w̓ak̓   [uʔák̓] Morph: w̓[ʔ]ak̓. Etym: √w̓k̓. to be crisp dried.

Istem. uʔak̓. Crisp dried. [pd]

w̓aq̓   [uʔáq̓] Morph: w̓[ʔ]aq̓. Etym: √w̓q̓. to stay away; to disappear.

Istem. uʔaq̓. One stays away. [nb26-31 001] kən səcwaʔq̓míx. I'm staying clear, away. [nb26-31 003] uɬ ixíʔ wápupxən ixíʔ suʔáq̓s, uɬ lut t̓a nʔuɬxʷ. And Lynx did a disappearing act, he didn't go in. [nb2533.2]

w̓aq̓w̓q̓t   [w̓áq̓uq̓t] Morph: w̓aq̓•wq̓+t. Variant: w̓aʔq̓w̓q̓t. Etym: √wq̓. to be spooked.

Istem. Lit: didn't stay away. Category: +t. lut t̓ə uʔáq̓uʔq̓t (uʔáq̓) tə stim̓ skəm̓xíst, sqilxʷ. Bear wans't wild or anything, he was a person. [E93] See: w̓aq̓.

w̓aq̓w̓q̓tm   [uʔáq̓uʔq̓təm] Morph: w̓aq̓•w̓q̓+t+m. Etym: √w̓q̓. to stay away; to not show up.

Mstem. kən uʔáq̓uʔq̓təm iʔ tl isck̓ʷúl̕. I stay away from my job. [nb26-31 002] See: w̓aq̓w̓q̓t.

w̓ásaʔ   [w̓ásaʔ] Morph: w̓ásaʔ. Etym: √wsʔ. hypocoristic form of swaʔwásaʔ, sw̓aʔw̓ásaʔ; address form used by an individual for an aunt or an elderly woman.

Istem. Category: Kin, App.

w̓aw̓áh   [w̓aw̓áh] Morph: w̓a•w̓áh. Etym: √wh. to announce.

Istem. xʷuyx w̓aw̓áhx ksƛ̓aʔntísəlx mnímɬcəlx iʔ ksc̓íɬənsəlx. Go and announce they are going to fetch what they are going to eat! [bjmd 150] ixíʔ uɬ waʔwáʔm uɬ ixíʔ scuts. He hollered and he said... [Whal 072] See: wah.

w̓aw̓n̓x   [w̓áw̓ənx] Morph: w̓a•w̓n̓x. Etym: √wnx. to war dance.

Istem. Category: Dim. muˑˑt scw̓áw̓nxs. He was sitting there singing a war song. [Whal 491] xʷuy uɬ səp̓ntís iʔ ƛ̓əx̌ʷíc̓aʔs uɬ ixíʔ sw̓áˑˑw̓ənx. w̓áˑˑw̓ənx uɬ nkʷəníˑˑm. He went and beat the drum and war danced. War danced and sang. [lpb17] See: wanx.

w̓aʔq̓w̓q̓t   [uʔáʔq̓uq̓təm] Morph: w̓aʔq̓•w̓q̓+t. Variant: w̓aq̓w̓q̓t. Etym: √w̓q̓. to disappear.

Istem. Category: +t. uʔáq̓uq̓təm. He did a disppearing act. [nb26-31 013] uʔáq̓uq̓təm. He disappeared. [nb25-33 001] See: w̓aq̓.

w̓ícyaʔ   [w̓icyaʔ] Morph: w̓ícyaʔ. suffix of unclear meaning found in the following botanical terms:

lxAfx. Sp šet-pwícyeʔ cut grass. c̓p̓q̓əw̓ícyaʔ. Burweed. [TBK90] c̓əp̓c̓ap̓q̓əw̓ícyaʔ. Burweed, bedstraw. [TBK 134] xətxatpəw̓íciyaʔ. Cut grass. [TBK37]

w̓iɬ   [w̓iɬ] Morph: w̓iɬ. conveyance.

lxAfx. sɬəqw̓íɬ. Sailboat (w is preglottalized). [nb26-22 007] See: iwɬ; iwl.

w̓ítaʔ   [w̓ítaʔ] Morph: w̓ítaʔ. Etym: √wt. the youngest boy in the family (hypocoristic form of ttwit).

