̓aʔ•q̓aʔxán. Etym: √q̓ʔ. shoes.

Istem. q̓aʔq̓aʔxán. Shoes. [nb26-08 002]

q̓aʔq̓it̓mn   [q̓aʔq̓ít̓mən] Morph: q̓aʔ•q̓it̓+mn. Etym: √q̓t̓. gaffing.

Istem. Category: +mn.

q̓aʔq̓ʔíw̓s   [q̓aʔq̓ʔíw̓s] Morph: q̓aʔ•q̓ʔíw̓s. Etym: √q̓ʔ. the middle one.

Istem. cúntəm itlíʔ iʔ stʔiwtx iʔ q̓aʔq̓ʔíw̓s. He said to the younger one, the one in between... [nb1255.1]

q̓aʔst   Morph: q̓aʔ+st. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to stick s.t. in(to) s.t.; to crowd in.

Tstem. Sp √q̓eʔ(é) pinched, squeezed, crowded; Cm q̓aʔ‑aʔ be stuck, na‑q̓aʔ‑nt‑xʷ you put s.t. into a bag or container; na‑q̓aʔ‑aʔ crowded room, house; Cr q̓iʔ clasp, grasp, penetrate; Sh √q̓eʔ put, stick into; add; Th /q̓eʔ- [√q̓əʔ plug]; Li q̓aʔ-c-ám̓ to put s.t. into one's mouth. Category: +st. kʷu cq̓aʔstím. He’s crowding us. [nb19.364a]

q̓aʔxán   [q̓aʔxán] Morph: q̓aʔxán. Etym: √q̓ʔ. shoe(s).

Istem. Lit: going-up-the-leg shoes nwsustípɬxən iʔ q̓aʔxán. High-heeled shoes. [dict] ksx̌ƛ̓x̌íƛ̓xənməlx iʔ q̓aʔxánsəlx. Boots. [dict] ʕacánt anq̓aʔxán. Lace your shoes! [Oct92 046] xʷíc̓əɬtəm iʔ l sɬq̓ilx iʔ q̓aʔxáns. She gave him bedroom slippers. [dict] yaʕyáʕt ṇsəlxʷaʔáqsəm, iʔ kɬq̓aʔxánsəlx, kɬqʷácqən ṇsəlxʷaʔáqsəm. They're all expensive, their shoes, their hats are all expensive. [dict] See: q̓aʔ.

q̓aʔxnám   Morph: q̓aʔxn+am. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to put shoes on; to put tires on (a car).

Mstem. Category: +am, nMstem. kʷu aksq̓aʔxnám. I want you to put my shoes on me. [nb18131.4] See: q̓aʔxán.

q̓aʔxnt   Morph: q̓aʔx+nt. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to put shoes on; to put tires on (a car).

Tstem. Category: +nt. kʷu q̓aʔxəntíkʷ. Put my shoes on me! [nb18131.3] q̓aʔxəntíxʷ t x̌ast, k̓ʷul̕ɬtxʷ iʔ snixʷtíɬc̓aʔs. Provide good tires, work on their insides. [mychildr 246] See: q̓aʔxán.

q̓aʔxnútyaʔ   [q̓aʔxnútyaʔ] Morph: q̓aʔxnútyaʔ. Etym: √q̓ʔ. moccasin; ordinary shoe.

Istem. iʔ t stəmtímaʔsəlx xʷíc̓əɬtməlx iʔ kɬq̓aʔxánsəlx iʔ kɬq̓aʔxnútyaʔsəlx. Their grandmother gave them foot wear, moccasins. [bfp45] q̓aʔxnútyaʔ. Ordinary shoe (Penticton form). [nb26-43 002] See: q̓aʔxn.

q̓aʔx̌ílmntn   [q̓aʔx̌ílməntṇ] Morph: q̓aʔx̌íl+m+nt+n. Etym: √q̓ʔx̌l. q̓aʔx̌ílmntn.

Istem. Ques: Also been recorded as kaʔx̌ílməntəm Category: +tn, mName. q̓aʔx̌ílmntn. One of Jim Seymour's names. [Nb 4, p. 110] Category: Conf.

q̓aʔy̓mín   [q̓aʔy̓mín] Morph: q̓aʔy̓+mín. Etym: √q̓y̓. pencil.

Istem. Sp q̓iʔ-mín mail, paper, book, typewriter. Category: +min. q̓aʔy̓mín. Pencil. [nb26-10 002] See: q̓y̓min.

q̓c̓   [q̓əc̓] Morph: q̓c̓. Etym: √q̓c̓. root with meaning braid on which several stems are formed. See: q̓c̓(a); k̓ɬq̓c̓apqn; q̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔ; stq̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔ; tq̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔ. Sp √q̓ic̓ braided, woven, tangled; Cr q̓ec̓ ... braid, intertwine, knit, weave; Sh qec̓ to weave; Th √q̓əc̓ weave; Li q̓ə́c̓-ən to weave s.t. (e.g. snowshoes).

q̓c̓am   Morph: q̓c̓a+m. Etym: √q̓c̓. to braid.

Mstem. Sp √q̓ic̓ braided, woven, tangled; Cr q̓ec̓ ... braid, intertwine, knit, weave; Sh qec̓ to weave; Th √q̓əc̓ weave; Li q̓ə́c̓-ən to weave s.t. (e.g. snowshoes). Category: +am. q̓sápiʔ əcq̓c̓áməlx iʔ t sp̓íc̓ən. Long ago they used to braid some hemp. [Bun.17] See: q̓ac̓.

q̓c̓aʔsn̓ínaʔ   [q̓c̓asn̓ína] Morph: q̓c̓aʔ+snínaʔ. Variant: q̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔs snínaʔ. Etym: √q̓c̓, √sn. white clematis (clematis lingusticifolia).

Istem. Category: Bot. q̓c̓asn̓ína. White clematis. [TBK117] See: q̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔs snínaʔ.

q̓c̓nt   Morph: q̓c̓+nt. Etym: √q̓c̓. to braid.

Tstem. Sp √q̓ic̓ braided, woven, tangled; Cr q̓ec̓ ... braid, intertwine, knit, weave; Sh qec̓ to weave; Th √q̓əc̓ weave; Li q̓ə́c̓-ən to weave s.t. (e.g. snowshoes). Category: +nt. q̓c̓əntíxʷ. You braided it. [11.37a] See: q̓ac̓.

q̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔ   [q̓əc̓q̓əc̓pínaʔ] Morph: q̓c̓•q̓c̓+pínaʔ. Etym: √q̓c̓. braids.

Istem. q̓əc̓q̓əc̓pínaʔ Braids. [dict] See: q̓c̓.

q̓c̓q̓c̓pínaʔs snínaʔ   [q̓əc̓q̓əc̓pínas snína] Morph: q̓c̓•q̓c̓+pínaʔ-s snínaʔ. Variant: q̓c̓aʔsn̓ínaʔ. Etym: √q̓c̓, √sn. white clematis (clematis lingusticifolia).

phrasal. Category: Bot. q̓əc̓q̓əc̓pínas snína. White clematis. [TBK117] See: q̓̓c̓aʔsn̓ínaʔ.

q̓ilɬt   Morph: q̓il+ɬt. Etym: √q̓l. to make s.o. sick.

Tstem. Cm q̓il‑t to ache, be sick. way̓ lut kʷ t̓ iksm̓ay̓ɬtím, cəm̓ kʷu q̓ilɬtxʷ ispuʔús. Well, no, I'm not going to tell you. You might sadden my heart. [su7q̓im 183] See: q̓l.

q̓ilqn   [q̓ílqən] Morph: q̓ilqn. Etym: √q̓l. to have a headache.

Istem. kən q̓ílqən. I have a headache. [nb20.40a] See: q̓il.

q̓ilt   [q̓ilt] Morph: q̓il+t. Etym: √q̓l. to be sick; to be in pain.

