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way̓ kʷ ikscaptíkʷɬtəm q̓sápiʔ axáʔ inxaʔcín {iʔ} iʔ cáwtsəlx
I am going to tell a story about my ancestors’ ways.
I am going to tell you a story about my ancestors’ ways long ago.
I am going to tell you a legend about my grandparents.
axáʔ {il} iʔ l scmrim, ɬaʔ ctaʔxʷɬtkəɬmílxʷ t̕əxʷ axáʔ iʔ sqəltmíxʷ
about marriage, when a man gets a woman
about marriage, when a woman gets a man
about marriage, when a man takes a man
about marriage, when a man wants to get a woman
kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ tkəɬmilxʷ məɬ taʔxʷsqəltmíxʷ
or a woman takes a man ...
or a man gets a woman
or this woman takes this man
kəm̓ axáʔ iʔ tkəɬmilxʷ məɬ taʔxʷsqəltmíxʷ
or a man takes a woman
or this woman takes this man
or a woman gets a man
uɬ aɬíʔ nak̓ʷáʔ pnicí uɬ ɬaʔ ksuyápix ksnkc̓x̌ʷíplaʔtən
At that time there were no white people, no laws.
At that time people had no laws
white people at that time had no laws
uɬ aɬíʔ xatmaʔsqílxʷ
That’s the new generation.
That's the future generation.
That’s real old timers.
uɬ nak̓ʷáʔ ckʷənɬq̓əy̓mínməlx a kaʔ cmríməlx, lut
They don't have a post office or a church.
They don’t take papers when they get married, no.
They need a licence when they get married.
way̓ t̕i kmix cənkʷənˑwíxʷəlx
They pick another one.
They choose only one.
It's just they picking one another.
iʔ ƛ̓ax̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp ia ilmíxʷəm a[xáʔ] i l sqʷəsqʷasíʔas[əlx]
The parents are the bosses of their children.
The elders' bosses pick their children.
The elders have their children.
uɬ caʔkʷ iwá xəƛ̓pspíntk uɬ niʕíp əck̓əɬpaʔx̌xítsəlx iʔ sqʷəsqʷasíʔas[əlx]
When they are not of age, they have to do their children's thinking.
And even if they are of age, they still have to think for their children.
Only if they are of age their parents don't do their children's thinking.