Istem. Category: Dim, App. w̓ítaʔ. Boy. [Comm] See: ttwit.

w̓íw̓aʔst   [w̓íw̓aʔst] Morph: w̓í•w̓aʔst. Etym: √ws. to be in a position a little high; a little hill.

Istem. Category: Dim. q̓sápiʔ kʷu ɬaʔ cxʷúyʔi, iʔ l ɬkʷkʷʕast məɬ tlaʔkín, axáʔ iʔ təl̕ w̓íw̓aʔst, iʔ sqilxʷ k̓amtíw̓s. Long time ago when we travel, in the early morning from somewhere, from that hill, a person will ride a horse. [mychildr 255] ixíʔ xʷuy iʔ t w̓íw̓aʔst. He went up a little hill. [coyeyes 071] sqiˑˑlts, təl̕ w̓íw̓aʔst uɬ taʔx̌ílsts, aláʔ ʕ̓ác̓əs way̓. He got on top, from above and did like that, he looked at her. [cogrzd 045] n̓u x̌lap kən píx̌əm, məɬ k̓əl w̓íw̓aʔst kən t̓ʕapám. Tomorrow I will hunt, and a little ways up the hill I'll shoot something. [nb2547.12] See: wist.

w̓íw̓aʔx   [w̓íw̓aʔx] Morph: w̓í•w̓aʔx. Etym: √wx. to dwell; a small dwelling; a small living space or place.

Istem. Category: Dim. k̓im cniɬc ilíʔ iʔ citxʷs cw̓íwaʔx. Only her little tipi is left. [LynxS 287] way̓ ilíʔ iʔ l tk̓k̓əmqsíɬaʔxʷ, ilíʔ cw̓íw̓aʔx, pəptwínaʔxʷ There was a little house all by itself, a little building, an old lady. [blkpg 032] See: wix.

w̓iw̓sxn̓   [w̓íw̓sxən̓] Morph: wi•w̓sxn̓. Etym: √ws. somewhat long; a bit longer.

Istem. Category: Dim. wísxən uɬ itlíʔ w̓íw̓sxən̓. Long and a little longer. [misc 122] lut t̓ sílxʷaʔ, way̓ kɬw̓íw̓sxən̓. It's not big, it's a little long. [su7q̓im 077] See: wisxn.

w̓l̕   [w̓l̕] Morph: w̓l̕. Etym: √w̓l̕. root with meaning "cover" on which several stems are formed. Category: Rt. See: w̓l̕qniltn; kw̓l̕ínaʔ; kw̓w̓línaʔ; kw̓l̕íc̓aʔ; kw̓l̕úpaʔs; kw̓w̓l̕úpaʔs.

w̓l̕al̕   [uʔl̕ál̕] Morph: w̓l̕•al̕. Variant: wlal. Etym: √wl. to have tipped over; to get tipped over.

Istem. Category: C2Inch. kən uʔl̕ál̕. I tipped over. [nb26-30 008] See: nw̓lal.

w̓l̕qniltn   [ulqníltən] Morph: w̓l̕qnilt+n. Variant: wlqniltn. Etym: √w̓l̕. lid.

Istem. Category: +tn. ulqníltən. Lid. [nb18129.6] See: w̓l̕.

w̓q̓im   [uʔq̓ím] Morph: w̓q̓im. Etym: √w̓q̓m. moonlight.

Istem. kʷu cus way̓ kʷu ɬaʔ cuʔq̓ím. He told me, we have moonlight. [HnTrp 284] See: sw̓q̓im.

w̓rislp̓m   [ur̓ísəlp̓əm] Morph: w̓rislp̓+m. Variant: w̓r̓islp̓m. Etym: √wr̓. to start a fire.

Mstem. uɬ maɬ xʷúsxʷəst ɬə ksur̓ísəlp̓əms. It's too quick to have started the fire. [GDd1 338] See: wr.

w̓r̓islp̓m   [uʔr̓ísəlp̓əm] Morph: w̓r̓islp̓+m. Variant: w̓rislp̓m. Etym: √wr̓. to make or start a fire.