Istem. Cm q̓il‑t to ache, be sick. Category: +t. way̓ q̓ilt uɬ aɬíʔ mat sənk̓əwpílsx, uɬ aɬíʔ swit t̓i knánaqs. He got sick because maybe he got lonesome, because he's all alone. [dict] mat way̓ kʷ sq̓íltaʔx. You must be getting sick. [nb18149.15] uɬ ilíʔ kən claˑˑk̓, uɬ cq̓ilt ispuʔús. I was in jail a long time, and my heart got sick. [su7q̓im 243] iʔ k̓ʷək̓ʷəy̓úmaʔ əcq̓ílt, uɬ iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət t̓iʔ x̌ast. The little one is sick, and the rest are fine. [newles 015] kən səcq̓íltx, uɬ kʷu kics iʔ q̓ʷaʕylqs. I was sick, and the priest came to me. [pgl2] taʔlíʔ səcq̓íltx iʔ spuʔústət. Our hearts are full of pain. [EnLet.36] See: q̓il.

q̓iltmnt   Morph: q̓il+t+m+nt. Etym: √q̓l. to be hurting.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ lut q̓iltəms iʔ stim̓, lut stim̓ t̓ q̓íltəms. Nothing hurts anymore. [su7q̓im 112] uɬ aɬíʔ cəm̓ axáʔ aɬíʔ cəm̓ kən ktmalxʷ uɬ cəm̓ q̓íltmən. I'll be naked, and I'll be hurting. [RnTrp 044] See: q̓il.

q̓iltmst   Morph: q̓il+t+m+st. Etym: √q̓l. to be hurting.

Tstem. Category: +st. taʔlíʔ cq̓íltəmstəm kʷu ɬaʔ ccút aɬíʔ iʔ snəqsílxʷtət way̓ cənɬíptəmsts iʔ nqʷəlqʷíltəntət. It is very painful to us when we say to each other that our poeple are forgetting our language. [EnLet.31] See: q̓il.

q̓ilw̓s   [q̓íluʔs] Morph: q̓ilw̓s. Etym: √q̓l. a sore back.

Istem. kən q̓íluʔs. I have a sore back. [nb22.53a] See: q̓il.

q̓il̕st   [q̓il̕st] Morph: q̓il̕+st. Etym: √q̓l. sicken.

Tstem. to sicken; to cause to be sick. Category: Caus, +st. kʷu q̓il̕sts isc̓íɬən. What I ate made me sick. [E61.12] See: q̓il.

q̓íp̓xʷaʔ   [q̓íp̓xʷaʔ] Morph: q̓íp̓xʷaʔ. Etym: √q̓p̓xʷʔ. 1 • hazelnut (nuts) (corylus cornuta).

Istem. Category: Bot. q̓íp̓xʷaʔ. [TBK90]

2 • Istem. nut. Category: Bot. q̓íp̓xʷaʔ. Hazelnut. Sp q̓ép̓xʷeʔ nut, hazelnut; Cm q̓ap̓xʷáʔ nuts; Cr q̓íp̓xʷeʔ walnut; Sh qep̓xʷ hazelnut, nut (generic); Th √q̓apəxʷ hazelnut; Li q̓ap̓x̌ʷ hazelnut.

q̓iq̓aʔínaʔk   [q̓iq̓aʔínak] Morph: q̓iq̓aʔínaʔk. Etym: √q̓yq̓ʔ (?). q̓iq̓aʔínaʔk.

Istem. Category: wName, Dim. q̓iq̓aʔínaʔk. Woman's name. [OkB]

q̓iqʷqʷ   [q̓íqʷəqʷ] Morph: q̓iqʷ•qʷ. Etym: √q̓qʷ. the sound of guns cracking; a volley.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. q̓íqʷəqʷ. A volley. [nb21.69a] Category: Inch, Conf.

q̓it   [q̓it] Morph: q̓it. Etym: √q̓t. rain; to rain.

Istem. xʷəm̓ t̓i ksq̓ítaʔx. Looks like it'll rain. [nb26-29 001] mat ha scq̓itx. I wonder if it's raining. [nb26-42 020]

q̓it̓m   [q̓ít̓əm] Morph: q̓it̓+m. Etym: √q̓t̓. to (fish) with a hook; to use a hook.

Mstem. Sp q̓it̓-m he used a hook; Cm q̓a‑q̓it̓‑aʔ‑m to fish with a hook and line; Sh qet̓-m to hoist. Category: Mstem. kən q̓ít̓əm uɬ xʷʔit iksctíxʷ mi sic kən ɬxʷuy. I hook fish, and when I get lots I go back home. [rdgs 128]

q̓it̓mn   [q̓ít̓mən] Morph: q̓it̓+mn. Etym: √q̓t̓. gaff; a stick with a hook; gaffing hook.

Istem. Sp q̓ít̓-mn a spear; Cm q̓a‑q̓it̓-aʔ fish hook. Category: +mn. q̓ít̓mən i l qáqxʷəlx. A hook on a fish. [nb22.5a] See: q̓it̓m.

q̓iwm   Morph: q̓iw+m. Etym: √q̓w. to put a hex or curse; to have power.

Mstem. Sp q̓éw-m he put a curse on someone; q̓éw-n-t-m someone put a curse on him. Category: nMstem. mat kʷu sk̓əɬpaʔsáms kʷu sq̓iwms. Maybe he put the jinx on me / he wished it on me. [nb18192.10] kʷ iksq̓iwm. I'm going to hex you. [nb23 252] lut kʷu aksq̓íwm. Don't put a hex on me. [nb23 251]

q̓iwnt   Morph: q̓iw+nt. Etym: √q̓w. to put a hex or curse; to have power.

Tstem. Sp q̓éw-m he put a curse on someone; q̓éw-n-t-m someone put a curse on him. Category: +nt. kʷu q̓iws. He put a hex on me. [nb23 250] cəm̓ q̓íwəntsən. I (can) hex you. [nb23 253] q̓iwntm. [He has] power to kill. [OkB]

q̓ixán   [q̓ixán] Morph: q̓ixán. Etym: √q̓y. false Solomon's seal (smilacina racemosa) and star-flowered Solomon's seal (s. stellata). Lit: B's etym: marked foot

Istem. Category: Bot. q̓ixán. False Solomon's seal. [TBK48]

q̓ix̌q̓x̌t   [q̓íx̌q̓əx̌t] Morph: q̓ix̌•q̓x̌+t. Etym: √q̓x̌. to be stingy or protective of s.t.

Istem. Sp q̓íx̌-t he's loathe to give up a possession; q̓íx̌q̓x̌-t it's rare, it's precious; Cm q̓íx̌‑q̓ix̌‑t be precious, carefully guarded; Cr s+q̓éx̌+q̓ex̌+t he n+ʔukʷún+n ... lit. sayings that are a treasure. Category: +t. way̓ t̓əxʷ iwá isq̓íx̌q̓əx̌t, t̓əxʷ aɬíʔ asənq̓əmscínəm, way̓ cƛ̓aʔntíxʷ, lut náx̌əmɬ kʷ t̓ iksʔúkʷɬtəm. I'm stingy of it, but since you're stuck on it, come after it, I'm not going to hand it to you. [dict] See: q̓ix̌x̌m.

q̓ix̌x̌m   [q̓íx̌əx̌əm] Morph: q̓ix̌•x̌+m. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to be protective of s.t. or s.o.; to keep s.t. close; to be stingy of s.t. or s.o.; to miss s.o.; part with s.t. or s.o.

Mstem. Sp q̓ix̌ loathe to give up; Cm q̓íx̌‑q̓ix̌‑t be precious, carefully guarded. Category: nMstem. lut aksq̓íx̌x̌əm asqʷəsqʷsíʔ, kʷulstxʷ. Don't spoil your child, send her. [mychildr 118]

q̓ix̌x̌mnt   Morph: q̓ix̌•x̌+m+nt. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to be protective of s.t. or s.o.; to keep s.t. close; to be stingy of s.t. or s.o.; to miss s.o.; part with s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp q̓ix̌ loathe to give up; Cm q̓íx̌‑q̓ix̌‑t be precious, carefully guarded. Category: +nt. way̓ iwá q̓íx̌əx̌məntsən. I hate to see you go. [GDd1 019] iwá cx̌lítəm uɬ lut, q̓íx̌x̌əms iʔ sck̓ʷul̕s. I asked him (to come) but no, he didn't want to leave his work. [dict] way̓ q̓íx̌əx̌məntxʷ asqʷsíʔ. Well, you are stingy of your son. [GDd2 608] lut haʔ q̓íx̌əx̌məntxʷ iʔ antkɬmílxʷ. Aren't you get stingy of your wife, don't you miss her? [dict] uɬ aɬíʔ q̓íx̌əx̌msəlx iʔ st̓ustəlscútsəlx. They were protective of their livestock. [Green.36]

q̓ix̌x̌mst   Morph: q̓ix̌•x̌+m+st. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to be protective of s.t. or s.o.; to keep s.t. close; to be stingy of s.t. or s.o.; to miss s.o.; part with s.t. or s.o.

Tstem. Sp q̓ix̌ loathe to give up; Cm q̓íx̌‑q̓ix̌‑t be precious, carefully guarded. Category: +st. iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəmsəlx ik̓líʔ ixíʔ əcq̓íx̌x̌əmstsəlx iʔ sqilxʷ iʔ stq̓ʷáʕyxənx. The Blackfeet Indians are stingy of their four footed game over there. [dc4]

q̓iyw̓sm   Morph: q̓iyw̓s+m. Etym: √q̓y. to doubt s.t.; to dispute s.o.'s word.

Mstem. Sp q̓éyuʔs-n-t-m he was argued with, his word was disputed; Cm q̓i‑q̓iy‑nt‑xʷ you scold, chase off s.o. [pl]; Cr q̓eyúʔs-nt-m disbelieved; Sh t-q̓y-em to disbelieve; Li q̓íy-ən to doubt that s.o. can do s.t. Category: nMstem. lut kʷu aksq̓íyuʔsəm. Don't dispute my word. [nb1275.1]

q̓iyw̓snt   Morph: q̓iyw̓s+nt. Etym: √q̓y. to doubt s.t.; to dispute s.o.'s word.

Tstem. Sp q̓éyuʔs-n-t-m he was argued with, his word was disputed; Cm q̓i‑q̓iy‑nt‑xʷ you scold, chase off s.o. [pl]; Cr q̓eyúʔs-nt-m disbelieved; Sh t-q̓y-em to disbelieve; Li q̓íy-ən to doubt that s.o. can do s.t. Category: +nt. way̓ cxʷuˑˑy sənk̓líp way̓ uɬ q̓íyw̓səs axáʔ yasukrí. Coyote went, he wouldn't believe JC. [Nams 191] t̓i sic kʷu q̓íyw̓səntxʷ uɬ cəm̓ p nc̓əspúlaʔxʷ. If you dispute my word then you’re all dead. [nb1275.2] way̓ q̓íyw̓səs axáʔ yasukrí, way̓ mat kʷu stqəqnúnəms, way̓ iksm̓im̓áyaʔm. Then he doubted Jesus Christ, "He must be fooling me, I'm going to get to the truth of this." [dict]

q̓iyw̓st   Morph: q̓iyw̓+st. Etym: √q̓y. to doubt s.t.; to dispute s.o.'s word.

Tstem. Sp q̓éyuʔs-n-t-m he was argued with, his word was disputed; Cm q̓i‑q̓iy‑nt‑xʷ you scold, chase off s.o. [pl]; Cr q̓eyúʔs-nt-m disbelieved; Sh t-q̓y-em to disbelieve; Li q̓íy-ən to doubt that s.o. can do s.t. Category: +st. way̓ t̓əxʷ əcq̓íyw̓stən, náx̌əmɬ ixíʔ iʔ sm̓ay̓áy̓s. I doubt it, but that's how it's told. [nb2531.7]

q̓l   [q̓əl] Morph: q̓l. Etym: √q̓l. root with meaning ache on which several stems are formed. See: q̓il; q̓ilt; nq̓llsíliʔs; q̓lq̓lsc̓im; snq̓liɬxʷtn; sq̓lspuʔús; sq̓ltlwis.

q̓lipsm   Morph: q̓lips+m. Etym: √q̓l. to put on a necklace or a medallion.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. ixíʔ uɬ q̓lípsəm ʕaʔíckʷalaʔ, uɬ ilíʔ sk̓amˑtíw̓sc. She put the medallion on Meadowlark, she still stayed there. [chipdd 041] See: sq̓l̕ips.

q̓lipsmnt   Morph: q̓lips+m+nt. Etym: √q̓l. to put on a necklace or a medallion.

Tstem. Category: +nt. uɬ nʕacʕacínaʔməlx uɬ q̓lípsəmsəlx. They made earrings and put necklaces on. [grlsdd 019] See: sq̓l̕ips.

q̓lq̓lsc̓im   [q̓əlq̓əlsc̓ím] Morph: q̓l•q̓l+s+c̓im. Etym: √q̓l, √c̓m̓. arthritis.

Istem. Category: Compd. sq̓əlq̓əlsc̓ímx. The one with arthritis. [su7q̓im 074] mat sq̓əlq̓əlsc̓ímx, Maybe he had arthritis. [su7q̓im 086] uɬ ixíʔ tiɬx iʔ sqəltmíxʷ, ixíʔ a cq̓əlq̓əlsc̓ím. Then the man stood up, the one with sick bones. [su7q̓im 110] See: q̓ilt; sc̓im̓; q̓l.

q̓lq̓lxʷusxn   [q̓əlq̓əlxʷúsxən] Morph: q̓l•q̓lxʷusxn. Etym: √q̓lxʷ. one's foot hooks on s.t.

Istem. scq̓əlq̓əlxʷúsxən. His foot caught on something and he stumbled. [nb18248.10] See: tq̓lq̓lxʷusxn; q̓lxʷ.

q̓lxʷ   [q̓əlxʷ] Morph: q̓lxʷ. Etym: √q̓lxʷ. root with meaning link, hook on which several stems are formed. See: nq̓lxʷáx̌n; nq̓lq̓lxʷax̌nmst; q̓lq̓lxʷusxn; snq̓lq̓lxʷax̌nm; tq̓lxʷam; tq̓lxʷxan. Sp √q̓l̕uxʷ (q̓l̕) hooked together, strung together; Cr q̓el̕xʷ to hook, snag.

q̓ɬiw̓snt   Morph: q̓ɬiw̓s+nt. Etym: √q̓ɬ. two of a kind; to put two things of a kind together; to pair up two things.

Tstem. See Sh q̓eɬ-m to braid. Category: +nt. q̓ɬíw̓səntxʷ. You put them [your feet] together. [nb25-47 003] uɬ ixíʔ yayáʕt q̓əɬíw̓səntəm, axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx uɬ axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx iʔ l aɬqáqcaʔ. She puts them together, the oldest one with your oldest brother. [nb1240.8] ʕapnáʔ ilíʔ p əcq̓ɬíw̓saʔx, aɬíʔ anx̌mínk. Now you will be together because that is what you want. [lpb489]

q̓ɬiw̓sxnm   [q̓ɬíw̓sxnəm] Morph: q̓ɬiw̓sxn+m. Etym: √q̓ɬ. to bring one's feet together.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. caʔkʷ q̓ɬíw̓sxnəm məɬ ʔakswíx, uɬ ixíʔ spáɬaʔ ksmipnúʔis. If he put his feet together and stood, spáʕɬaʔ would know it (by noticing that he had broken his stride). [nb2547.5] See: q̓ɬiw̓s.

q̓ɬw̓salqʷ   [q̓ɬuʔsálqʷ] Morph: q̓ɬw̓salqʷ. Etym: √q̓ɬ. to join sticks together.