Mstem. way̓ ixíʔ ksx̌əlpínaʔ uʔr̓ísəlp̓əm. Daylight came upon them and she made a fire. [bjmd 026] See: wr.

w̓s   [uʔs, əw̓s] Morph: w̓s. Variant: iw̓s; aʕw̓s; aw̓s; w̓s; íw̓aʔs. middle, halfway, midway.

lxAfx. c̓íɬpuʔsqən. Cold lips. [nb26-01A 001] nɣípuʔs. Center pole. [dict] sk̓əluʔsáɬq. Chokecherry. [dict] klaʕ̓w̓scútən. Button, fastener. [nb23 239] ɬəc̓c̓uʔsnúnəm. To hit s.o. accidentally with a rope or switch. [nb26-62 007] ɬqʷmuʔscút. To hang oneself over a rail. [nb26-09 006] miyw̓s. Midway, halfway. [dict] cənmáʕyuʔs. Laying across over a furrow. [nb25-56 004] ník̓uʔsəm. To cut (the bundles). [AutPS 212] ṇpanw̓scút. Bucking horse. [dict] cqəw̓scín. To interject in a conversation. [nb25-27 001] txəmˑuʔsákaʔst. To have one in each hand. [dict] ṇxáruʔs. Curtain. [dict] ṇxʷúk̓ʷuʔs. There be no weeds. [dict] k̓amtuʔsímən. To like riding. [dict] kɬʔəx̌lx̌ləw̓sílxʷ. To be well matched. [dict]

w̓salqʷ   [uʔsálqʷ] Morph: w̓salqʷ. Etym: √my. midway up a tree or s.t. cylindrical.

lxAfx. m̓yw̓sálqʷ. Half-way up the twigs. [dict] See: w̓s; alqʷ.

w̓sáyaʔqn   [uʔsáyaʔqən] Morph: w̓sáyaʔqn. lexical suffix sequence in the following form:

lxAfx. sɬəmnuʔsáyaʔqən. Woman's name. [dict] See: w̓s; áyaʔ; qn.

w̓sáyaʔqn   [uʔsáyaʔqən] Morph: w̓sáyaʔqn ? Etym: √sɬ ?. lexical suffix in the following form: sɬəmnuʔsáyaʔqən. Woman's name. [dict]

w̓scin   [uʔscín] Morph: w̓scin. lexical suffix sequence in the following form.

lxAfx. Lit: object across edge; mouth nmaʕtw̓scín Place name. [BK368] See: w̓s; cin.

w̓sikn̓   [uʔsíkən̓] Morph: w̓sikn̓. the middle.

lxAfx. miw̓síkən. The middle of a mountain. [pd09] nmiw̓síkn̓. The middle of a place (a hill, a body of water...). [dict] See: w̓s; ikn̓.

w̓silxʷ   [uʔsílxʷ] Morph: w̓silxʷ. Etym: w̓silxʷ. a matched coat.

lxAfx. kɬʔax̌əx̌luʔsílxʷ. Well matched. [GDd2 680] See: w̓s; ilxʷ.

w̓skn̓aqs   [uʔskn̓áqs] Morph: w̓skn̓aqs. nose.

lxAfx. sp̓p̓w̓skn̓aqs. To be hit on the nose. [OkB] See: w̓s; kn̓; aqs.

w̓sn̓cut   [uʔsən̓cút] Morph: w̓s+n̓cút. Etym: √ws. to be proud.

Istem. Category: +ncut. w̓əsn̓cút. Proud. [dict] See: wis.

w̓sqn   [uʔsqən] Morph: w̓sqn. lip; head.

lxAfx. npáx̌uʔsqən. Shaved head. [mychildr 088] c̓íɬpuʔsqən. Cold lips. [nb26-01A 001] cíxpuʔsqən. Warm lips. [nb26-01A 002] k̓ʷíwˑpuʔsqən. Puckered lip. [nb26-10 018] t̓íxpuʔsqən. Puckered lip, flared out lip. [nb26-10 019] See: w̓s; qn.

w̓súlaʔxʷ   [uʔsúlaʔxʷ] Morph: w̓súlaʔxʷ. halfway; midway on the ground.