Istem. q̓ɬw̓salqʷ. Join sticks together. [OkB] See: q̓ɬiw̓s.

q̓mam   Morph: q̓ma+m. Etym: √q̓m. to swallow.

Mstem. Sp √q̓m(í) to swallow, to gulp; Cr hn+q̓ém-nt-s swallowed (He...it); Sh q̓m-em to swallow; Th /q̓əm̓- swallow s.t.; Li q̓ə́m-ən-s to swallow s.t. Category: +am. q̓mám. He swallowed. [dict]

q̓mcinm   [q̓əmcínəm] Morph: q̓mcin+m. Etym: √q̓m. to swallow.

Mstem. Category: Mstem. way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ q̓əmcínəm, uɬ lut t̓ snanak̓núm̓ts. And so she swallowed, and she never felt anything. [LynxS 073] See: q̓m(a).

q̓mílaʔ   [q̓mílaʔ] Morph: q̓mílaʔ. Etym: √q̓m. to be greedy; a glutton.

Istem. Sp q̓máleʔ glutton. uɬ q̓mílaʔ. He's greedy. [fatboy 003] uc kʷ q̓mílaʔ. Are you a glutton? [nb18182.3] See: q̓m(a).

q̓miltn   [q̓miltṇ] Morph: q̓milt+n. Etym: √q̓m. to starve.

Istem. Category: +tn. aɬíʔ cq̓míltnəlx. They are starving. [grlsdd 140] See: q̓m(a).

q̓mmnwis   [q̓əmˑnwís] Morph: q̓m•m+nwis. Etym: √q̓m. to get s.t. swallowed.

Istem. Category: C2Inch, +nwis. iwáʔ ník̓səlx, uɬ iwá k̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔntísəlx, lut t̓ə ksq̓əmˑnwísəlx. taɬt x̌ac̓t, taɬt k̓ast. They cut it and chewed it, they couldn't get it swallowed. It̓s sure hard, bad. [nb2567.7-8] See: q̓m(a).

q̓mnt   Morph: q̓m+nt. Etym: √q̓m. to swallow.

Tstem. Sp √q̓m(í) to swallow, to gulp; Cr hn+q̓ém-nt-s swallowed (He...it); Sh q̓m-em to swallow; Th /q̓əm̓- swallow s.t.; Li q̓ə́m-ən-s to swallow s.t. Category: +nt. ixíʔ q̓məntís nʕam nʕam nʕam. He swallowed it, nʕam nʕam nʕam. [chipdd 064] way̓ q̓əməntím i ta nx̌aʔx̌ʔítkʷ. He was swallowed by the whale. [Whal 104] q̓məntsín uɬ way̓ kən tk̓sils. I swallowed you and I am sick to the stomach. [Whal 129]

q̓mq̓mam   Morph: q̓m•q̓ma+m. Etym: √q̓m. to swallow.

Mstem. Category: +am. q̓əmq̓mám. Swallow. [dict] See: q̓m(a).

q̓mq̓mnt   Morph: q̓m•q̓m+nt. Etym: √q̓m. to swallow.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ ixíʔ q̓əmq̓əm̓əntís sənk̓líp, cúntəm q̓əmq̓mánt. Coyote swallowed them, he said "Swallow them!" [Nams 183] ixíʔ q̓əmq̓əməntíxʷ axáʔ iʔ kmúsc̓aʔ. Swallow these four packages. [Nams 172] ilíʔ nʕawpcín, aɬíʔ ixíʔ q̓əmq̓əməntís kʷaʔ aɬíʔ səc̓ítxəx. It dribbled into her mouth, and she swallowed it because she was asleep. [nb2531.5] See: q̓m(a).

q̓pnaʔxʷcn̓ítaʔkʷ   [q̓əpnaʔxʷcn̓ítaʔkʷ] Morph: q̓pnaʔxʷcn̓ítaʔkʷ. Etym: √q̓p. sand bar.

Istem. Sp q̓pneʔxʷcnétkʷ sandy beach. Category: Dim. q̓pnaʔxʷcn̓ítaʔkʷ. Sand bar. [OkB] See: sq̓apínaʔxʷ.

q̓p̓axʷ   [q̓p̓axʷ] Morph: q̓p̓axʷ. Etym: √q̓p̓xʷ. s.t. is tied up.

Istem. Sp q̓ep̓xʷ the angry snap snap of a horse’s teeth on empty air (as it tries to bite). uɬ axáʔ iʔ sqʷəlcnínksəlx uɬ ixíʔ q̓p̓axʷ. Their stomachs are all tied up. [Hrvst 135]

q̓p̓xʷíɬp   [q̓əp̓xʷíɬp] Morph: q̓p̓xʷíɬp. Variant: sq̓p̓xʷiɬp. Etym: √q̓p̓xʷ. hazelnut (corylus cornuta) and bastard toadflax (comandra umbellata).

Istem. Category: Bot. q̓p̓xʷíɬp. Toadflax. [TBK90]

q̓q̓ax̌   [q̓əq̓áx̌] Morph: q̓•q̓ax̌. Etym: √q̓x̌. a small clearing; a small trail.

Istem. Category: Dim. uɬ ixíʔ a cq̓əq̓áx̌ iʔ xəwíɬ ilíʔ, uɬ ɬk̓əl̕lílxəlx. They went up that little trail, and there they hid. [coyeyes 075] way̓ mat t̓əxʷ cq̓əq̓áx̌, uɬ ilíʔ náx̌əmɬ lut t̓a ksxʷuytn put. There is a clearing, but there aren't many tracks on it. [Dvl 305] Category: Dim.

q̓q̓c̓íɬaʔxʷ   [q̓əq̓c̓íɬaʔxʷ] Morph: q̓•q̓c̓íɬaʔxʷ. Etym: √q̓c̓. a small log house or cabin.

Istem. Category: Dim. cq̓əq̓c̓íɬaʔxʷəlx. They had a little log house there. [dict] See: q̓c̓(a).

q̓q̓mam   [q̓əq̓mám] Morph: q̓•q̓ma+m. Etym: √q̓m. to swallow.

Mstem. Category: +am. cq̓əq̓mám. He swallowed them. [dict] See: q̓m(a).

q̓q̓sápiʔ   [q̓əq̓sápiʔ] Morph: q̓•q̓sápiʔ. Etym: √q̓spʔ. a little while. Category: Dim.

Isten. Category: Dim. k̓əɬʔímən q̓əq̓sápiʔ. I waited a little while. [nb2524.4] iʔ suknaqínx cyʕap, mat ilíʔ c̓kin, mat taʔlíʔ q̓əq̓sápiʔ ilíʔ silíʔsəlx. The Okanagans got there, they stayed a while, it couldn't have been very long that they stayed there. [su7q̓im 106] xʷuˑˑy, uɬ taʔlí mat q̓əq̓sápiʔ ki kicx. He went and it took him a while to get there. [sknkf 098] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ kʷu k̓əɬʔíməntp t̓əxʷ put q̓əq̓sápiʔ iʔ ksxʷúytət. You wait for us because it will take us a little while for us to go. [HnTrp 108] ʔayxáxaʔ aɬíʔ lut sq̓əq̓sápiʔ[s], way̓ t̓iʔ ʔayxáxaʔ uɬ ɬckicx. In a little while, it wasn't very long, it was just a little while, she came back. [GDd2 434] See: q̓sápiʔ.

q̓q̓y̓ik   [q̓əq̓ʔík] Morph: q̓•q̓y̓ik. Etym: √q̓y̓k. a colt.

Istem. Sp q̓q̓ʔíč a colt, baby horse; Cm q̓‑q̓əʔik ... also q̓q̓aʔík colt; Sh q̓yíʔek colt; Li q̓y̓ə́y̓y̓ək colt. Category: Dim. q̓əq̓ʔík. Colt. [nb6.3] Category: Dim.

q̓q̓ʔik   [q̓əq̓ʔík] Morph: q̓•q̓y̓k. Etym: √q̓y̓k. colt.

Istem. Category: Dim. See: q̓q̓y̓ik.

q̓sápiʔ   [q̓sápiʔ] Morph: q̓sápiʔ. Etym: √q̓sp. long ago; a long time.

Istem. Sp q̓sípiʔ; Cm q̓əsp long ago; Cr q̓es+p ancient, chronic, long ago; Sh q̓ʔes to take a long time. Category: time. uɬ kʷu kc̓x̌ʷíplaʔs taʔlíʔ t q̓sápiʔ. He sentenced me to a long term. [su7q̓im 233] uɬ kən lk̓ak̓, taɬt t q̓sápiʔ. I was in jail, quite a long time. [su7q̓im 242] aɬíʔ mat way̓ t̓əxʷ c̓x̌iɬ, way̓ ksx̌an təl tx̌ʷiw̓s snkʷkʷʔác taʔlíʔ way̓ q̓sápiʔ. It must have been past midnight, quite past. [su7q̓im 253] q̓sápiʔ lut t̓ə cwíkstmən. I didn't see you for a long time. [nb25-27 006] q̓sápiʔ kaʔ cwíkstmən. It was a long time ago that I used to see you. [nb25-27 007] uɬ way̓ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sənkʷəkʷʔác uɬ ʔitx iʔ sk̓ʷək̓ʷíməlt. It was long after dark when the baby went to sleep. [lnx2 321] n̓ín̓w̓iʔ ɬə ʕíʔmtməntsən mi cənɬək̓ʷɬək̓ʷtmístxʷ i l q̓sápiʔ. if I ever get mad at you you will remember it for a long time. [nb08 599] way̓ q̓sápiʔ iʔ sqilxʷ ixíʔ iʔ sʔíɬəns iʔ sƛ̓aʔcínəm iʔ stəxʷcəncút, iʔ skəkáʕkaʔ. Long ago the Indians' food was deer, things they hunt, fowl. [Prov 001] way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷáʔ cq̓sápiʔlx ɬaʔ cx̌əcməncútəlx. It didn't take long to get ready. [LynxS 201] ixíʔ sq̓sápiʔs t cáwtət. That's how long ago we did that. [nb2525,3] way̓ uɬ aɬíʔ captíkʷɬ, uɬ t̓i k̓ʷul̕l̕, uɬ lut sq̓sápiʔs uɬ ƛ̓x̌ap. And because it's fairy tales, he was born, and it wasn't long and he grew up. [dict] c̓x̌iʔ taʔkín iʔ ksq̓sápiʔs iʔ kscaláʔmp ɬ x̌stmíntp iʔ sck̓ʷúl̕əmp? How long are you going to stay if you like your jobs? [dict] lut ksq̓əq̓sápiʔs. He won't make it too long. [dict] t̓iʔ way̓ lut ksq̓sápiʔs cəm̓ məɬ way̓ kʷu kícəntəm. It won't be long and it [the illness] will reach us. [EJEp.37]

q̓sq̓sápiʔs   [q̓əsq̓sápiʔs] Morph: q̓s•q̓sápiʔ+s. Etym: √q̓spʔ. it will be a little while.

Istem. q̓əsq̓sápiʔs. It will be a while before ... [nb21.181a] See: q̓sápiʔ.

q̓ssápiʔ   [q̓əssápiʔ] Morph: q̓s•s•ápiʔ. Etym: √q̓spʔ. a little too long. Category: C2Inch.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. cut uɬ wim̓ t̓qʷcínmən, hoy uɬ q̓əssápiʔ uɬ kən ƛ̓əxʷƛ̓xʷáx̌ən. I kept yelling for him, it was a little too long, and my arms gave out. [AutPS 127] See: q̓sápiʔ.

q̓sspilsmnt   Morph: q̓s•s•p+ils+m+nt. Etym: √q̓sp. to wait a long time for s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. way̓ uɬ q̓səspílsməntsən, uɬ way̓ kən ṇstils mat kʷ sxʔkínx, kʷ sx̌ənnúmt. I've been waiting for you a long time, and I thought maybe something happened to you, you got hurt. [dict] See: q̓ssápiʔ.

q̓sspwilx   [q̓əsəspwílx] Morph: q̓s•s•p+wilx. Etym: √q̓sp(ʔ). to turn into a long time; to last a long time. Category: C2Inch.

Istem. Category: C2Inch, +wilx. uɬ axáʔ náx̌əmɬ mat way̓ q̓əsəspwílx uɬ way̓ uɬ nƛ̓xʷtílsəlx iʔ t sq̓míltən. But the ones that have been there a long time, they have died of starvation. [Whal 112] See: q̓ssápiʔ.

q̓t̓q̓it̓kst   [q̓ət̓q̓ít̓kst] Morph: q̓t̓•q̓it̓kst. Etym: √q̓t̓. one who steals. Lit: hook hands

Istem. kʷ cq̓ət̓q̓ít̓kst. Your hands are like hooks (you steal). [nb27-37 002] See: q̓it̓m.

q̓w   [q̓əw] Morph: q̓w. Etym: √q̓w. root with meaning middle on which several stems are based. See: sq̓awsílt; sq̓aw̓sqínkst.

q̓w̓xin   [q̓əw̓xín] Morph: q̓w̓xin. Etym: √q̓w̓xn. q̓w̓xin.

Istem. Category: mName. q̓w̓xin. Man'a name. [OkB]

q̓xʷaxʷ   [q̓xʷaxʷ] Morph: q̓xʷ•axʷ. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to flirt; to wish for s.t.; to be smitten.

Istem. Sp q̓ʷuxʷ anxious to please someone or to get something; Cm q̓əxʷxʷ q̓xʷ‑xʷ to flirt, be flirtatious; Cr q̓exʷ covetous, desire, longing, proud. Category: C2Inch. ixíʔ uɬ ik̓líʔ a cq̓əxʷáxʷəlx axáʔ iʔ splal. The young folks go over there to flirt with her. [2gts 064] kən q̓əxʷáxʷ. I started flirting for serious (and put something or somebody above all else). [nb08 033] way̓ q̓xʷaxʷ. Well, he began to flirt. [dict] Category: Inch. See: q̓xʷxʷ.

q̓xʷils   [q̓əxʷíls] Morph: q̓xʷ+ils. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to wish for s.t.wish.

Istem. Sp hec-q̓xʷéls-i he's wishing to have what he cannot ever have. Category: +ils. kən q̓xʷils. I wish for (food). [15.90a] way̓ t̓əxʷ iwá kən q̓əxʷíls ixíʔ k̓əl sk̓ʷúl̕ɬxʷəm. I had wished I could do house building. [nb1290.6] See: q̓xʷaxʷ.

q̓xʷq̓áxʷaʔt   [q̓əxʷq̓áxʷaʔt] Morph: q̓xʷ•q̓áxʷ+aʔt. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to be making things up.

Istem. Ques: q̓xʷq̓a(ʔ) Category: Dim. kʷ q̓əxʷq̓áxʷaʔt kiʔ kʷu kɬxmin. lut kɬxmin. You are making up that we have enemies. There are no enemies. [bfp3] Category: Conf, Dim.

q̓xʷq̓áʔxʷaʔt   [q̓əxʷq̓áʔxʷaʔt] Morph: q̓xʷ•q̓áʔxʷ+aʔt. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to be proud, conceited.

Istem. Sp q̓xʷq̓éxʷ-t he's conceited, he's proud, he's pompous. Category: Dim. lut aksq̓əxʷq̓áʔxʷaʔt. Don’t be proud! [nb18162.2] Category: Dim.

q̓xʷxʷ   [q̓əxʷəxʷ] Morph: q̓xʷ•xʷ. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to flirt.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. uɬ aɬíʔ scq̓əxʷəxʷmíxəlx iʔ k̓əl sənk̓líp iʔ st̓əmkʔílts. They flirt with Coyote's daughter. [2gts 066] níkxna uɬ axáʔ iʔ splal aɬíʔ scq̓əxʷxʷmíxəlx iʔ k̓əl st̓aʔk̓míx, uɬ aɬíʔ swiʔnúmtx. Goodness, the young fellows were wishing for the girl, because she's good looking. [Whal 082] Category: Inch. See: q̓xʷaxʷ.

q̓xʷxʷminm   Morph: q̓xʷ•xʷ+min+m. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to long for s.o.; to flirt with s.o.