lxAfx. m̓yw̓súlaʔxʷ. Half way. [dict] See: w̓s; úlaʔxʷ.

w̓sus   [w̓sus] Morph: w̓sus. the middle of the face.

lxAfx. t̓əquʔsúsəntəm. To slap s.o. in the face. [nb26-54 038] ɬəc̓c̓uʔsús. To be hit on the face with a switch. [nb26-62 002] ɬəc̓c̓uʔsúsntəm. To hit s.o. on the face with a switch. [nb26-62 003] sp̓uʔsúsəntəm. To hit s.o. on the face with a big stick. [nb26-62 006] See: w̓s; us.

w̓wiq̓   [uʔwíq̓] Morph: w̓•wiq̓. Etym: √wq̓. to be wide awake.

Istem. Category: Dim. w̓wiq̓. Awake. [pd]

w̓w̓iɬw̓ɬ   [uʔwíɬwəɬ] Morph: w̓•w̓iɬ•w̓ɬ. Etym: √w̓ɬ. w̓w̓iɬw̓ɬ: unidentified bird.

Istem. Category: Faun. w̓w̓íɬw̓ɬ. Unidentified bird. [E5]

w̓w̓im̓   [uʔw̓im̓] Morph: w̓•w̓im̓. Etym: wm. in vain.

pcl. uʔw̓im̓ m̓aʔm̓ís uɬ. He tried to discourage him. [GDd1 228] See: wim̓.

w̓xʷilxqn   [uʔxʷílxqən.] Morph: w̓xʷilxqn. Etym: √wxʷ. a big buck.

Istem. Category: Faun. uʔxʷílxqən. The biggest buck (it is bad luck to shoot it). [nb26-59 008]

w̓x̌tílaʔt   [uʔx̌tílaʔt] Morph: w̓x̌tílaʔt. Variant: wx̌tílaʔt. Etym: √wx̌t. newborn; baby.

Istem. Category: Dim. way̓ t̓əxʷ iwá kəm̓ sknəqsəltílaʔttət, uɬ qʷən̓cín ʔuʔx̌tílaʔt. He's the only child we got left, and it's a pity he's just a baby. [dict] uʔx̌tílaʔtət. Our baby. [nb9a 085] See: wx̌tílaʔt.

w̓x̌w̓áx̌iɬp   [w̓x̌w̓áx̌iɬp] Morph: wx•̌wáx̌iɬp. Etym: √wx̌. Variant: wx̌wáx̌iɬp; w̓x̌w̓áx̌iʔɬp. 1 • w̓x̌w̓áx̌iɬp: Dick Creek (named after "Whiskey Dick," a Sanpoil Indian). Lit: mock-orange bush

Istem. Category: Geog.

2 • Istem. w̓x̌w̓áx̌iɬp: the area on both sides of the former creek mouth where mock-orange bushes were plentiful.

Istem. Category: Geog. w̓x̌w̓áx̌iɬp Place name. [BK40]

w̓x̌w̓x̌tílaʔt   [ʔux̌ʔux̌tílaʔt] Morph: w̓x̌•w̓x̌tílaʔt. Variant: w̓x̌w̓x̌x̌tílaʔt. Etym: √w̓x̌t. babies.

Istem. Category: Dim. xʷúywy, cəm̓ ṇsp̓íliʔɬmən, km̓aʔ ʔux̌ʔux̌tílaʔt ikɬkƛ̓aʔncútṇ, kʷaʔ kən sílxʷaʔ kən ylmíxʷəm. Go away, or I'll club you, it's not babies who should come after me, why, I am a big chief. [dict] See: w̓x̌tílaʔt.

w̓x̌w̓x̌x̌tílaʔt   [ʔux̌ʔux̌x̌tílaʔt] Morph: w̓x̌•w̓x̌•x̌•tílaʔt. Variant: w̓x̌w̓x̌tílaʔt. Etym: √w̓x̌t. babies.

Istem. Category: Dim. km̓a [a]xáʔ ʔux̌ʔux̌x̌tílaʔt atáʔ i p ikɬkƛ̓aʔncútən. It's not babies I want to come after me. [Whal 442] See: w̓x̌w̓x̌tílaʔt.