Mstem. Category: nMstem. uɬ lut kʷu aksq̓əx̌ʷx̌ʷmínəm. Don't flirt with my [man]! [nb2572.5] See: q̓xʷxʷ.

q̓xʷxʷmint   Morph: q̓xʷ•xʷ+mi+nt. Etym: √q̓xʷ. to long for s.o.; to flirt with s.o.

Tstem. Category: +nt. talíʔ q̓sápi q̓əxʷxʷmín iʔ swiʔnúmtx. Long ago I longed for a handsome one. [FP] See: q̓xʷxʷ.

q̓x̌ax̌   [q̓əx̌áx̌] Morph: q̓x̌•ax̌. Etym: √q̓x̌. to be furrowed; to be well-worn.

Istem. Sp hec-q̓q̓x̌q̓áx̌ there are tiny little marks (ruts, grooves, or scratches) running in all directions. Category: C2Inch. q̓əx̌áx̌ iʔ xwiɬ. A well worn trail. [nb2544.9] ixíʔ q̓əx̌áx̌ iʔ xwiɬ, uɬ aɬíʔ p̓ísƛ̓aʔxən spáʕɬaʔ. The road is furrowed, because spʕáɬaʔ has big feet. [nb2545.3] Category: Inch. See: q̓x̌1.

q̓x̌ɬt   Morph: q̓x̌+ɬt. Etym: √q̓x̌. to lace s.t.

Tstem. See Sh q̓ix̌-t strong, hard, touch, solid; difficult. kʷu q̓əx̌q̓əx̌ɬtíkʷ. Lace my shoes! [nb1864.6] aɬíʔ kʷ ksəp̓síp̓iʔxən lut kʷ iksq̓əx̌ɬtím, kʷ iksʕacʕacxnínaʔm. Because you have moccasins I’m not going to lace them, I’m going to tie them. [nb1864.8]

q̓x̌nt1   Morph: q̓x̌+nt. Etym: √q̓x̌. to clear of obstacles or impediments.

Tstem. Sp √q̓ax̌ cleared, marked; hec-q̓áx̌ it's cleared, it's a road; q̓x̌-n-t-én I cleared it, I made a road, I made a way.. Category: +nt. q̓əx̌əntís iʔ xəxwíɬ náx̌əmɬ lut t̓a nxʷk̓ʷáqsəs. He made the trail but he didn’t sweep it clean. [nb1864.5]

q̓x̌nt2   Morph: q̓x̌+nt. Etym: √q̓x̌. to lace s.t.

Tstem. See Sh q̓ix̌-t strong, hard, touch, solid; difficult. Category: +nt. q̓x̌əntís. They lace it (e.g. rope, tent, shoes...). [nb1864.3] lut t̓ q̓x̌əx̌ntís iʔ q̓aʔxáns. He didn’t lace his shoes. [nb1864.4]

q̓x̌x̌sʔitx   [q̓əx̌əx̌sʔítx] Morph: q̓x̌•x̌+s+ʔitx. Etym: √q̓x̌, √ʔtx. to want to sleep; to hate to give up sleeping.

Istem. Category: Compd. məɬ laʔkín uɬ kən sq̓əx̌əx̌sʔítx[x] kən t̓iyám, iwá kʷu t̓qʷcínəms Sometimes I wanted to sleep more, I got lazy, and then they yelled at me. [AutPS 030] Category: Compd. See: q̓ix̌x̌m.

q̓x̌ʷ   [q̓əx̌ʷ] Morph: q̓x̌ʷ. Etym: √q̓x̌ʷ. root with meaning slide on which several stems are formed. See: q̓x̌ʷq̓x̌ʷpikst; tq̓x̌ʷikstm.

q̓x̌ʷqinkst   [q̓əx̌ʷqínkst] Morph: q̓x̌ʷqinkst. Etym: √q̓x̌ʷ. fingernail, claw; claw.

Istem. Sp q̓x̌ʷqínčst; see Cr √k̓ʷx̌ k̓ʷax̌ claw, fingernail .,.. k̓ʷax̌qin̓čt fingernail. k̓ɬaʔɬaʔqínkst iʔ q̓əx̌ʷqínkstəns. His claws were worn down. [crea123] Category: Anat.

q̓x̌ʷq̓x̌ʷpikst   [q̓əx̌ʷq̓əx̌ʷpíkst] Morph: q̓x̌ʷ•q̓x̌ʷ+pikst. Etym: √q̓x̌ʷ. s.t. slides through one's hands (e.g. a rope).

Istem. q̓x̌ʷq̓x̌ʷpikst. Slide. [pd03] See: q̓x̌ʷ.

q̓x̌ʷq̓x̌ʷqinkst   [q̓əx̌ʷq̓əx̌ʷqínkst] Morph: q̓x̌ʷ•q̓x̌ʷqinkst. Etym: √q̓x̌ʷ. fingernails, claws; claw.

Istem. Category: Anat. See: q̓x̌ʷqinkst.

q̓y   [q̓y] Morph: q̓y. Etym: √q̓y. root with meaning doubt on which several stems are formed. See: q̓iyw̓s; q̓yw̓ɬtiɬn; tq̓yw̓ɬtiɬn. Sp q̓éyuʔs-n-t-m he was argued with, his word was disputed; Cm q̓i‑q̓iy‑nt‑xʷ you scold, chase off s.o. [pl]; Cr q̓eyúʔs-nt-m disbelieved; Sh t-q̓y-em to disbelieve; Li q̓íy-ən to doubt that s.o. can do s.t.

q̓ymtikn   [ɬq̓ymtíkən] Morph: q̓ymtikn. Etym: √q̓ymt. q̓ymtikn.

Istem. Category: mName. ixíʔ həɬq̓ymtíkən, uɬ istəmtímaʔ qʷənɬpíc̓aʔ. Thatʼs q̓ymtíkənʼs people and my grandmother qʷənɬpíc̓aʔ. [bfp72]

q̓yq̓ayíɬc̓a   [q̓iq̓ayíɬc̓a] Morph: q̓y•q̓ayíɬc̓a. Etym: √q̓y. to call s.o. down.

Istem. q̓yq̓ayíɬc̓a. To call s.o. down. [OkB]

q̓yq̓aʔínaʔk   [q̓yq̓aʔínaʔk] Morph: q̓yq̓aʔínaʔk. Etym: √q̓yq̓ʔ (?). q̓yq̓aʔínaʔk.

Istem. Category: wName, Dim. q̓yq̓aʔínaʔk Woman's name. [OkB]

q̓yw̓ɬtiɬn   [q̓iw̓ɬtíɬən] Morph: q̓yw̓ɬtiɬn. Etym: √q̓y. to doubt some information or facts.

Istem. huhúy mʕan kʷ ɬaʔ cq̓iw̓ɬtíɬən. Now, see, you doubted. [Brth 052] uɬ t̓əxʷ mat iʔ k̓ʷíƛ̓ət (y)aʔ nunxʷínaʔ uɬ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ q̓iw̓ɬtíɬən. I guess some of them believed and the rest of them doubted him. [lpb368] kʷ cq̓yw̓ɬtíɬən. You doubted him. [dict] See: q̓iyw̓s; q̓y.

q̓yw̓salxqn   [q̓yuʔsálxqən] Morph: q̓yw̓salxqn. Etym: √q̓y. q̓yw̓sálxqn (Herman Edwards). Lit: spiked horns on a deer

Istem. Category: mName. q̓iyuʔsálxqn. Man's name. [OkB]

q̓y̓   [q̓iʔ] Morph: q̓y̓. Etym: √q̓y̓. to mark s.t.; to write s.t.

Istem. Sp q̓ʔi-n-t-és he wrote it down; Cm q̓iy̓‑nt‑xʷ you write s.t.; Cr q̓ey̓ design, graphics, writing; Sh √q̓ey̓ to write, draw; kən scq̓iʔmíx. I am writing. [nb6.41] kn ksq̓əy̓míxaʔx iʔ t iskʷíst. I’m going to write my name. [E10]

q̓y̓am   [q̓əy̓ám] Morph: q̓y̓a+m. Etym: √q̓y̓. to write; to go to school.

Mstem. Lit: they taught there Sp čn q̓y̓-ím I wrote something; Cm q̓iy̓‑m to write; Cr q̓ey̓ design, graphics, writing. Category: +am. q̓y̓aˑˑ-m, way̓ k̓ɬənt̓líps, way̓ tq̓y̓íc̓aʔs iʔ k̓a ylmíxʷəm. He wrote, he sealed it, he addressed it to the king. [dict] mat la ʔkín uɬ mat q̓y̓am, uɬ t kɬƛ̓áqnaʔs. I guess he wrote somewhere, and sent for sacks. [dict] way̓, way̓ uɬ axáʔ iʔ q̓ʷəyʕás mat laʔkín, uɬ mat q̓y̓am, uɬ t kɬƛ̓áqnaʔs. And this Black Man I guess he wrote somewhere, and sent for sacks. [Dvl 095] uɬ ixíʔ ist̓əmkʔílt ilíʔ ɬaʔ cq̓y̓áməlx. My daughter went to school there. [Cona29] Category: nMstem. ixíʔ skɬmúts axáʔ iʔ sxʔitx, ixíʔ sq̓y̓ams. The oldest one sat down, he started writing. [dict] iksq̓əy̓ám iʔ naqs iʔ sq̓əy̓áy̓s. I'll write the number one. [misc 221] iksq̓y̓ám iskʷíst. I’m going to write my name. [E10] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓aqɬt   Morph: q̓y̓aq+ɬt. Etym: √q̓y̓. to write a check. Lit: mark on the end

Tstem. kʷu q̓əy̓áqɬts iscənk̓ʷúl̕s. He paid me for what I worked. [nb26-41 003] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓aqs   [q̓əy̓áqs] Morph: q̓y̓aqs. Etym: √q̓y̓. to write a check. Lit: mark on the end

Istem. Category: Istem. ascq̓əy̓áqs. The check you wrote. [nb26-41 012] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓aqsxt   Morph: q̓y̓aqs+xt. Etym: √q̓y̓. to write a check. Lit: mark on the end

Tstem. Category: +xt. kʷu q̓əy̓áqsxts t iksqláw̓. He wrote me a check for my money. [nb26-41 001] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓ay̓   [q̓əy̓áy̓] Morph: q̓y̓•ay̓. Etym: √q̓y̓. to be witten.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. ʕapnáʔ iʔ l q̓əy̓mín q̓əy̓áy̓. It was written in the paper. [Cona80] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓ɬt   Morph: q̓y̓+ɬt. Etym: √q̓y̓. to mark s.t.; to write s.t.

Tstem. Sp q̓ʔi-n-t-és he wrote it down; Cm q̓iy̓‑nt‑xʷ you write s.t.; Cr q̓ey̓ design, graphics, writing; Sh √q̓ey̓ to write, draw; q̓y̓áˑˑ-m, wiʔsq̓y̓əntís iʔ scq̓ay̓s, uɬ ixíʔ paʔpíniʔs, ṇləʕ̓ʷəntís, k̓ɬənt̓ɬíps,, uɬ ixíʔ q̓əy̓ɬtísəlx axáʔ iʔ ɬsísəncaʔs iʔ skʷists. He wrote, got done writing what he was writing, and he folded it, he put it in an envelope, sealed it, and then they signed their little brother's name. [nb1322.1]

q̓y̓max̌qn   [q̓əy̓máx̌qən] Morph: q̓y̓+max̌qn. Etym: √q̓y̓. Category: Faun.

1 • q̓y̓max̌qn (name of a fish). Lit: spotted shoulder

Istem. iʔ qáqxʷəlx, iʔ q̓əy̓q̓áy̓, ixíʔ mat itlíʔ kaʔ q̓əy̓máx̌qən iʔ skʷists. A fish, spotted, thatʼs why his name is Spotted Shoulder. [feed4]

2 • Istem. q̓y̓max̌qn (name of an Indian doctor).

Ques: Indian doctor ?Istem. Category: mName. ixíʔ təl sƛ̓aʔkʷílxs q̓əy̓máx̌qən. Thatʼs because of Spotted Shoulderʼs power. [feed34] Category: Conf.

q̓y̓min   [q̓əy̓mín] Morph: q̓y̓+mín. Etym: √q̓y̓. paper; letter; mail; school; pencil.

Istem. p̓uƛ̓msts iʔ q̓əy̓mín uɬ way̓ cənx̌stmís. They finish school, and that will be good. [mychildr 115] lut aksnstíls way̓ cmistín iʔ q̓əy̓mín uɬ p̓uƛ̓m, luˑˑt. Don't think "I am highly educated," no. [mychildr 176] lut istk̓ík̓aʔt iʔ k̓əl q̓əy̓mín. I couldn't keep up with the books. [dict] maʔ ilíʔxəx, n̓ín̓w̓iʔ k̓ʷaʔ iswiʔsʕác̓əm axáʔ iʔ q̓əy̓mín. Just a minute, until I get done looking at this letter. [dict] way̓ puƛ̓stəm iʔ q̓əy̓mín, uɬ axáʔ pnaʔ kʷu təkʷtəkʷʔút iʔ t təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, kʷu ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔám iʔ t ksk̓ʷúl̕tət. We've finished school, and maybe we will travel around the country, we'll look for a job. [dict] ʔaslíp ixiʔ iʔ q̓əy̓míns. His chalk is two-lined, writes double. [nb26-55 003] nt̓k̓ʷmins iʔ q̓əy̓mín. Envelope or post office. [nb24-07 005] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓mix   [q̓iʔmíx] Morph: q̓y̓+mix. Etym: √q̓y̓. to be speckled.

Istem. Category: +mix. k̓liʔ kicx uɬ iʔ, ixíʔ iʔ ʔaʔsúɬ aɬíʔ uɬ c̓x̌iɬ t cq̓iʔmíx. He got there; the Loon has like speckles. [grlsdd 278] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓mst   [q̓əymst] Morph: q̓y̓+m+st. Etym: √q̓y̓. to send s.o. to school; to cause s.o. to go to school.

Tstem. Category: Caus, +st. lut kʷu aksq̓əymstím. Don’t send me to school! [nb22.42a] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓mútyaʔ   [q̓əy̓mútyaʔ] Morph: q̓y̓+mútyaʔ. Etym: √q̓y̓. paper money.

Istem. q̓əy̓mútyaʔ. Paper money. [nb21.34a] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓ncut   [q̓iʔəncút] Morph: q̓y̓+ncut. Etym: √q̓y̓. to paint one's body.

Istem. Sp čn q̓iʔ-n-cút I signed up for a job, I branded myself; Cr q̓éy̓+ncut registered (he...), checked (he...in) ... lit. He wrote himself. Category: +ncut. q̓iʔəncút. Paint one's body. [OkB] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓nt   Morph: q̓y̓+nt. Etym: √q̓y̓. to mark s.t.; to write s.t.

Tstem. Sp q̓ʔi-n-t-és he wrote it down; Cm q̓iy̓‑nt‑xʷ you write s.t.; Cr q̓ey̓ design, graphics, writing; Sh √q̓ey̓ to write, draw; Category: +nt. ixíʔ ckʷis iʔ q̓əy̓mín uɬ q̓əyntís. So he took some paper and he wrote. [dict] iʔ t sʕay̓ncút ksƛ̓lˑnúntəm, lut ksmipnúntəm ɬ ksq̓əy̓ntím iʔ nqílxʷcntət. He'll die laughing, if we don't learn how to write our language. [nb26-82 001] haʔ q̓əy̓ntíxʷ iʔ k̓ʷk̓ʷínaʔ iʔ sm̓iʔm̓áy̓ iʔ la nsámaʔcən. Did you write a little story in English? [newles 283a]

q̓y̓pyawt   [q̓əy̓pyáwt] Morph: q̓y̓pyawt. Etym: √q̓y̓p. Lit: freckled q̓y̓pyawt.

Istem. Category: mName. ixíʔ c̓úmstsəlx t q̓əy̓pyáwt. They call him Freckled. [RnTrp 007]

q̓y̓q̓ay̓   [q̓iʔq̓ay̓] Morph: q̓y̓•q̓ay̓. Etym: √q̓y̓. to be spotted.

Istem. iʔ qáqxʷəlx, iʔ q̓əy̓q̓áy̓, ixíʔ mat itlíʔ kaʔ q̓əy̓máx̌qən iʔ skʷists. A fish, spotted, thatʼs why his name is qy:{Spotted Shoulder}. [feed4] See: q̓y̓mix; q̓y̓.

q̓y̓q̓ay̓mín   [q̓əy̓q̓ay̓mín, q̓iʔq̓ay̓mín] Morph: q̓y̓•q̓ay̓+mín. Etym: √q̓y̓. pencils.

Istem. Category: Rep, +min. q̓y̓q̓ay̓mín. Pencils. [nb26-36 007] See: q̓y̓mín.

q̓y̓q̓y̓ik   [q̓iʔq̓iʔík] Morph: q̓y̓•q̓y̓ik. Etym: √q̓y̓k. colts.

Istem. Category: Faun. See: q̓q̓y̓ik.

q̓y̓q̓y̓máyaʔ   [q̓iʔq̓əy̓máyaʔ] Morph: q̓y̓•q̓y̓+máyaʔ. Etym: √q̓y̓. to write unimportant things; to play at writing; to pretend to be writing.

Istem. kən q̓iʔq̓əy̓máyaʔ. I pretend I write. [dict] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓q̓y̓min   [q̓əy̓q̓əy̓mín] Morph: q̓y̓•q̓y̓+min. Etym: √q̓y̓. pens.

Istem. Category: +min. q̓əy̓q̓əy̓mín. Pens. [nb20.102] See: q̓y̓min.

q̓y̓q̓ʔik   [q̓iʔq̓ʔík] Morph: q̓y̓•q̓y̓k. Etym: √q̓y̓k. colts.

Istem. Category: Faun. See: q̓y̓q̓y̓ik.

q̓y̓úlaʔxʷm   Morph: q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ+m. Etym: √q̓y̓. to survey land; to mark the ground; to be allotted on the Reservation; to be an enrolled member.

Mstem. q̓əyúlaʔxʷəm. He is allotted, enrolled. [dict] Category: nMstem. ixíʔ púti lúti sq̓əy̓úlaʔxʷəmsəlx. That's before they surveyed the land. [AutPS 174] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓úlaʔxʷnt   Morph: q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ+nt. Etym: √q̓y̓. to survey land; to mark the ground; to be allotted on the Reservation; to be an enrolled member.

Tstem. Category: +nt. laʔkín y anx̌mínk akɬcítxʷ. cut iliʔ, ixíʔ uɬ q̓yúlaʔxʷs. "Where would you like your house?" He said, "Here," and so he marked the ground. See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓úlaʔxʷtn   [q̓əy̓úlaʔxʷtən] Morph: q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ+tn. Etym: √q̓y̓. allotment.

Istem. Category: +tn. ixíʔ təmxʷúlaʔxʷsəlx, aɬíʔ q̓əy̓úlaʔxʷtənsəlx. That's their land, their allotment. [AutPS 334] See: q̓y̓úlaʔxʷ.

q̓y̓us   [q̓iʔús] Morph: q̓y̓us. Etym: √q̓y̓. to copy.

Istem. kən scq̓iʔúsx. I am copying. [nb6.41] See: q̓y̓.

q̓y̓xit   Morph: q̓y̓+xit. Etym: √q̓y̓. to mark s.t.; to write s.t.

Tstem. Sp q̓ʔi-n-t-és he wrote it down; Cm q̓iy̓‑nt‑xʷ you write s.t.; Cr q̓ey̓ design, graphics, writing; Sh √q̓ey̓ to write, draw; Category: +xit. ixíʔ q̓əy̓xíts mat stim̓. She wrote something to him. [grlhd 071] kʷu cq̓əy̓xítxʷ kʷu c̓instxʷ. Write me and tell me what you said. [nb2524.3] haʔ wnixʷ nák̓ʷəm anwí kʷ ɬaʔ kscq̓áy̓ axáʔ, anwí kʷu q̓əy̓xítxʷ. askʷíst yaʔ cq̓ay̓. Is it true indeed you wrote this, you wrote it to me? Your name is written down. [dict]

q̓y̓xitm   Morph: q̓y̓+xit+m. Etym: √q̓y̓. to mark s.t.; to write s.t.

nTstem. Sp q̓ʔi-n-t-és he wrote it down; Cm q̓iy̓‑nt‑xʷ you write s.t.; Cr q̓ey̓ design, graphics, writing; Sh √q̓ey̓ to write, draw; Category: +xit+m. kʷ iksq̓əy̓xítəm. I owe you a written excuse. [dict]

q̓y̓xtwixʷ   [q̓iʔxtwíxʷ] Morph: q̓y̓+xt+wixʷ. Etym: √q̓y̓. a letter; writing to each other.

Istem. lútiʔ ksntəx̌ʷx̌ʷqíns mi wiʔstíxʷ ascq̓iʔxtwíxʷ You will finish your letter before noon. [newles 300] See: q̓y̓.

q̓ʕʷay   [q̓ʕʷay] Morph: q̓ʕʷay. Etym: √q̓ʕʷy. to travel.

Istem. See Sh √q̓ʕ - q̓ʕeʕ to move, eep going, to move slowly and heavily. uɬ ixíʔ mat k̓ʷənxásq̓ət sq̓ʕʷísəlx They traveled I don't know how many days. [lnxbdga 310] Category: Conf.

q̓ʔaʔ   [q̓əʔáʔ] Morph: q̓[ʔ]aʔ. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to be or get stuck.

Istem. Sp √q̓eʔ(é) pinched, squeezed, crowded; Cm q̓aʔ‑aʔ be stuck; Cr q̓áʔ+q̓aʔ+t bugaboo ...lit. a steady source of annoyance or concern; stuck stuck or stick stick; Sh √q̓eʔ put, stick into; add; Th ʔes/q̓eʔ stuck, lodged, wedged; Li q̓áʔ-xən to get caught on s.t. with one's foot. Category: Istem. q̓əʔáʔ. It got stuck. [nb21.144] kən q̓əʔáʔ. I got stuck. [nb21.144] See: q̓aʔ.

q̓ʔaʔnt   Morph: q̓[ʔ]aʔ+nt. Etym: √q̓ʔ. to stick s.t. in.

Tstem. Sp √q̓eʔ(é) pinched, squeezed, crowded; Cm q̓aʔ‑aʔ be stuck; Cr q̓áʔ+q̓aʔ+t bugaboo ...lit. a steady source of annoyance or concern; stuck stuck or stick stick; Sh √q̓eʔ put, stick into; add; Th ʔes/q̓eʔ stuck, lodged, wedged; Li q̓áʔ-xən to get caught on s.t. with one's foot. Category: +nt. q̓aʔntín. I stuck it in. [dict] See: q̓aʔ.

q̓ʔip   [q̓əʔíp] Morph: q̓ʔip. Etym: √q̓ʔ. s.t. stuck on the door.

Istem. q̓əʔíp. It's stuck on the door. [nb26-55 006] See: q̓aʔ.